Classics fantasy – 10. A. Belyaev. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: A. Belyaev
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Приключения: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005011343
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is the Australian fad-tryapichnik, and these are aktenna-riya – the most curious inhabitants of the Sargasso Sea. You see how they adapted? Not to distinguish them from an alga!

      Really, painted in brown color, speckled by white spots, with the torn shapes of a body, ak-tennariya extremely resembled seaweed of the Sargasso Sea.

      Chapter 17


      On the Island of the Lost Ships from the moment of departure of the submarine of an event took its course.

      When the captain Sleyton fell, struck by a bullet, Flores silently stood over the lying blood-stained governor, then suddenly pulled Maggie inclined over it a hand and is short, but imperatively told it:

      – Leave!

      The crying Maggie, having pressed the child, left.

      Flores bent to the captain with an evil sparkle in the blinked eyes.

      The captain Sleyton was his rival in love and in ambitious plans. They had old scores. Having sated with a type of the prostrate, dying enemy, Flores suddenly raised Sleyton and pushed off it in water.

      – It will be so best of all – he told and, having addressed islanders, shouted: – Hey, you! The captain Feargus Sleyton is killed, and his body is buried by me! The island of the Lost Ships has to elect the new governor. I offer myself. Who objects?

      Islanders gloomy were silent.

      – It is accepted. Pick up wounded and guns. We go!

      And he walked towards the new residence, rejoicing that everything was resolved so soon. However his pleasure was incomplete. Some unpleasant, disturbing, still not clear thought disturbed it as a silent toothache which just about will pass into sharp. Flores walked on the familiar “streets”, a planked footway thrown through the ships crossed the semi-decayed decks, rose by “mountains” of the big ships which are highly sitting in water, went down to “valleys” of broad-bottomed vessels, and some uneasy not clear thought everything drilled his brain…

      Having tarried at one transition, he heard voices of Irish O’Gara and the old man Bokko following it.

      – As a dog, in water … – Bokko said.

      – It cannot wait for it! – O’Gara answered.

      Voices broke off.

      “And so it that – Flores thought, getting aboard an old frigate. – Discontent!” And Flores remembered the gloomy silence accompanying it election.

      Flores was not mistaken. Even too simplified way of a funeral of the governor made an unpleasant impression on the coarsened, run wild islanders.

      Flores was not silly. Approaching the governor’s residence which was by a frigate Elizabeth, the new governor already considered the plan of action.

      Having entered the big, perfectly arranged cabin – the former office of the captain Sleyton – Flores fell to a deep leather chair, having collapsed with an independent and at the same time proud air. Then it loudly slapped three times in a palm just as Sleyton, is even better – more distinctly and more loudly.

      On a threshold the Black appeared.

      Flores Posverlil eyes his black face, but could read nothing on it.

      – A bean – Flores told – where at Sleyton the clothes were stored? Spend me and show.

      Bob who did not express surprise at the sight of Flores on Sleyton’s place was struck with expressly polite address of the new governor instead of former – familiar.

      But in it Flores had the calculation: to show a difference of the changed situation. And he was not mistaken. The bean somehow shrank and, having hasty begun to mince to an exit, answered respectful politely:

      – I ask you.

      They entered the big dark cabin turned into wardrobe. Two walls were busy with cases. Nearly a half of a cabin were occupied by the huge chests of a black oak with a carving fettered by the become green copper with silver.

      The Black opened sliding doors of cases. In them in a big order suits of various eras, professions, nationalities – as in wardrobe the Bolshoi opera Theatre hung.

      – There are civilian suits – the Black explained, taking out the ancient frock coats smelling of dampness with high collars, wide tops, color and silk vests.

      Flores negatively shook the head.

      In the second case there were more modern suits: tuxedos, frock coats and even dress coats.

      – Not, not.

      Before clothes with sea uniform suits Flores stopped a little further. He felt a hand one jacket from fine English cloth – the captain’s suit, but, having thought of something, closed also this case.

      – Not that, Bob. And all this?

      – Is still here – the Black answered, showing on chests.

      – Open.

      Not without effort Bob lifted heavy covers. Flores was surprised, without having felt a smell of dampness and decay. Covers were so well driven that in chests was absolutely dry.

      When the Black lifted the pure piece of a cloth which was accurately covering suits at Flores involuntarily exclamation escaped and his eyes inflamed. Here precious Spanish suits which breed showed that they are not less than two hundred years old were folded.

      Camisoles from figured velvet (velvet) – crimson, blue, red – were embroidered by gold and showered with pearls. Cuffs and mills (big collars in several rows) from the thinnest lace, silk cords “бизетт” [1], “blonda” [2] colors of not bleached cloth – all this struck with the luxury and a subtlety of work. Women’s suits were even more magnificent. Long, with the sleeves hanging to a floor, with zubtseobrazny cuts at the edges, these bright silk, brocade and velvet dresses were heavy from the sewed emeralds, rubies, pearls…

      “What wealth! – Flores thought. – And we eat one fish”.

      It selected several suits:

      – Carry in my office. And stockings and boots?

      – Everything is. – And, being bent under weight of a burden, Bob dragged suits in Flores cabin.

      Having remained one, Flores chose dark cherry, shity silver the camisole also put on.

      When he looked at himself in a mirror, itself was struck with effect. It changed not only externally, but as though and internally. From where this severe advantage, this confident look, these smooth gestures?

      He clapped and told the Black who with amazement stared at it:

      – Invite Mrs. Maggie!

      “Mrs. Maggie!” – the Black hasty started executing an order.

      Flores was mistaken in effect a little: the entered Maggie outright was frightened when, having opened a cabin door, she saw shining silver and pearls of the Spanish grandee [3]. Even Flores laughter brought it into itself not at once.

      – Put on rather, here your suit – Flores told, pointing to a blue dress.

      Maggie dressed more than simply – in an easy blouse and a short zaplatanny skirt, hardly concerned a dress and stood in indecision.

      – Well that you?

      – I… I do not even know how to put on it.

      To tell the truth, Flores no more it knew all difficult parts of all these “бизетт” and “блонд” and could not give it help. But the natural feeling of the woman helped Maggie to find the place of each accessory of a toilet. And while Flores corrected the ends of a scarf and tried on in front of the mirror a sword with a gold