Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte — Complete. Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4057664187635
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of the fort of Aboukir, and

       of a redoubt placed behind the village of that name which ought to

       have been put into a state of defence six months before, but had

       been completely neglected.

       "The Turks had nearly destroyed the weak garrisons that occupied

       those two military points when General Marmont (who commanded at

       Alexandria) came to their relief. This general, seeing the two

       posts in the power of the Turks, returned to shut himself up in

       Alexandria, where he would probably have been blockaded by the

       Turkish army had it not been for the arrival of General Bonaparte

       with his forces, who was very angry when he saw that the fort and

       redoubt had been taken; but he did not blame Marmont for retreating

       to Alexandria with the forces at his disposal.

       "General Bonaparte arrived at midnight with his guides and the

       remaining part of his army, and ordered the Turks to be attacked the

       next morning. In this battle, as in the preceding ones, the attack,

       the encounter, and the rout were occurrences of a moment, and the

       result of a single movement on the part of our troops. The whole

       Turkish army plunged into the sea to regain its ships, leaving

       behind them everything they had brought on shore.

       "Whilst this event was occurring on the seashore a pasha had left

       the field of battle with a corps of about 3000 men in order to throw

       himself into the fort of Aboukir. They soon felt the extremities

       of thirst, which compelled them, after the lapse of a few days, to

       surrender unconditionally to General Menou, who was left to close

       the operations connected with the recently defeated Turkish army."]

      After the battle, which took place on the 25th of July, Bonaparte sent a flag of truce on board the English Admiral's ship. Our intercourse was full of politeness, such as might be expected in the communications of the people of two civilised nations. The English Admiral gave the flag of truce some presents in exchange for some we sent, and likewise a copy of the French Gazette of Frankfort, dated 10th of June 1799. For ten months we had received no news from France. Bonaparte glanced over this journal with an eagerness which may easily be conceived.

      —[The French, on their return from St. Jean d'Acre were totally

       ignorant of all that had taken place in Europe for several months.

       Napoleon, eager to obtain intelligence, sent a flag of truce on

       board the Turkish admiral's ship, under the pretence of treating for

       the ransom of the prisoners taken at Aboukir, not doubting but the

       envoy would be stopped by Sir Sidney Smith, who carefully prevented

       all direct communication between the French and the Turks.

       Accordingly the French flag of truce received directions from Sir

       Sidney to go on board his ship. He experienced the handsomest

       treatment; and the English commander having, among other things,

       ascertained that the disasters of Italy were quite unknown to

       Napoleon, indulged in the malicious pleasure of sending him a file

       of newspapers. Napoleon spent the whole night in his tent perusing

       the papers; and he came to the determination of immediately

       proceeding to Europe to repair the disasters of France; and if

       possible, to save her from destruction (Memorial de Sainte Helene)].

      "Heavens!" said he to me, "my presentiment is verified: the fools have lost Italy. All the fruits of our victories are gone! I must leave Egypt!"

      He sent for Berthier, to whom he communicated the news, adding that things were going on very badly in France—that he wished to return home—that he (Berthier) should go along with him, and that, for the present, only he, Gantheaume, and I were in the secret. He recommended Berthier to be prudent, not to betray any symptoms of joy, nor to purchase or sell anything, and concluded by assuring him that he depended on him. "I can answer," said he, "for myself and for Bourrienne." Berthier promised to be secret, and he kept his word. He had had enough of Egypt, and he so ardently longed to return to France, that there was little reason to fear he would disappoint himself by any indiscretion.

      Gantheaume arrived, and Bonaparte gave him orders to fit out the two frigates, the 'Muiron' and the 'Carrère', and the two small vessels, the 'Revanche' and the 'Fortune', with a two months' supply of provisions for from four to five hundred men. He enjoined his secrecy as to the object of these preparations, and desired him to act with such circumspection that the English cruisers might have no knowledge of what was going on. He afterwards arranged with Gantheaume the course he wished to take. No details escaped his attention.

      Bonaparte concealed his preparations with much care, but still some vague rumours crept abroad. General Dugua, the commandant of Cairo, whom he had just left for the purpose of embarking, wrote to him on the 18th of August to the following effect:

      I have this moment heard that it is reported at the Institute you

       are about to return to France, taking with you Monge, Berthollet,

       Berthier, Lannes, and Murat. This news has spread like lightning

       through the city, and I should not be at all surprised if it produce

       an unfavourable effect, which, however, I hope you will obviate.

      Bonaparte embarked five days after the receipt of Dugua's letter, and, as may be supposed, without replying to it.

      On the 18th of August he wrote to the divan of Cairo as follows:

      I set out to-morrow for Menouf, whence I intend to make various

       excursions in the Delta, in order that I may myself witness the acts

       of oppression which are committed there, and acquire some knowledge

       of the people.

      He told the army but half the truth:

      The news from Europe (said he) has determined me to proceed to

       France. I leave the command of the army to General Kléber. The

       army shall hear from me forthwith. At present I can say no more.

       It costs me much pain to quit troops to whom I am so strongly

       attached. But my absence will be but temporary, and the general I

       leave in command has the confidence of the Government as well as


      I have now shown the true cause of General Bonaparte's departure for Europe. This circumstance, in itself perfectly natural, has been the subject of the most ridiculous conjectures to those who always wish to assign extraordinary causes for simple events. There is no truth whatever in the assertion of his having planned his departure before the battle of Aboukir. Such an idea never crossed his mind. He had no thought whatever of his departure for France when he made the journey to the Pyramids, nor even when he received the news of the landing of the Anglo-Turkish force.

      At the end of December 1798 Bonaparte thus wrote to the Directory: "We are without any news from France. No courier has arrived since the month of June."

      Some writers have stated that we received news by the way of Tunis, Algiers, or Morocco; but there is no contradicting a positive fact. At that period I had been with Bonaparte more than two years, and during that time not a single despatch on any