Nature's Demand THINGS FOR MAN AND NOT MAN FOR THINGS! Whoever realizes this Truth cannot want. All NATURE wants him, is constantly bidding for him, and even lying in wait for him.
Opportunities are ever present for man to use. Power and things which represent power are at all times present for his unfolding into consciousness of himself as Being; as a child of Infinite wisdom. The constant enlargement of this consciousness causes a constant change of mental attitude, so that man learns to use opportunities and conditions instead of being used by them.
Worth of Man When once an individual has reached this consciousness of himself, he realizes the value of Emerson's admonition:—"Let a man know his worth and keep things under his feet. Let him not peep or steal, or skulk up and down like a charity-boy, a bastard, or an interloper, in the world which exists for him." He will know that all that is, is for the unfolding into consciousness of the embryo god which he is.
Following the Ideal He will follow in love his Ideal, and there will constantly open fields of activity that want him. There will constantly be more power asking him to harness it. In radium he is finding now only the promise of future knowledge, a vaster use. Power is an atmosphere that cannot he limited or lessened. In consciousness of himself as Power-to-use-power, man will not seek to possess things, but will learn to use things. Thus will the Law be fulfilled—"Seek first the kingdom, then will things be added!"'
No Life Waste This truth perceived, man will not waste life in hoarding and clinging to things. Each day he will use, in love, everything that is his to use and thus will develop his power to draw other things that want him to use them. He will gradually unfold the ability to see and improve the incessant opportunities that force themselves upon him. He will come to know that nature wants his thought and love to help her express her latent forces, which are merely waiting for the hand of man to loose for his use. Nothing has value save that which adds to man's health, happiness or usefulness. Said James Freeman Clarke, 'Nature writes upon all her works 'Service to Man!' "
Inventions The power of the inventions of Watt, Stephenson, Edison and Langly to revolutionize civilization is small compared with the transforming power flowing through the mental attitude expressed in the Thought: "Things want me!" "Dollars want me!" ''Nature wants me."' ''God wants me!"
Power of Truth Every new perception of Truth causes changes in every line of thought and endeavor. Not an avenue of human expression but was changed by Copernicus, and by Darwin, Wallace and Spencer. The Truth that Man is WANTED will work a greater advancement in spiritual welfare than these perceptions of scientist and philosopher have wrought in material and intellectual good.
Universal Principle THE PRINCIPLE IS UNIVERSAL. Man must entirely reverse his attitude toward Nature, himself, and things. He must recognize that, as the crowning expression of Infinite Power, he is to accept his place as the ruler and he is to exercise dominion over all things. He must affirm: "The world exists for me. It is for my use. It has no other use than to minister to me. Without me there is no purpose, no ultimate in Nature."
Social Change There can never be a happy and equitable condition in society until the present attitude of "want" is changed. Whenever the race, shall affirm, 'Things want me!'' then the millennium will be near. Man will then see that he is infinite in his possibilities; that time and things are simply the means by which he comes into consciousness of his own divinity and immortality. That change comes to each individual when he learns to affirm in Truth: "I possess!" in place of, as he now says: "I Want!"; ''Dollars want me!" in place of "I want dollars!"
Great is This Change This Change is so great that when proposed to the average man he no more sees the Principle and its import than would the boy by Franklin's side have understood him, had Franklin said that the lightning which he was drawing from the sky would run streetcars and drive automobiles and aeroplanes. ''Dollars want me" will work a no less marvelous change in the world's social life.
Criticism I am aware that the principles of this little book are an easy mark for the humorous or satirical pen of the superficial critic. Plain as my point of view is, the blind critic can easily miss it. And the point of view is all important.
The Position of the Book I affirm the infinite possibilities of the human soul. I have faith in man as power to overcome all limitations and to realize that he is able, through expressing his divinity, to have dominion over all nature. He will have this as fast as he learns his power. I affirm that there is but One Power, One Mind. All phenomena are but a manifestation of that One. The Self-Conscious manifestation of that Mind—Man—because he is Self-Conscious, has power to command obedience from all that is not self-conscious, to command all that is not himself. Money, being a part of All and also being a creation of Human Thought, is subject to Human will. All this my critic may not accept, and consequently he will look from the Old Thought point of view. Having no Thought in common, he cannot agree with me.
Work and Practice Do you wish to know the truth of these principles? Practice them and await results. The final test is always "By their fruits ye shall know them." Practice is necessary. No ideal can be reached without great effort. Your desire must be accompanied by earnest work. Indolence will never draw. The magnet works or it would not draw the needle. Thought is work. Concentration and will and effort are necessary.
Plan and Stick Accept the Principle and then, as the architect plans and concentrates on his work till his house rises complete, for otherwise it would be a medley, so one must build an ideal of opulence and stick to it, no matter what comes, until he actualizes his Ideal in the objective. It is no easy task to develop the faith that moves dollars. But it is easier than to endure the poverty. Let one be as persistent in thinking- and declaring "I am rich!" as he has been in declaring- "I am poor" : let him with equal persistency say, ''I have dollars!" as he has been saying: "I want dollars!" I will promise him that he will grow into that mental attitude of perception that will see and take advantage of opportunities to earn the dollars that lie all about him now unperceived. No man can do his best under the thought of poverty, under a thought of want. Knowing his ability, the workman does his best. Under fear, doubt, mistrust he can never do good work. "The poor workman quarrels with his tools!" The good workman knows he has the power and uses to best advantage his tools.
It is always the mental attitude that determines success. Let that attitude be: "Business wants me!"
An instance of Success A gentleman in mv class in Boston who furnished a noon luncheon to hundreds said: "Mr. Brown, I don't understand how dollars want me!" "Why did you select that location for your business?" I asked. "Because it was in the center of the business district and there was opportunity for me!" he answered. "Surely," said I. "You have answered my question. You went there because business called you. Business wanted you. You said, 'Men want dinners and I go to furnish them.' ' He saw the point, applied it, and thinking thereafter, ''Men want dinners!" drew men and increased his business. We radiate a mental atmosphere that is sensed and is potent. He who says, "I want your dollars!" repels you. lie who says, "You want my goods and I am glad to serve you!" draws business.
Rockefeller When you realize the power of Mind through concentration and right thinking you will see that the great financiers each unconsciously applied the Law which this book teaches. I have this instance from some "Reminiscences" which Mr. Rockefeller has published:—"As our success began I seldom put my head upon the pillow at night without speaking a few words to myself in this wise, 'Now a little success; soon you will fall down; soon you will be overthrown. Because you think you are quite a merchant; look out, or you will lose your head—go steady!' These intimate conversations with myself I am sure had a great influence in my life. I was afraid I could not stand prosperity and I tried to teach myself not to get puffed up with any foolish notions."