My city 3: records Emmanuel. Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony
Издательство: ЛитРес: Самиздат
Жанр произведения: Медицина
Год издания: 2019
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still can surprise with much. – then he added. – You do not know about me a lot.

      These words set Luda thinking. She knew the father better than somebody, but at the same time she felt that she does not know him at all.

      – You it about what? Father.

      – So. – Grigory Ivanovich, threw about anything. – then he told. – Well there will be to us a conversation. We still will manage to talk about all and bigger. – he looked at Emmanuel. That sat at a table and it is clear it was visible that she feels ill at ease. She felt separated from all. Agree, to any person from whatever country he was, always it feel ill at ease when at his presence speak its language, and in some other language. In language which it does not know. Grigory Ivanovich noticed. – It is boring for the guest. We about the yes about the, and about the guest absolutely forgot. – he addressed Emmanuel, and in French took an interest. – Nous ne vous avons pas fatigué notre avec la conversation? "We did not tire you ours with a conversation?".

      – Non. – hurried to answer Emmanuel. – Moi vous parlez pensait sur. "Is not present. – I so far you talk thought of the".

      – Sur quoi? "About what?".

      Emmanuel was in thoughts. She wanted to find the person. The woman from a canvas of a picture which she saw in Carle Jufille's house. A picture in which the imperious woman Seliana-Carla de Yron was represented. But the matter is that it could not trust in anybody, only itself. In general, all this was strange. It was in this apartment at people unfamiliar to it now. One of them spoke English, another French languages. She did not know why it here? Did not know why she got into the taxi which she nearly did her in, and then there was she, Luda. The woman who speaks English, and does not know that her father speaks French? Of course, Emmanuel did not know Russian therefore it was difficult for it to judge what these people spoke. But "French" and "English" she understood words. Now it asked to itself the one and only question; "why it here? What brought it into this apartment?". She told Luda that it is necessary to her will calm down. Luda brought it to this apartment. Whether but its this apartment? Emmanuel did not know it. Yes this old man. Whether it is valid it her father? It can absolutely her father. Words which Emmanuel distinctly heard, "French" and "English", it was possible to refer them only to one sense. To sense about language. Grigory Ivanovich spoke with it French, and Luda in English. And when Luda was included into kitchen, on her face there was an obvious surprise when she heard the French speech from the father. Emmanuel told:

      – Connaissez Grigory Ivanovitch – she heaved a deep sigh. – je suis venue probablement en vain à la Russie. – "You know Grigory Ivanovich, I probably in vain arrived to Russia".

      – Pourquoi? "Why?".

      – Je dans ce pays trouverai peu probablement la personne. "I will hardly find the person in this country".

      – C'est difficile, mais se trouve essayer. – she made a long sad pause. – Dites, qui vous voulez trouver? "It is difficult, but it is worth trying. Tell whom you want to find?".

      Emmanuel can and wanted to tell whom she looks for. But she for some reason did not trust these people. They caused in it mistrust. But she already let out to both Luda, and Grigory Ivanovich that it arrived to Moscow to find for someone. But whom? She did not say it. And now asked it this question: "whom does she want to find?". Emmanuel did not know what to do to her? What to undertake? To tell these people the truth? And can lie? She did not know them. – Who are they such? Why it here? – on these questions it had no answer. However, here it. Answer to this question. It, that is she sat next. Only Luda could give this answer. Emmanuel looked at gas I spin on which already the teapot boiled, and she kind of for fun told:

      – La bouilloire a bouilli déjà. – then she is kind of awkward added. – Connaissez, la conversation par la conversation, mais je veux me montrer impoli – it having made an ambiguous pause, added. – mais beaucoup le thé veut. "The teapot already began to boil. You know, a conversation a conversation, but I want to seem impolite, but very much tea wants". – then it having addressed Luda told. – I would like to see the city of Moscow today, you show round to me the city? "I would like to see the city of Moscow today, you show round to me the city?".

      Luda immediately answered:

      – Of course, I will show. "Of course I will show".

      Grigory Ivanovich poured on cups tea on saucers on which tea spoons lay. Then pulled out from one shelf hanging on a wall struck and sugar. Put everything on a table, and told:

      – "Be treated" with Se régalez.

      Emmanuel thanked Grigory Ivanovich for an entertainment, and having put four pieces of sugar in a cup, stirred a small tea spoon which lay on a saucer, and having taken a sip of one drink, told.

      – Je veux communiquer ainsi avec vous par les deux, mais malheureusement vous connaissez selon une langue, et moi deux. – then she repeated these words in English. – I so would like to communicate with you both, but unfortunately you know on one language, and I two. "I so would like to communicate to both of you, but unfortunately you know on one language, and I two".

      Luda having immediately smiled, encouraged Emmanuel:

      – Not important in what language we communicate, all of us understand each other, and this most important.

      – Do you want to tell that you understand French?

      – No. But I knowing English. And on it the Whole world talks.

      – It so. But how to speak to me with both of you? if one knows one language, and other, other language?

      – If you want, then we can communicate English.

      – And Grigory Ivanovich?

      – Unfortunately he knows only French and I did not know about it.

      – Well, agreed.

      – For now talk to Grigory Ivanovich. Perhaps it to you will help to find the one whom you look for.

      – And it can help me?

      – Believe, will be able.

      Here translation of their conversation:

      – No matter in what language we communicate, all of us understand each other, and this most important.

      – Do you want to tell that you understand French?

      – No. But I knowing English. And on it the Whole world talks.

      – It so. But how to speak to me with both of you? if one knows one language, and other, other language?

      – If you want, then we can communicate English.

      – And Grigory Ivanovich?

      – Unfortunately he knows only French and I did not know about it.

      – Well, agreed.

      – For now talk to Grigory Ivanovich. Perhaps it to you will help to find the one whom you look for.

      – And it can help me?

      – Believe, will be able.

      Emmanuel turned to Grigory Ivanovich, and having looked at him with an attentive look as if studying it, she came to a Conclusion that you should not continue this conversation. In his look Emmanuel saw something. She did not understand yet that? But she understood that you should not trust this person. Here she looked at Luda, and felt, as it that person for whom she gives herself. Emmanuel can and was mistaken, but now she all the women's had a gut feeling that here something so. She suspected earlier that a case at the airport nonrandomness. Nobody would make what was made by this militiaman. In a standard situation, he would make the protocol, would ask to undersign the victim, and under the law he had to explain her her rights, and the fact that she can file a lawsuit against the driver. But nothing was. Except that he asked to bring it. This taxi. Why? Why this taxi? The taxi in which talked in English. What? Someone wants to find out why it here? Someone knows what occurred then, in France? But who? On this question definite answer was not. Everything that she knew, so is what