My city 3: records Emmanuel. Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony
Издательство: ЛитРес: Самиздат
Жанр произведения: Медицина
Год издания: 2019
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the prices in them transcendental.

      Emmanuel specified:

      – High?

      – That word! Just transcendental. – then she added, kind of accidentally. – Now, clever people rent apartments – then she added. – So much is cheaper.

      Emmanuel thought:

      – In you consider that it is easier to rent apartment for a month?

      Luda answered:

      – Watching it from a purse so whether the person can live in the rental apartment? – then she added. – Whether neighbors you know at us nervous, slightly that in a fight. – it having looked at Emmanuel, and having seen her confused look, threw. – And however, whatever you may say, in hotel it is better. Entered the number, and do that you want. – then she added with an obvious jeer. – What then to pay money for if there is nothing to do?

      Emmanuel having looked at Luda, told:

      – You are wrong. – then she added. – Here in Europe …

      Without having managed to finish a phrase as suddenly Luda interrupted Emmanuel, having grumbled:

      – In Europe in Europe that all of you with the Europe? We not in Europe, and in Russia and whether here you know the orders.

      Emmanuel was surprised. She did not expect in any way that Luda will flare up. It seemed Emmanuel quite sane woman, and here? However, who wants abroad? That in subconsciousness understands that perhaps he makes a mistake, and emigration is a mistake. But there's nothing to be done. As they live, it is impossible to live in Russia. Emmanuel asked:

      – Tell if there would be such opportunity, you would remain in Russia?

      Luda having looked at Emmanuel told of nothing. She just looked at Dmitrovskoye Highway Road, and it was by the form visible that it is painful to it to speak about it. Russia – her house. The house where it grew, and lived all the life. How it is possible to throw the house? To leave the country where was born and carried out all the life on the foreign land? It seems to me, it is possible only in that case when this house became really others, and the foreign land the native ancestral lands.

      Luda perhaps loved Russia, but here she could not live. She did not understand it. For it it became others house, and the abroad to the family. And though she regretted that she should leave this country, the chistika her heart perhaps will remain in Russia. She told Emmanuel weepingly:

      – Of course I love Russia, but I cannot live in it. – Luda stopped a car, and I will look at Emmanuel with the female tear-stained eyes, admitted. – I always loved and I will love Russia. Whatever it was. – then she added. – Russia – my house. – she heaved a deep sigh. – What waits for me there, in the foreign land?

      Emmanuel heaved a deep sigh. She understood Luda and wanted to help it. Help can be only in a word? To tell it what will encourage it will bring out of this crisis in which it is now. Emmanuel carefully asked:

      – With you everything is all right?

      – Yes. – Luda told wiping tears. Now, when from her face make-up was removed, and she became similar on broken by a grief and the dirty woman, it having stared at Emmanuel who looked at it, puzzly asked. – What?

      Emmanuel told:

      – You should recover and to make toilet.

      Luda puzzly looked in a pocket mirror of a rear view, and having seen the blubbered and dirty person in its reflection, puzzly wondered. – It who? – then she having got accustomed, understood that she from a pocket mirror of a rear view watches its own reflection at her, hard told. – It not I! – having touched a hand the person, she understood that she nevertheless watches its own reflection at it, and then she told herself. – What for the ugly creature looks at me? I such. – then, it got from a car glove compartment, clean disposable napkins, and began to wipe tears around eyes, at the same time smearing the already removed make-up on the person. Then, seeing that nothing is impossible to it, she grumbled. – Yes that for misfortunes it?

      Emmanuel seeing that things look bad. They stood in the middle of Dmitrovskoye Highway Road, to them the drivers who are running in their machine signaled, and pointing a finger at them, released obscene expressions in their address. Seeing all this, Emmanuel took business in hand, having told:

      – Apparently here business will not do without beauty shop.

      Without having caught that told Emmanuel, having turned to it the head, Luda asked:

      – What?

      Emmanuel answered:

      – You should wash. – then she asked. – There is some institution that you could make toilet?

      – Is. – answered Emmanuel. – Here, nearby.

      – Will you be able to reach there?

      – Yes. – Luda answered. – I will be able.

      But she could not drive the car. The stress received by it did not allow it to drive the car further.

      Emmanuel told:

      – You cannot continue a trip in such state.

      Luda agreed with Emmanuel. But at the same time told:

      – I am a driver who will bring you to hotel?

      Emmanuel unambiguously answered:

      – I. – then she added. – If resolve.

      Luda puzzly looked at Emmanuel. For all its practice, nobody offered it it.

      – Do you joke?

      – No. – answered Emmanuel. – I is quite serious.

      – And you have rights?

      – Is. – then she added. – Yes who will stop us? Taxi stop as well as all cars for violation of the high-speed mode.

      – No. – Luda objected. – Only for it.

      – And for what?

      Luda grinned.

      – To earn additionally.

      Emmanuel did not understand humour.

      – What do you mean?

      – And even I mean – Luda blurted out with hatred. – The Russian militia wallowed in corruption. – then she blurted out. – They stop cars to earn additionally. – then she explained. – To take from us money for which violations we did not make.

      Emmanuel was terrified:

      – This crime! Where does the police look?

      – At you the Police and laws which observe at us the law are a green piece of paper, that its advantages are higher, it is better for those. – then she threw. – And the law for fools.

      Emmanuel puzzly questioned:

      – And where watches the government?

      Luda grinned, she carelessly threw:

      – Government? Хм? To them to deal with the power, and it could not care less of corruption. – it having made a pause, added. – Yeltsin took the country in hand, and now to him to hold the power. Whether joke, first president of free Russia. – then she added. – All want to be fed from its bucket, all want the power.

      – Are sure?

      – Absolutely. – unambiguously Luda said, and with not neglect threw. – How many parties divorced, yes will not put too much salt in salt-salt. All in the power climb, a coma laziness. – then she took an interest. – Tell Emmanuel, in Europe also?

      Emmanuel shrugged shoulders, having told at the same time:

      – The power is identical everywhere, and its achievements are various.

      – There can be you and are right. – Luda agreed. – Power and money, interdependent from each other. – Luda having put itself more or less