Classics fantasy – 10. A. Belyaev. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: A. Belyaev
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Приключения: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005011343
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on the spot and disappeared, nobody noticed.

      Confessed to a crime of Lorrobi. Thus, thanks to combination of circumstances the victim of a miscarriage of justice Redzhinald Gatling whose innocence was investigated quite nearly died. Unfortunately, Gatling, apparently, died at the crash of the steamship “Veniamin Franklin”.

      – Here it, Gatling! – Simpkins shouted, finishing reading the newspaper. – And as not in vain I caught it and so much with it was taken, I also decided to sentence him to lifelong imprisonment… from Ms. Kingman if she has nothing against.

      It obviously had nothing against.

      The public welcomed this “severe” sentence a loud applause.

      Part fourth

      Chapter 16


      The old man Kingman is Viviana’s father – very much was delighted to return of the daughter. He did not hope to see any more it as Viviana Kingman appeared in the list of the died passengers of the steamship “Veniamin Franklin”. Was to marriage of the daughter Kingman kindly favorable disposed. He only shortly asked Gatlinga, meeting him:

      – Profession?

      – The engineer – Gatling answered.

      – Well. Business … – And, having thought, Kingman added: – In Europe, apparently, there is a belief that we, the American rich men, dream to give the daughters for the burned-through European counts. It is incorrect. Fools exist everywhere, and the American fools wish to become related with European, but I prefer the husband who made the way in life for the daughter. Besides I at you in unpaid to a debt: you saved my daughter! – And Kingman strong shook hands with Gatlinga.

      Once, when young spouses sat over the map, discussing the plan of the travel conceived by them, phone rang out, and Redzhinald, having taken the call, heard a familiar voice of Simpkins who asked appointments “on an important issue”. Before agreeing, Gatling loudly told in phone tube:

      – It you, Simpkins? Hello! You want to see us? – also looked interrogatively at the wife.

      – Well, let will arrive – Viviana quietly answered.

      – We wait for you – Redzhinald ended telephone conversation.

      At Simpkins everything became soon – “for hundred twenty percent rather, than at absolute Americans” as he spoke.

      Gatling heard noise of the approached car soon. Simpkins was and at doors started talking:

      – News! Large news!

      – What is, Simpkins? – asked Gatling. – Really one more of your criminals was the honest person?

      – I opened a riddle of a crime of the captain Feargus Sleyton!

      – In what this riddle?

      – So far it is, um, the evidence which is not subject to announcement…

      – Then you did not tell anything new, Simpkins! On the Island we knew that Sleyton has a shadowy past.

      – But what! I came to offer you one project – perhaps, to ask for your help.

      – We listen to you.

      – I should open Sleyton’s riddle up to the end. How you will treat the project once again to visit the Island of the Lost Ships?

      – You are incorrigible, Simpkins! – told Gatling. – The world is of interest as in it there are criminals to you.

      – Well, you look at it as on sport. But why you burst out laughing?

      – We burst out laughing therefore – Viviana answered – that we just discussed your project before your arrival.

      – To go to the Island and to open Sleyton’s riddle? – the Simpkins surprised and pleased asked.

      – Not absolutely so. We are interested in secrets of other criminal more…

      – Another? Really I do not know about it? – Simpkins became interested. – Who this criminal?

      – The Sargasso Sea – smiling, Viviana answered. – Unless it ruined the ships a little? To reveal secrets of this criminal sea, to warn others – here our purpose.

      – In a word, we go to a scientific expedition for studying of the Sargasso Sea – finished Gatling.

      – Here it that! But I hope that you will not refuse to take me with yourself in order that I could make the business in passing…

      – Certainly, Simpkins! But what sense to you to go? Sleyton is killed…

      Симпкинс significantly moved with eyebrows.

      – Sleyton is not necessary to me any more. But here interests of others are mixed. On the Island I managed to get some documents.

      – Really?

      – Симпкинс does not linger – the detective fatly noticed. – But, unfortunately, I took not all documents. They should be got, and then everything will become clear.

      – Interests of others? That is another matter. We go, Simpkins!

      – When you sail?

      – I think, in a month…

      – Who else with you?

      – The oceanographer is professor Thomson, two of his assistants, team, and more than nobody.

      – So, we go. You know my address. – And, having taken leave, Simpkins hasty left, and Gatlingi went deep into studying of the card again.

      – Here look – Redzhinald pointed to the card – this straight line drawn as on a ruler – a way from New York to Genoa. We will go on this way to the three hundred twentieth degree of east longitude and we will curtail on the South – and Gatling made a mark a pencil.

      The new visitor prevented them from working. Professor Thomson – the famous researcher of life of the sea entered. After fussy Simpkinsa Thomson struck with the tranquility and even sluggishness. This the person, good-natured, inclined to completeness, never hurried; but it was necessary to be surprised how much he managed to make.

      Gatling hospitably met Thomson.

      – You study our way? – he asked and, having by the way darted a glance at the card, told: – I think, it is better for us to head to the south, for Bermuda at once, and from them to go on the northeast. But we still will talk about it. Today I received three boxes of the equipment for chemical and photographic laboratories. The aquarium is ready and already established. Tomorrow the library ordered according to my list will be received. In a week our biological laboratory will be equipped quite. And how at you by an engineering part?

      – For about three weeks – Gatling answered. – In a month we can throw down a challenge Sargassam.

      Thomson nodded. He understood that the word “call” means. Gatling bought the small, outdate for the military purposes Defiant ship for an expedition, and it under the direction of Gatlinga was adapted for the peace purposes. Its guns gave way to devices for a pulling of drags. Except biological laboratory, a number of storerooms for storage of scientific production was arranged. The Gatling worked much to adapt the ship for swimming among seaweed of the Sargasso Sea. On a nasal part the sharp cutter which had to cut seaweed was fixed into Kiel of the ship. That seaweed did not prevent operation of the screw, it was protected by the special cylinder from the metal gauze.

      The radio set, two easy tools and machine guns on a case of collision with islanders supplemented the equipment.

      All participants of an expedition worked with such hobby and diligence