EL-Method. Tony Gaschler. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Tony Gaschler
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Сделай Сам
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9783936612677
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of each exercise: between 10 and 12 minutes. The best times for these exercises: Between 7 and 9 a.m. and between 7 and 9 p.m. Important for each exercise: OPTIMAL OVERALL EXPRESSIVENESS AND OPTIMAL SELF-EMOTIONALIZING. Also important: BE AMONG PEOPLE AFTER EVERY EXERCISE. This is the only way to create new and socially useful and effective reaction systems in a very short time.

       3. Do Not Consciously Fight the Inhibitions

      Deliberate and conscious efforts AGAINST inhibitions and inhibition symptoms have only one consequence: they INCREASE the inhibitions. You should therefore avoid any conscious and deliberate effort directed against the inhibitions and inhibition symptoms right from the start. Do only the prescribed exercises. Success will come all by itself-automatically-subconsciously. Your inhibitions and inhibition symptoms will decrease in strength and frequency over time. And your positive characteristics and abilities will increase continuously. Your self-esteem, self-assuredness, as well as your courage to face life and enjoy it will increase constantly. The way you present yourself to strangers, your way of talking and behaving, your overall social demeanor will become more liberated, more disinhibited, and more self-assured.

       4. Always Remember what is Important

      Only the actual way and manner in which you do the prescribed exercises is the decisive factor for the complete success of the Emotional Liberation Method. Every single one of these exercises has a specific effect. But only the sum of the effects of all exercises yields the desired change of personality and behavior, which corresponds with the objectives and goals of the EL Method. This means that the most important factor for success of the EL Method is to do the prescribed exercises properly and every day. If you orient your thinking and acting to follow this direction, you are sure to experience complete success as well. This success is always the logical consequence and result of the actually carried out exercises. Always remember the important! Always remember to do the prescribed these exercises properly and daily. If you keep this in mind and actually follow this rule, your goal will be shortly reached: Your goal of becoming a more liberated, more self-assured person who is able to speak and act freely and without inhibitions in any social situation.

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