EL-Method. Tony Gaschler. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Tony Gaschler
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Сделай Сам
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9783936612677
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Exercise Schedule for the Ninth Week

       STEP 10


The Systematic Elimination of Residual Inhibitions


The Repetition Method


Deactivating Fear through Deliberate Action


Deactivating Inhibitions through Deliberate Action


Lack of Experience as Inhibition Feeling


Free and Unencumbered Behavior in Company


The Inner Change of Becoming a New Person


The Limits of the Emotional Liberation Method


Exercise Schedule for the Tenth Week



      Inhibition problems are social and life problems. Whether an individual suffers from emotional and/or social inhibitions or whether he or she can act, behave, and speak freely and self-assured, decides the extent of development and self-actualization this individual will experience in society and the scope of his or her participation in society and the benefits and advantages offered by society. It is a well-known fact that an inhibited person cannot develop sufficiently if at all. Inhibited people are unable to hold professional or social positions to which they otherwise would be entitled due to their knowledge, skills, and performance. It is also a wellknown fact that inhibited people suffer while living unhappily and unsatisfied at the fringes of society, isolated from others and any otherwise natural contact and active participation with other members of society. Solving your inhibition problems will thus determine your social future, your future development and self-actualization, as well as your future social position within society. Moreover, solving your inhibition problem will also determine the extent to which you will resemble the ideal of a happy, satisfied, and successful individual.

      The Emotional Liberation Method (EL Method) you now hold in your hands will make it possible for you to solve your inhibition problems. Numerous highly effective and achievement-oriented exercises will, if performed properly and according to instructions, eliminate your negative emotional and social inhibitions in their entirety and replace them with positive and development-fostering characteristics and abilities such as: self-assurance, assured and confident behavior, freedom of expression, confidence, and a new courage to face life. This means the EL Method provides you with a hands-on, practical opportunity to become a new, liberated, and self-assured person with a better, more successful, happier, and more fulfilling future. That the EL Method is highly effective is proven by its previous success: In the first three years of its existence we received more than 4000 (four thousand!) reports of success and testimonials by people who already used the EL Method. What overwhelming evidence! These testimonials poured in from all echelons of society - from simple day laborers with little or no schooling to lawyers and doctors with many years of education. Male or female, the EL Method is the surefire way to achieve your goals. Many of these success stories confirmed that not only did the previously bothersome inhibitions disappear completely but that a new and entirely astounding feeling of happiness and self-confidence, a new lease on life, so to speak, took their place.

      The thus gained experiences show clearly and unambiguously that success is possible for anybody who carries out the prescribed exercises daily and properly. Many reports emphasized the fact that these exercises were truly easy to do and that they were even fun and entertaining.

      If you now approach this method decisively and with your mind firmly made up, if you do the exercises as instructed, and if you continue doing them until you have reached your goal, then just a few weeks will pass until your desired success is yours! We sincerely wish you to achieve the full success that so many before you have achieved as well!

Tony Gaschler Author

       The Principle of Life

      Objective, unbiased, and factual observation of people and the statements they make lead to the following conclusion: A person’s thinking and feeling, his or her desires, striving, ambitions, actions and activities are all in the name of


      Every healthy and normal human being wishes to be happy and self-realized. This basic desire is the animated expression of the principle of life. Every internally motivated and triggered thinking, feeling, wanting, striving, and acting has happiness and self-realization as its ultimate goal. Optimal happiness and self-realization within the natural environment and human society is the actual - rationally as well as emotionally - definable meaning of life.

      Some prejudices against this attitude towards life do exist, especially from some religious points of view. However, all these biases are ineffective and lose their potency if we view humans naturally and from the point of view of psychosomatic medicine. A few facts to consider:

      Happiness is the normal and natural state of consciousness of human beings. The nervous system of a human is set for happiness. It functions correctly, normally, and harmoniously only if the individual is happy. The internal organs of humans function properly only if the individual feels happy. The entire glandular and endocrine system of human beings function normal and correctly only if the individual feels happy. Your body, your immune system, can resist disease and infectious illnesses only if you are happy! Your sensory organs work best if you feel happy. Your emotional and physical ability to perform is only at its peak if you feel happy. Your entire body, your emotional and intellectual abilities are ONLY optimized if you feel happy. These are facts - facts well worth considering.

      However, true happiness is only within