Classics fantasy – 12. A. Belyaev. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: A. Belyaev
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Приключения: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005011633
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Leaves so – it continued after a pause – that things are shaping up. A stop behind money.

      – Makar Ivanych, you said now that nothing will leave this business.

      – In Leningrad people more cleverly than our manager sit – Konobeev answered.

      – Now it is only necessary to obkhlopotat this business – Vanyushka told. – We will go to Dalkraysoyuz, to Amurselsoyuz we will be pushed, all regional institutions by oblazy. And if here we do not find support, we will reach Moscow. On such business money has to be. And we will find them! In flat cake we will break, and we will get!

      Also settled upon that.

      From this day began for underwater farmers of “purgatory”.

      In one regional establishment they were accepted by the gloomy person wearing spectacles. He listened to them, smoking a cigarette and pinching from time to time a redenky mochalny small beard. Sometimes raised the right eyebrow that at it expressed surprise, sometimes hardly an edge of lips and folds in corners the century considerably grinned. Vanyushka decided to act directly this time and stated all plan about underwater agriculture, about the underwater plantations spread by divers about grandiose figures of production of cabbage. He did not decide to tell only about underwater tractors. But also what he told was enough to force the gloomy person to cheer up. At the end of Vanyushki’s report the gloomy person showed even the curve teeth bared by a smile. It is necessary to do it justice, he was able to listen.

      When Vanyushka ended, wiped the sweated forehead and took seat on a chair as the defendant, the told last word, the gloomy person, without ceasing to smile, corrected points and told:

      – So! – The voice it with hoarseness did not foretell anything good. – Grandiosely! Perfectly! – It dragged on a cigarette and, having changed tone on a business tongue twister, unexpectedly began to pour words as peas: – But whether it is necessary to make all this underwater fuss, my dear? Whether you what space is occupied by the Far East region know? – The gloomy person rose and pointed to the map hanging on a wall. – Here, admire!

      – Saw! – not really kindly Vanyushka answered.

      The gloomy person looked on him strictly as the teacher on the pupil who interrupts the teacher and continued:

      – The Far East occupies the space in two million seven hundred seventeen thousand seven hundred square kilometers. You understand what is a large object? For an example it is possible to tell that on the surface of the Far East region Italy, Belgium, Romania, Portugal, Czechoslovakia, Finland, Denmark, France, Germany keep within moreover there will be a surplus almost in half a million square kilometers. And in all region it is less population, than in one Moscow! If density of Dalkraya was such as, say, in Poltavshchyna, that is about seventy five people per square kilometer, then in our free places it would be possible to place hundred seventy eight million five hundred sixty thousand people – it is more, than in all USSR! Is where to disperse! Lands plenty. We still far did not develop this huge site of the terrestrial land. Plow, spread plantations, you sit down kitchen gardens how many for your soul it is necessary. Arrange state farms, collective farms, farms. Whether it is simpler, than to climb under water to spread a sea cabbage? – And the gloomy person victoriously looked at Vanyushka over points. Vanyushka did not give up.

      – But unless it contradicts one another? – he asked. – Let whom want plows the earth, and we want to plow an ocean floor because it will give us export goods, currency. We wish to use natural wealth of edge. We…

      But the person wearing spectacles was against “fantastic projects”.

      Friends left with anything. How many still such debates, skirmishes, a talk they before, at last, the necessary sums were released had to conduct! Worker correspondents wrote correspondence, rustled, “brawled”. Volkov and Vanyushke had to visit even Moscow.

      Chapter 6


      The most difficult and boring period of the organization came to an end. Further business began. In May there arrived Guzik with several diving suits. This arrival was the whole event in life of underwater farmers. Test of devices was coming. Guzik, Volkov, Konobeev and Vanyushka left on the boat. The ocean was quiet, weather excellent.

      Friends had a cheerful, joyful mood. Having settled down on the deck of the boat, Guzik showed devices and offered explanations:

      – This – a “summer” suit. It is arranged as the Japanese diving suits for small, rather, depth – meters to seventy. Summer I call it because all it consists only of a nanosnik with points, a lamp yes of a satchel laboratory where the accumulator turns sea water into oxygen. Having put on such mask the person and having bound a satchel for a back, it is possible to fall by a bottom naked that, of course, is pleasant only in warm season when also ocean water is warm. In such “suit” from a nose and points you will have full freedom of movement. It is very valuable to underwater works. These devices I brought a couple so far, but it is possible to make them much in a short space of time.

      – Let’s outdo Japanese! – cheerfully Vanyushka told, trying on a mask. – Well! Very well! – he laughed loudly, glancing at himself in a small pocket mirror. Konobeev stretched a lapishcha to the second device. But Makar Ivanovich was waited by disappointment. The rubber nanosnik covered only the tip of his nose – the myasist Makar Ivanovich’s nose was very big yes.

      – Not with your nose a diver to be, Makar Ivanych! – Vanyushka joked. – To seven god bore this nose, to one got. However, if to cut off from kilograms, then, maybe, and will enter.

      – However there is nothing to scoff – Makar Ivanovich sensitively answered. – And there is nothing bad. It is told: the nosovity, the krasovity.

      – Do not mourn, Makar Ivanovich. I to you will make the device by the special order. Rubber also will be enough for your nose – Guzik calmed the old man.

      And the announced Vanyushka already sverzitsya overboard in the mask, dived, but came up outside soon, having nearly choked. He did not get used to inhale oxygen a nose yet, and to exhale carbonic acid a mouth. It was necessary to get used to the device.

      – You will manage to swallow sea water still! – Guzik shouted to it. – Climb, listen further!

      Vanyushka was lifted aboard.

      – Harafo, only water in a mouth climbs! – Vanyushka told.

      – It is a “winter” suit – Guzik continued the explanations. – It is, actually, usual diving inert, except for the fact that supply with oxygen comes from own “gas generator”. But here, however, there is one more small improvement – he modestly declared. – In matter – a suit lining – there are metallic threads which are connected to the accumulator. Threads can heat up and give heat. In such suit it is possible, without being afraid to catch cold, to fall to ice waves of the Ledovity ocean or to rise by height in ten thousand kilometers over the Earth’s surface.

      At last the last – the rigid device for underwater depths – was continued by Guzik. – In it it is possible to plunge on three hundred meters and more. It is supplied with especially strong lamps. I do not know whether this device is required to you. Already “and depth of fifty meters the bottom opustevat, and at a depth of four hundred – there are no large seaweed. Sea flora is concentrated on the narrow strip going not further in one hundred and fifty nautical miles from the coast. And all infinite extent of a bottom of the seas is farther and deeper is the desert deprived of any vegetation.

      – Yes, but the rigid device can be necessary for us for the research purposes. Eventually the ocean floor is studied far not fully – Volkov objected.

      That time on a bottom of the sea Volkov and Vanyushka plunged, and cob-nosed Konobeev only with