Poles of Thought Having acquired the proper mental attitude, there is something necessary for you to do to draw the Dollar. Your magnet of desire must have two poles. First, you must have something- which the world needs and is willing to pay for. In this respect you must follow the law of supply and demand. You must honestly feel that you will give the Dollar's worth for every Dollar that you desire. Secondly, you must, in all sincerity, dedicate every Dollar that comes to you to noble service. You can then feel that Dollars want you; that through them you can give what you have of value to the world. Feel that Dollars wish you to use them for the accomplishment of your purpose to use them justly. With this ideal, you can conscientiously invite Dollars and they will come. They need your heart, brain and hand that they may benefit the world.
What are Dollars? Dollars are manifestations of the One Infinite Substance as you are, but, unlike you, they are not Self-Conscious. They have no power till you give them power. Make them feel this through your thought-vibrations as you feel the importance of your work. They will then come to you to be used. They will not come, nor can you in this Thought draw them, to be hoarded. Use, Helpfulness and Happiness must be in your thought of Success. This held firmly, perseveringly, as your Affirmation, will turn the current of Dollars your way.
What to Think Your thought should be: I possess that which the world wants. Dollars want me to use them in scattering that which I have to bless. Use these Affirmations persistently:— DOLLARS LOVE ME. DOLLARS WANT ME. I AM READY TO USE DOLLARS AND THEY FREELY COME TO ME TO BE USED. Make no limit as to the amount. Claim abundance. CLAIM ALL YOU CAN USE FOR GOOD, all that is needed to enable you to be useful and happy. ABUNDANT SUPPLY, be your demand.
Time A Factor
In all your Self-Culture, you are to remember that time is a necessary factor in unfoldment. It is not a measure of duration. This mistake of measuring time by the figures on a dial, will never do in this culture. Time is to be measured by growth. Some may grow more while the hands count twenty-four hours than others in ten times that. Take no thought of time. You have all there is.
You are Spirit (or Mind, if you prefer the word) and have all eternity. Seeds require time to germinate, grow, leaf, bud, bloom, blossom and fruit. Each thought, each change in your ideal, is a seed. It will follow nature's line of evolution.
You will require time as you change your attitude! A period will be required to change your vibrations so that the Dollar will feel you and learn that it wants you. This period will vary according to your power of concentration and your fidelity to your ideal as couched in the Affirmation: Dollars want me. The thought-field is first to be cleared of the weeds of the old thought-sowing and the seeds of the new must germinate and bear fruit in the garden of Supply.
Forget the Past Pay no attention to the old conditions. Keep at your Affirmation, knowing that it is the gate to the reservoir and every irrigating ditch will fill as soon as water can come down from the reservoir to it.
"I Want!" The echo, "I want dollars," must become still before the real sound of Dollars want vie can vibrate in your aura. Know, as the merchant knows that he has that which the people want, that you have that which Dollars want. In your thought, in your hand, in your life, advertise your purpose to the Dollar. Tell it that it wants all these; that without you, it has no power; that, without you, it can do nothing. Tell it that all that it wants, you have ; that it will come to you that it may accomplish its mission. Then like a patient merchant, wait for your customers.
Dollars will soon flock, as do customers to a "bargain" counter. The "Want column" has attracted them. Use here only the same common-sense, perseverance and patience the successful business man uses and Dollars will find their wants supplied in you, and you will find Supply.
Fundamental Considerations
Consciousness of Want "God hid the whole world in thy heart," says Emerson. This fact man has been long in perceiving. From cave-man to twentieth century millionaire the propelling force has been a consciousness of lack. "I want food," said primitive man. This drove him to activity and led to his unfoldment, for it awakened in him a consciousness of his ability to supply that want. It led him to recognize the fact that food already existed. He did not, however, reach our higher viewpoint.
Neither has the twentieth century millionaire reached it, for he still shares that primeval ignorance and says, "I want Dollars." This little book is a call to him to leave that primeval attitude and come up onto this higher plane where he will hear the World's work calling to him—"I want you."
Necessity the Spur of Unfoldment In the development of man necessity has been a big incentive. Necessity has driven the wheels of progress. Animals also feel the spur of necessity. But there is in man a plus —the imagination, a psychic quality, which has been a stronger factor in his development than has been animal necessity. This power of imagination differentiates him from the animal, lifts him above the animal plane and makes him man.
The Ideal It was imagination that led caveman to paint his face and to carve pictures on bones. The Ideal, ''The haunting dream of the Better," floating before him, has lured him on to thought and action. From the animal matrix the power of the Ideal drew forth the human. Necessity drives; the Ideal draws. As the Ideal develops so does its power to draw develop. When Man in his unfoldment shall have left the animal entirely behind, he will know no necessity, but will in all ways live from the ideal.
Then there will be neither necessity nor want. Brutes want; Man has.
Human Possibility The Human Soul possesses potentially all possible power. Like heat in coal, this Power in man waits for expression. Power in coal or steam waits for opportunity for expression, but Man makes his opportunity.
Power Needs Man As fast as Man learns that the power in coal, electricity or radium waits for him to use it, he puts them to use, and learns that from all eternity they have waited for the Thought necessary to direct them in work for him.
All Things Await Man's Thought All progress is but a change of mental attitude toward conditions that exist. "A weed is a plant man does not know the use of," says Emerson. So the condition, whatever it be, that is today untoward, when Man knows how to use it, will be found favorable. There are millions of weeds waiting for Man to learn their use. Weeds want man. They will tell their secret to the listening ear. "Weeds as well as roses live for our happiness."
The Ideal Leads to Discoveries Desire for something new led man to find coloring matter in what were useless weeds; to find food in others and in others clothing and building material. Plants, minerals and unknown forces are still waiting for man to use them. Man is ever to think: "NEW FORCES want me!"
Love of the Ideal Love-for-the-ideal leads to desire. Desire leads to action, action converts untoward conditions into the actual ideal. In the old thought Man was controlled by "want." He was ignorant of his place and power in Nature. In this thought of want he labored. Ave, even in his religious life, he wrought in the want of heaven. But the fact is, heaven holds out rewards for man, because it wants him.
Want is a Lack of Manhood Want is born from the non-intelligence of the brute which Man has not yet outgrown. The individual, conscious of his power, does not want. He knows that whatever is needed for his health, happiness and unfoldment already is. All he needs to know is where and how to get it. The Psalmist said in a most matter-of-fact way: "The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want!" Why? Because