My city 3: records Emmanuel. Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony
Издательство: ЛитРес: Самиздат
Жанр произведения: Медицина
Год издания: 2019
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You tell him the opinion on the view of the political atmosphere in the country, say that you would return an old regime better, and it having agreed with you, will politely ask to pass with it.

      – It where will ask to pass with it?

      – In FSB, it seems once was called KGB.

      From these words Luda shuddered. She did not assume in any way that it is possible? And she with an ostrastka asked:

      – I hope you not from FSB?

      – Of course not. – smiled Emmanuel. – I not from FSB.

      At Luda went away from heart.

      – FAUGH!!! And I thought that …

      Emmanuel having killed it, asked?

      – What did you think?

      Luda waved away:

      – So, nothing, forget.

      – And nevertheless?

      Luda answered:

      – I thought that you indeed from FSB, here I to you told everything here, the fact that I think of Russia?

      – But it can be actually.

      – It is unlikely. – she waved away. – By Fsbeshnik there is nothing to do here. We are not spies.

      – But you carry foreigners what not a reason for check?

      Luda grinned:

      – To you the CPSU – the Iron Curtain, is Russia! The country where everything is possible, and is even more.

      Meanwhile the car of the taxi crossed border of the Moscow region and Moscow. Having passed MKAD, the car drove to the city, with the great and majestic name – MOSCOW.


      Luda's failure

      Moscow! Moscow-Moscow, capital of Russia. The beautiful gold city – Moscow. What you are the beautiful capital of Russia. Moscow – a pearl of Russia. Way to St. Petersburg, and then open window to Europe. Which was laid by the great and powerful tsar – Pyotr the first. It is possible to tell much about Moscow. She endured many shocks for the years. The fires, invasion of foreigners, entry into the city of Napoleona with its army. Also it is impossible to avoid "Second World War". Great Patriotic War. How many lives were claimed by it for those four years so far it lasted. Generally it lasted about nine years, since September first of the thirty ninth year, on May ninth of the forty fifth year of the twentieth century. It is impossible to bypass also events of Russia of the seventeenth year. When after Great October socialist revolution Vladimir Ilyich Lenin moved to Moscow, and with him all party elite of the communistic proletariat. Now, having driven to Moscow, out of borders of MKAD, Emmanuel felt freedom smell. Yes, with falling of communist regime, Russia got prettier. It dumped hated fetters in which kept it more than seventy five years the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, and having spread the wide and big wings directed forward, to the better life. To life which promised freedom. Emmanuel opened a side window to a taxi door, and having looked at the street, on making the way the mime it the house of Dmitrovskoye Highway, it having sighed a full breast, told with full admiration and delight:

      – As you is fine – Moscow. – she, and told, "YOU". Validly and courteous addressing this beautiful city – Moscow. – As your streets and avenues are good. It is a pity, I here for a while.

      Listening to Emmanuel, Luda having looked at it, with pride asked:

      – Whether lie beautiful city!

      – Yes. – answered delighted with this show Emmanuel. – Moscow is beautiful! – it having made a pause with regret added. – It is a pity that the few cities such majestic and beautiful as Moscow!

      Luda with interest took an interest:

      – And what? There are cities in Europe are also beautiful as Moscow?

      – Is. – answered Emmanuel, and without thoughts told. – Paris! – then she with admiration and pride told. – Paris is beautiful!

      Luda with curiosity took an interest:

      – It is fine Moscow?

      Emmanuel could not answer this question unambiguously. For it the city – Paris was beautiful. The truth it grew in Denmark in Copenhagen. For it the city in what he lived all the life was beautiful. For us what this city it was – is beautiful. This city – the world! The world in which we live and another is not necessary to us.

      Emmanuel answered so:

      – I indulged in the nineteenth century, and I do not know how there lived people at kings. – it having made a pause, added. – Now I can tell only one …

      – What?

      – Each city is beautiful in own way, it is individual. In the different cities the beauty, and it is fine to tell what city another, would mean to compare women with each other.

      Luda answered nothing. Yes it was not what to respond to the speech said Emmanuel. She understood that Emmanuel is in own way right. it is impossible to compare two great not only on beauty, but also on the importance of the city. Moscow anyway differs from St. Petersburg. They are different. Everyone is beautiful in own way.

      Luda told:

      – You are right Emmanuel. – she told. – It is impossible to compare the cities on the beauty, each of them is beautiful in own way.

      Emmanuel having looked in a window of an open car, told:

      – And nevertheless Moscow is beautiful!

      – You did not see Moscow yet. Do you want, I will show it to you?

      Emmanuel with regret told:

      – It is unlikely it it to turn out.

      – Why?

      – I will hardly have so much money to be passed across all Moscow.

      – And – and-and …. – Luda told knowingly. – I understand. – it having made a pause, added. – But then follow my advice – Luda having made a pause, added. – But nevertheless I advise you to see this city – Moscow. You will not regret, impressions at you will be remained with you good memories of Moscow enough that leaving Russia.

      Emmanuel answered:

      – I will surely travel on this remarkable city. – then she added. – But only when I will find one person.

      Luda burst out laughing, she asked:

      – Do you expect to find the person here?

      Emmanuel puzzly answered:

      – Of course. – then she with astonishment asked. – What here ridiculous?

      Luda answered:

      – Nobody will find anybody in Russia. – then she added. – It is simply impossible.

      Emmanuel puzzly asked:

      – Why?

      – Russia is the country where it is easy for person to get lost. – then she added. – If you want to find somebody in this country, then you should make official request in FSB or in the MFA of Russia. – after the next pause, Luda added. – Only there you will be able to be helped.

      Emmanuel thought: "FSB or MFA? Where to go? In FSB it is known for certain, and in the MFA? Especially". Emmanuel did not know what to do to her? She did not know how to it to arrive in this situation? It needed to find those who knew the truth about the incident from Zhalovskaya. Who it could be? She did not know. Did not know who to it can help to find Selianu-Carla de Yron. The woman from a canvas of a picture of Karl Zhyufiye. She told it that it will find it, they to meet in real life. Somewhere in Russia, in Moscow. But where? When? Emmanuel did not know it. She asked Luda:

      – Tell where it is possible in Moscow will stop?

      This question set Luda thinking. She is Emmanuel to Moscow, but did not know where?