HENRY HARRISON BROWN Premium Collection: Dollars Want Me + Concentration: The Road To Success + How To Control Fate Through Suggestion + The Call Of The Twentieth Century + The New Emancipation. Henry Harrison Brown. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Henry Harrison Brown
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Сделай Сам
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9788075832948
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Substance, shall find objective expression in more glorious cities than that in the vision of John the revelator.

      "My Father worketh hitherto, and I work." Principles are eternal. As God builds so I, his son, build. I have but to know my power. The twentieth century calls upon Man to Know himself as the bodying forth of God, and to live, act and create as God acts and creates, and thus to leave behind him the animal and to be indeed the God he is. Out of the centaur the Human will be completely born when the next century makes its call. Now it is a call to Man to come forth and no longer as part beast struggle with environment that belongs to brute, but to cast off the swaddling clothes of creative power and as Man rule in the world made for him until he learns his power to build a better for himself.

      Ideas are centers in the Absolute Energy. Like all centers, they rotate till they condense Infinite Substance, so as to be visible to objective vision. Ideas control the world. They are the only world in which men live. I am that which I think I am, because I think in ideas, and the ideal controls my expression. Thus ideas take form. Just as the astronomer tells what he sees, and reasons there from, so I tell what I see, and state all my deductions from facts.

      One of "NOW" Folk is the most remarkable telepathist of whom I have known. I chose a blank card from a lot of similar ones. A friend made a private mark upon one side. I then held it with the unmarked side before my friend and asked him to see upon it the photograph of a certain person. At last he said. "I see him." He created the picture there through concentration. The card was then shuffled with twenty others, and the pack was placed in his hand, with the request that lie pick out the photograph. He did so. He did many times. This card has been kept by strangers for months and then placed among others so like itself that no one could distinguish it, and picked out because he saw the face upon it. He mentally photographed a picture upon a card, and this card was shuffled with many others and placed in the hands of another sensitive, who found it without difficulty. When asked to draw the outline of the picture upon it pith pencil, he traced exactly the outline the first had photographed.

      This demonstrates the permanency of thought-forms, and shows that we have in our thought creative power. This is the Franklin kite of Thought creation, and when the century closes we shall know how to make these forms more distinctly materialized without the basis of so-called matter upon which to build, or we shall so refine our bodies that they will be one with the more ethereal forms of our so-called imagination, but which are indeed the real forms in the real Human life.

      I have in these mind-created pictures a prophecy of the coming man, who will see without eyes and hear without ears and communicate without visible means—the Man who has through belief begun to live the Eternal Life here and now.

      Already we reflect in body our mental pictures of health or disease. The world is only our larger body mastery of physical body leads to the mastery of the larger body, termed environment. Where shall I, a center in the One, stop? I am limitless. "He that believeth shall be saved." All Affirmations fall off the mind of an unbeliever as hailstones from a battleship. We are either God's children or we are not. If not, then I am limited. If we are, then we are as limitless as God himself, and, no matter what we sincerely desire, it is done by us, and unto us, in the objective life by the life that has Its Being in us.

      I am a Thought, an Idea of God, and that Idea is perfect even as my Father is perfect. I am subjectively perfect, and that perfection is unfolding itself into objective expression. All eternity will be required for the expression of that perfection which I am. I am an immortal child of God, and am NOW living the one only life of man, that of Self Consciousness, and I am coming each clay more into the realization of myself as Love and Law.

      Life from itself has builded in me an organism, and has thus become aware of its Self-creative power. If I can materialize flesh, the highest possible vibration in so-called matter, I can create any of the lesser forms. I am the ultimate of Evolution for my body allows perfect expression of my thought. As a Human Soul, through incarnation, I am expressing daily my perception of God, and as he creates in the sub-conscious my body and its environment, I am learning, by seeing Him work, how to become myself the creator of environment at will.

      Millions are today healed by thought. Assisted by the thought of others, they are building bodies to their ideal of health, and bringing environment into their Ideals of beauty and completeness.

      Under the Law of Absolute creation I have unconsciously builded my body. Now, under the Law of Individual special creation, I have rebuilt to my will. The call is still, "Come higher and become conscious creator of environment." Not from wood and stone is one to build, but from Myself, just as I have builded my body from myself. Man has made the wilderness to blossom by imitating the process of his Father. Now, when I learn my powers, I have but to speak the word and my servant is healed, and the desert blooms. The waters flow and the rose blossoms, not because man irrigates, but because Man thinks. No matter, O Man, what your desires, think long enough, think strong enough, think with faith enough, and the tree shall be removed from its place and be planted at thy command, for "the Son of Man hath power on earth to forgive sins" and to straighten out the crooked ways of nature by the same Thought-force that mad nature.

      Since I am as I think I am, I have heretofore lived the slave of conditions and subject of environment because God and I were two. But now, no longer separated, the prodigal has arisen and come home to the Father and in Unity found Power, and in this realization has conquered disease and death. and, chanting "I and my Father are one," he has taken heaven by violence and, planting its Love and Truth upon earth, made all the promised heaven here and now.

      Thus the new Thought comes as the long sought and promised Savior. He always was here. His name is, I Am! Am what? Whatever I think I am! This savior comes through Affirmation to redeem the world. It comes to a materialized civilization to spiritualize it! It comes to a cold and lifeless church to bring the Living Christ. It comes to an era of frenzied finance, to a money-mad people to bring it sanity! It comes to an industrial life that grinds flesh and blood into bonds and stocks, with the vitalizing power of Brotherhood, and binds employer and employed, capital and labor, into one common bond of Truth and Love.

      It comes to selfish social conditions to harmonize them, and to our home relations to purify them through a love that has outgrown sex and left us free from the lusts of the flesh and ushered in the purity of the spirit.

      The New Thought is new inasmuch as it is the first time in Human history that Man, as his own and present Savior, has proclaimed: I AM GOD MANIFEST, AND AS GOD I LIVE!

      He now Affirms: I am power! I am Truth! I am Love! I am creator! I am the kingdom of Heaven! I am life! I am the immortal life and the Heaven, Hell and Death I created with Matter, and all Evil I now destroy, and I proclaim: I AM SPIRIT! I live the kingdom of heaven here and now!

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