Classics fantasy – 10. A. Belyaev. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: A. Belyaev
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Приключения: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005011343
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it in water. The small raft stood at the old steamship.

      Chapter 13


      Fugitives already reached two thirds of a way when noticed a pursuit. It came nearer from “mountain” – the highest frigate, going down on the sloping bridge. It was necessary to hurry.

      Ternip and his respectable half were exhausted from fatigue, catching up with young satellites. From the deck on the deck – up, down, up, down – on a shaky planked footway Gatling, Ms. Kingman, spouses Dode-Ternipy, Simpkins and three sailors ran.

      Having passed by itself all, Gatling was late at the narrow bridge which connected caravel fragments to the old steamship broke boards and threw them into water. Thus it was succeeded to detain a pursuit which had to break from this place on roundabout ways.

      It was heard as Sleyton who was at the head of a pursuit loudly swore at the destroyed bridge.

      Fugitives won time to sail on a raft from the coast towards the submarine. But it was necessary to float with big sluggishness. Though there was a place, rather free from seaweed, nevertheless sargassa clung to a raft, and every minute it was necessary to stop and hands to clear away a way.

      The raft hardly crossed a half of a way, and the pursuit already approached that place from where fugitives sailed.

      – Give up! Return, or I will leave nobody in live! – Sleyton shouted from “coast”, shaking by a rifle over the head.

      Instead of the answer one of sailors from a raft shook by a fist.

      – And, dog! – Sleyton cried and shot. The bullet hit in a raft.

      Firefight was started.

      Islanders held more advantageous position. They were under cover of masts and fragments whereas the raft was all in the public eye.

      Among persecutors there was all population of the Island.

      – My God! – the old woman Ternip spoke. – Look, Ms., even Maggie Flores was dragged with the baby; she over there, looks out because of the deck, see?.

      Sleyton something ordered. A part of islanders went down to water and began to force down a raft hastily. Driving off attacked them shots. Here also another fell in water one… here, having shaken the head, with groan gets out to the deck of a fishing launch…

      Fugitives had a lucky escape so far. The islanders who weaned to shoot, did not hit the mark. Bullets laid down around a raft, lifting splashes. Soon, however, one of sailors on a raft was wounded in a leg. The bullet penetrated the veil fluttering on Ms. Kingman’s head. The Gatling suggested women to lay down.

      From the Island the raft with five armed islanders already sailed.

      Fugitives rowed, being beaten out with the last bit of strength.

      Here at last and the boat towering the surface part with the small bridge above.

      The Gatling swelled up on the boat, opened the hatch and lowered women.

      In it he was a high time is wounded in a shoulder. Having turned pale from bleeding, he continued to give orders.

      – Damned Sleyton! – the Irish sailor, увидав a wound of Gatlinga exclaimed. – I will treat you! In the purpose!

      And, having carefully aimed, it shot.

      Feargus Sleyton dropped the gun and fell. His breast was painted by blood.

      It was visible how on its call Maggie approached it and, inclining, stretched the child. Sleyton touched by the weakening hand the head of the child and told something to Maggie and Flores…

      But to watch this scene to fugitives there was no time: the pursuit on a raft already moored to the submarine. And while the hatch of the submarine slammed for the last of fugitives – Gatlingom, islanders already clambered to the bridge…

      The boat trembled and began to plunge into water quickly…

      The become puzzled persecutors, losing the support crumbling under the feet, zabarakhtatsya in water and, being confused in seaweed, began to climb up a raft.

      This moment of immersion was come by shouts “hurrah” by crew of the submarine.

      The last fears disappeared: the mechanism operated perfectly. Bright electric light filled in a cabin. The motor worked trouble-free. Lungs breathed freely.

      But to indulge in joy there was not time. Wounded demanded cares. Ms. Kingman and the old woman Ternip undertook a role of sisters of mercy. To the wounded sailor tied up a leg, Gatlingu – a shoulder.

      With great efforts it was succeeded to lay Gatlinga on a bed. It was in a fever, the shoulder swelled up and hurt, but he wished to steer the boat personally.

      At night to it became worse. The old woman Ternip tired with flight and disorders of day left to sleep, and at the patient Ms. Kingman remained to be on duty.

      The Gatling did not fall down. Viviana moistened to it whisky with water.

      He poorly smiled and told:

      – I thank you… I feel better… do not get tired, have a rest.

      – I was not tired!

      – As all this is strange! – it began after a pause. – To you fell to lot to look after the criminal…

      Ms. Kingman frowned:

      – Do not speak about it!

      – And I for some reason want to speak about it today. Tell, Ms. Kingman, it is frank: you trust in my crime?

      Ms. Kingman was confused.

      – I do not know whether you committed a crime, but I know that you it is better than much so-called “honest people” – Ms. Kingman answered.

      – You trust me… I want to tell you everything.

      – The right, is better if you fell asleep.

      – No, no… Listen… I served as an engineer at Jackson… The shipbuilding plant… was not heard? I loved to Dell Jackson, the old man Jackson’s daughter. After war of business of Jackson reeled. It was threatened by crash. And, as it often happens in a circle of capitalists, Jackson made the plan to improve the things by marriage of the daughter with the son of the large banker Lorrobi. Dell loved me. But she was very attached to the old man to the father and decided that she has to sacrifice herself in spite of the fact that unbalanced, degenerate Lorrobi to it was deeply antipathetic. I did not consider himself to have the right to dissuade her, but wrote her the letter in which asked to see it last time in the neighborhood of the city. I decided to go to Europe, and I already had a steamship ticket in a pocket. Having left the car with the driver at the road, I went deep into a grove, but in the agreed place did not find to Ms. Jackson. I was very upset, however I had no time for further searches or expectations. Having wandered a little more in this deserted place, I got on the car, having arrived to the harbor before the departure of the steamship, and left coast of America.

      Once, reading the newspaper already in Genoa, I was struck with the message from the New Mink: Dell Jackson it was killed. Her body is found near the place appointed by us of a meeting. Among its papers the investigative authorities found my letter with appointment invitation, exactly there where it was found, and that day when she was killed…

      Testimonies of the interviewed driver who carried me finished a picture. All proofs fell on me. Also motives of murder seemed reasonable: all knew that I reckoned on Ms. Jackson and that Lorrobi pushed aside me. Rivalry. Jealousy. Revenge… In the same newspaper there was a large announcement of delivery of reward of ten thousand dollars to the one who will find stay and will hand over to the police the murderer Ms. Jackson – Redzhinalda Gatlinga… My head was estimated. I had