Classics fantasy – 12. A. Belyaev. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: A. Belyaev
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Приключения: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005011633
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the extraordinary adventure. – I jumped off in depth safely and went. Did not light a lamp – it would help me with water, muddy from sand and silt, a little. Reached a hollow which is meters in forty from the coast, you know? There it was absolutely silent. Water almost did not move. The storm slid over my head. I quietly went on a bottom. “Now it is possible to light a lamp” – I thought. Pressed the button. And, how you think what I saw? Take foot, fishes! Multitudes! Them was here so many that I positively had to force the way through them as though I got to a seldyany barrel. You understand? They jammed here into a hollow for fear that the storm will cast them ashore. The clever creature, though does not speak! Here both herring, and cod, and humpback salmon, and ivas different zhestkopery, both big, and small. And even U-2014\do not chase one after another \not before: stomachs save.

      And, how many there seaweed in this hollow – a great lot! Directly the copper of fish soup with cabbage turned out. And seaweed do not move, quietly. Unless fish big will set only what alga, then brown tapes slightly will stir and again will stand. There are I, go, small fishes before me barrels sparkle silver, blue, copper, red, I go and I rejoice. As it well leaves: there, over the dining room, the end of the world, and at me here peace and harmony, and I dry go! Warmly to me and it is dry. Here, I think, I will sit out here until fishes upward get, then, so it will be clear that to a storm the end.

      I passed several steps and began to notice that as though from where a breeze incurred. Very quietly began seaweed to turn in one party, and at small fishes some concern is noticed. All of them turned towards to a breeze and began to move is disturbing as if are whispered. From where, I think, a water breeze pulled? Perhaps, I got to such stream? Returned back meters on five – nothing similar. That is I want to tell, as here a breeze. Means, it is not a stream, and that for some reason all water in a hollow started moving as though who began to stir with a big spoon. And the farther, the it is more. And all in one party. Stretch strings of a tape of seaweed, small fishes with fins as the ship screw during a storm, and everything carries them, and me together with them work. Tried to go against the stream. Where here!

      Really, I think, and here it is necessary to rest in bed? Not otherwise. I did not manage to lay down as suddenly the strong current raised me from the earth and pulled somewhere aside. I hands, legs for the earth, for seaweed – help nothing. Carries me together with all fish people in the unknown direction, turns around, exactly on a roundabout.

      Here, has to admit to you, I became puzzled a bit, the lamp forgot to extinguish, though I was not helped by it with such incident. In eyes zaryabit; fishes, seaweed were weaved into one cover.

      Well I also drove here!. As a tea leaf in a glass of tea when a spoon quickly sugar is stirred, and I flew. It is good what did not take the breath away because oxygen at me own. And heart faded, I will not begin to hide.

      And suddenly I feel what me not only twists, but also lifts, just as on a corkscrew up. What for a parable such?. And suddenly for one moment I see daylight. Also I see that my head leaned out of a water column which over the sea rose and spins, and I spin together with it. I saw the coast and mountains with the wood, and the broken fishing boat dived in a column water ashore and again. And me so twirled that I legs and hands picked up closer to a body, any minute will tear off. Near me some fish spins, huge, here though embrace her. Once more I looked out on light of a column water, and it in half became torn, and the lower part in which I was, on the coast rushes. Downloaded, twirled me so that I fainted. And recovered – I cannot move; strongly banged and to pant – there is no oxygen…

      Well and here, thanks, workers appeared in time and opened a space suit. Recovered the breath. If the tornado did not become torn, would lift me above clouds, I would crash down from there – and kaput. Then that on a tornado I drove, on the typhoon. You do not joke with me, now I am a person special.

      Near Vanyushka fishermen found a dead shark, the inhabitant of the southern seas, with the belly unstitched on rocks. Right there contents of her stomach rolled: a back part of a pig, a forward part of a ram, the head of a thoroughbred bulldog, a ship scraper, a pocket of a checkered coat with the Tayms newspaper, the whole storeroom of a cod, two enameled mugs and a young shark.

      Yes, Vanyushka got off lightly. After his story Konobeev told several cases from the long fishing practice when fishing boats were seized by a water tornado. And he does not remember a case that at least one of people returned live of this travel.

      Chapter 10


      – No, without underwater dwelling it is impossible for us in any way – Vanyushka said. – Here the storm behind a storm, the ocean growls, to it will not be risen, throws out you back as what garbage. And live we at an ocean floor, to us storms would be at all. We would go, Semyon Alekseevich, on a sea-okiyana bottom yes removed plans. You are an inventor, Guzik, and you have to us invent such underwater house that neither the tornado blew off it, nor the whale crushed. You can?

      – What? Where? Whom did the whale crush? – Guzik asked, flying from transcendental heights. – Underwater house? Well, I think of it long ago. Everything is calculated, weighed, considered. – And it began to develop the plan.

      Underwater houses have to be built from iron and are so strong connected to the soil that no typhoons destroyed them. Fresh water can be carried out on pipes from the coast or to freshen sea water. At last, it is possible to put boreholes in a seabed and to look fresh water. There is nothing improbable that under a seabed there will be a river or the lake of fresh water. Air, as well as water, it is possible to receive on pipes from a surface not to spend reserves of accumulator electricity for getting of oxygen from sea water. Отеплять it is the most convenient electricity. It is possible to give, of course, heat of steam or hot water from the coast on the pipes which are well isolated, but it is more difficult. Electric heating, electric kitchen, electric lighting. In order that in winter it was not cold, it is possible to cover iron walls with special structure with pith sawdust from within as it becomes by the Arctic ships that there was no internal “sweating” of walls.

      – And why not iron caps from within a tree – the benefit is very cheap material? – Volkov offered. – The tree, in addition, will well isolate from cold of surrounding water…

      – … which nevertheless has almost all year temperature above zero – Guzik picked up. – It is possible also wooden – he agreed. – But first of all iron for caps is necessary, gland is a lot of.

      – And it is the most difficult to get it – noticed Vanyushk. – Our blast furnaces are always hungry as sharks. How many them feed with iron, all is not enough. It is impossible to take away from them. It is advisable somehow to find

      – To find for iron mines and then to extract ore? – Volkov asked. – Long story.

      Why mines?

      – However – Konobeev inserted, lighting up a tube – on I give the seas how many this iron lies! Thousands of poods!

      – From where? – Vanyushka asked.

      – That, from where. You are small, is young. His Naklali there, on the Bottom when you on light were not. In nine hundred to four – the fifth year, here when. When were at war with Japanese and they to us naklat. That. Together with stones of the vice admiral Makarov iron lies. I served then in the Vladivostok squadron which was ordered by Essen. What only Did not see enough what has not heard much! Good it is not enough. How many the ships how many people died! On one Petropavlovsk seven hundred people, in the Tsushima battle seven thousand: “Varangian”, “Korean”, Yenisei, the “Boyar” “Guarding”, “Terrible”, Petropavlovsk… At Tsushima the whole two squadrons to a bottom went. It is impossible to count the Port-artursky fleet before delivery of fortress almost all is destroyed. Gland, iron, how many!

      – Yes, but also Tsushima