Classics fantasy – 12. A. Belyaev. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: A. Belyaev
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Приключения: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005011633
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in his tent there was a marching laboratory and many valuable precision instruments and devices. Near the coast there was a mountain with a big cave where Guzik also transferred the treasures. The skeptic Volkov did not wish to move a little though Konobeeva managed to be insisted on that put away diving suits in a cave nevertheless.

      Night was silent, stuffy, damp. Any leaf did not shiver on a tree. The nature as if stood waiting. Volkov sat in the tent and by the light of the electric lamp fed by the same accumulator worked, having inclined over a simple pine table. Vanyushka on other table clicked on accounts, at the same time listening to a broadcast. Suddenly he raised the head and a finger which considered, and looked at Volkov.

      The lock of a fine reddish hair went down on Volkov’s forehead, blue eyes by the light of a bulb seemed almost blue. The shadow deepened a scar on a cheek. Lips were densely compressed, the forehead is furrowed with the easy folds speaking about the big tension of a thought. Vanyushka sat without having stirred, with the raised middle finger of the right hand. Then suddenly came off a chair and rushed to Volkov, having forgotten to remove earphones from the head. It pulled for itself (himself) the radio receiver and nearly broke a lamp.

      – Semyon Alekseevich! Makar Ivanych told the truth! – Vanyushka by uneasy and a little solemn voice exclaimed.

      – Do not disturb, Johann – Volkov responded and began to move lips, collecting scattered thoughts.

      – Semyon Alekseevich! – Vanyushka did not lag behind. – Put belongings and let’s go in a cave to Guzik! The typhoon all right! Now arose to the east of the Philippine Islands on the seventeenth of June. The first days it went quite slowly and by June twenty second reached only coast of China. Here it changed the northwest direction and, having turned on the northeast, moved already with very high speed. The twenty third it blew over Korea, having caused very heavy rains, and tomorrow, the twenty fourth, wait for it at our coast. Here, take foot! Makar Ivanych? Also radio is not necessary to it! A scent feels, the hairy nose. – Vanyushka kept silent, and when he started talking again, his voice sounded is even more disturbing more solemnly: – Semyon Alekseevich! There is a typhoon. Slyfite? And? Fumit the wood? Here, take foot as hoots!

      Volkov listened. The tent had no wind yet, but the strange rumble as though somewhere nearby there passed the gradovy cloud came nearer. Konobeev entered. It was quiet, as always. How many typhoons he saw on the century, both on the coast and in the high sea, in a fragile fishing small boat! Eyebrows of the old man moved severely, and more than ordinary moustaches puffed up.

      – However gather, Semyon Alekseevich! – just he told. And, without expecting the answer, began to get quickly huge ruchishcha of a thing and to carry away them. Volkov grunted and began to help.

      The rumble increased. The ocean heavy sighed and made new unusual sounds – “aa! aa!” – as if became angry that it, the old man, eccentrical wind awakes. More and more deeply and above his breast which overgrew foamy waves fluctuated. But the old man ocean was not fated to fall asleep this night. The sky still sparkled stars and the new moon which as though is washed up – such it was pure and transparent. And Konobeev hurried.

      – Perhaps, will pass by? – Volkov asked. He did not want to ruin a tent.

      – However hurry up! – instead of the answer Konobeev grumbled, loading himself with two tables, four chairs and a folding bed.

      When Volkov carried things in a cave and came back to a tent behind others, month did not seem purely washed up any more. It became dim and as though turned yellow. Jerked the first wind gust.

      And the old man ocean already grumbled: “Aha! Aha!” At last you were, a typhoon!

      Yes, it was. Waited for it, and still its emergence was unexpected. He during a moment of an eye brushed away stars, poured on the sky as the octopus sepia, lead clouds, threw the grown dull month somewhere, pressed an air paw the earth, flattened the woods, lashed water flows, mixed borders of the sky and the earth in circulation of water and air columns, twisted hundreds of thousands of tons of water, the sky and ocean in plaits, connected by a small knot, several minutes cast the nature into primitive chaos… The barometer fell to seven hundred forty – “lay in a faint”.

      Volkov stood at an entrance to a cave when by it rushed as quickly flashed wing of a seagull extended a panel of a tent which was not managed to be removed in all length. Together with it the coat, a blanket and geodetic tools of Volkov were carried away. The tripod was found many days later zakinuty on top of a high fir-tree, in ten kilometers from the parking lot. But careful Guzik triumphed: it kept all tools.

      Konobeev comfortably settled in a corner of a big cave and strong fell asleep under howl of wind and noise of a rain. And Vanyushka could not sleep. The typhoon affected it excitingly as a thunder-storm, as the fire as all outstanding. To it it was terrible and cheerful. There was a wish to sing, shout, move. It was necessary to think up something, to allow to be discharged to nervous tension. Outside you will not look out – will carry away as a tent. And what if to go to examine a cave? Vanyushka offered Guzik. But that already plunged into the contemplate nirvana, long answered inattentively, yet did not understand what from it is demanded, and rather intelligibly answered:

      – Do not disturb, I consider!

      Volkov also refused. Konobeev slept. Vanyushka discontentedly grunted.

      – In that case I will go one.

      He put on a back a satchel with the accumulator and tied a lamp to the head. Having thought a little, also the nanosnik with points put on.

      The lamp brightly flashed, having lit the dark greenish arches of a cave.

      – Farewell, I go! – Vanyushka told and walked in depth.

      Chapter 8


      Under the arches the silence reigned. Ears were free from earphones, and Vanyushka heard how the echo threw noise of steps from a wall to a wall. Strange echo! As though it not one went in a cave, and several people walked ahead, behind, from sides… Here in such situation legends of spirits, doubles, ghosts arose. Vanyushka did not trust all this and still felt a chill in a back when, having shouted, heard a many-voiced echo: the cave played sounds, throwing them as a ball.

      – Oh! – Vanyushka shouted.

      “Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!” – the cave moaned.

      Vanyushka forcedly laughed, the cave picked up his laughter, carrying away peals it is farther and farther until they stood somewhere away…

      It is good that Vanyushka has such strong lamp! At bright light it is not terrible.

      The further Vanyushk moved forward, the cave walls became more elegant, richer, more beautiful. Fantastic laces stalactites went down from a ceiling. From a cave bottom towards to them edges of stalagmites rose. Here and there stalactites met stalagmites, forming the elaborate columns reminding the Chinese carving on ivory.

      The cave was narrowed, extended. Its arches sometimes hung so low that Vanyushke was necessary to bend the head, and then unexpectedly rose highly up, as in the Gothic temple. In extensive and high halls the dark entrance failures dispersing in different directions corridors gaped. Vanyushka, not to get lost, decided to turn always in extreme left pass. Several times he came into deadlocks, got out of them and again turned to the left. At last reached a big cave which walls were covered with greenish, pink and red crystals. Here and there these crystals burned as blood drops, in other places shone an emerald of a young grass. Vanyushka admired an unprecedented show.

      “Perhaps, they are gemstones. Here take wealth, foot!” – Vanyushka thought, slowly directing light of a lamp to one, to other party. Having lit the soil under legs, it uvidat stony descent, otly running down. In depth, in a wall there was a dark opening. “Underpass!” – Vanyushka thought. He safely moved down and suddenly screamed