EL-Method. Tony Gaschler. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Tony Gaschler
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Сделай Сам
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9783936612677
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American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition defines the term as follows: “An intense mental state that arises subjectively rather than through conscious effort and is often accompanied by physiological changes…” And this already clearly defines the essence of our basic term: EMOTION = AN INTENSE MENTAL STATE. However, since the entire success of the EL Method depends on understanding this basic term completely we want to examine the term in a bit more detail. The word EMOTION split into its two primary meanings: E and MOTION. With E = internal and MOTION = movement. This means an emotion is an internal feeling, a movement of our feelings. The following are related terms: Motive = Reason / Motility = Of or relating to mental imagery / Motor = Drive An EMOTION is something that moves an individual internally. A feeling, a moving experience, a moving excitement, a stimulating trigger, a stimulating arousal, an internally moving imagery, mental agitation and disturbance - all of this can be applied to the basic term EMOTION. Everything that moves and excites us internally and affects our feelings and sensibilities can be termed an EMOTION. Here are the interpretations of a few idioms to illustrate this point further.

      Compare the following interpretations:

       “I was moved”

       “I was emotional. The speech moved me”

       “The speech triggered emotions. He spoke with a moving voice”

       “He spoke emotionalizing”

       “She spoke with much feeling”

       “She expressed herself emotionally”

       “She was shaken by the news (very moved)”

       “She experienced severe emotions upon hearing the news”

       “He was excited”

       “He was emotionally charged. He was joyful”

       “He experienced the emotion of joy”

       “The speech causes much excitement among the listeners”

       “The speech caused the listeners to experience many emotions”

       “He was speechless from anger”

       “Severe emotions prevented him from speaking”

       “Fright paralyzed her”

       “The emotion of fright prevented her from moving her limbs”

       “He was so filled with joy he started to dance”

       “The emotion of joy made him dance”

       “Rage turned his face red as a tomato”

       “The emotion of rage turned his face red”

       “He shook all over because of his anger”

       “The emotion of anger made his body shake”

       “With new hope surging through his body, he breathed a sigh of relief”

       “The emotion of hope relieved him of his emotional anxiety and he was able to breathe freely”

      Surely, the term emotion is quite clear to you. Emotions are those contents of consciousness that move, excite, enrage, stimulate, seize, grip, or otherwise touch upon our feelings. The list of emotions is almost endless. Here is a list of some of the most frequent emotions:

       Admiration, affection, anger, anger, animation, awe, cheerfulness, contempt, courage, curiosity, daringness, desire, despair, devotion, disappointment, disdain, disgust, dislike, embarrassment, enthusiasm, fear, feelings of inferiority, feelings of revenge, feelings of superiority, flattery, freedom, fright, frustration, fulfillment, gratitude, grief, guilt, happiness, hate, homage, hope, hopelessness, humility, inhibition, insecurity, joy, love, lust, panic, pity, pride, rage, reluctance, remorse, reproach, reverence, satisfaction, shame, shyness, sorrow, tenderness, terror, triumph, well-feeling, willingness to sacrifice, worry, worship, etc.

      Some emotions are pleasant and some are unpleasant. For example, joy, love, and hope are considered pleasant. This list of emotions together with the previous terminology explanation surely will suffice to explain and understand what emotions are. The description of the causes of emotional and social inhibitions now continues.

      The actual cause of most inhibitions and inhibition symptoms is the habitual SUPPRESSION OF EMOTIONS, the NON-EXPRESSION OF EMOTIONS. This causes the so-called EMOTION BUILDUP. Every emotion has the natural urge to express itself somehow. Expression can take the form of speech, emphasis, an animated facial expression, gestures, or other PHYSICAL FORMS. The brain generates a corresponding electrical impulse as soon as it becomes aware of an emotion. This electrical expression impulse is to trigger the corresponding physical expression of the respective emotion. If the emotion has a chance to express itself, the electrical impulse disappears and all is well. However, if the emotion is suppressed instead and leads to emotional buildup, the electrical impulse is not discharged and remains in the respective brain cells in the form of a small electrical charge.

      If this occurs repeatedly and emotions are not expressed but suppressed, the electrical charges in the brain accumulate and are discharged involuntarily once a certain upper limit has been reached. This forced and involuntary discharge then spontaneously and automatically triggers a compulsory inhibition symptom such as blushing, feelings of fear, excessive sweating, feelings of insecurity, etc. You will find - and probably know already from your own experiences - that you are helpless against these compulsory discharges in the form of inhibition symptoms no matter how strong your willpower and no matter how hard you try. Just the opposite happens: The harder you try to suppress an inhibition symptom, the more severe it becomes.

      Emotional liberation now consists of using the aid of highly effective exercises to learn to let go of your emotions, to express them truly and spontaneously. This reduces the already existing buildup of emotions and simultaneously prevents new buildup from accumulating. The result is that you will become progressively more liberated, more disinhibited, and more confident and self-assured as you continue with your exercises. The natural principle of life is increasingly able to take root as a consequence of this continuous disinhibition process. This will become clear as you feel an increase in your zest for life, a new courage to face life, and more frequently experience true joy and happiness.

       Start Your Future NOW

      We all live in the presence, the here and NOW. Just this very moment, that is the reality of life. What you do TODAY determines your life tomorrow. What you learn today you can apply tomorrow. What you acquire today will determine your behavior tomorrow. The Emotional Liberation Method is hands-on method. If you want to achieve your goal, you have to do your exercises. The experiences we have collected over the years with this method show clearly and unambiguously that success is possible for anybody who carries out the prescribed exercises daily and properly. Occasional or temporary training only results in partial success. If you take your exercises serious, carry them out properly and daily, your full success is ensured.

      Every action is preceded by the decision to perform this action. Becoming involved in the EL Method is an action that will change your entire life for the better. An action that determines how you will live three months from now. How you will live in one year, or after 10, 20, or 40 years. Being inhibited is a constant sorrow, a heavy load, and an ongoing struggle with yourself and your environment. Inhibitions drain you of precious vitality. Inhibitions never provide happiness or are ever beneficial. You now hold your future in your own hands.