Classics of a fantasy. A. Belyaev. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: A. Belyaev
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Научная фантастика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005008831
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decreased and reduced speed. Mountains on the horizon grew, dark

      color of the sky turned pale, turned blue, stars, as one by one died away on


      Far below, at a foot of mountains as the bright green ocean, spread

      violent tropical vegetation.

      – The Andes – the South American continuation of the Cordilleras, – Vinkler told. —

      Behind them the desert lowland, and further – the Rocky Mountains the republics


      – Surprisingly! It is difficult to get used to it. What speed, what

      victory over space! – Finger exclaimed and once again Endured all


      Europe – as if the big card. On the right – the Azores, at the left —

      the Cape Verde Islands, hardly distinguishable even in the strongest sea

      field-glass, South America… The basin of Amazon with its inflows similar on

      tree branches… A semicircle of “atmospheric braking” over the Great ocean and

      again coast of South America, already western.

      – Yes, quite good way of studying of geography. It is better our school

      books and maps, – Henry told. – But speed turtle. Other business —

      space flight!

      – Space flight! Turtle speed! – in Blotton’s tone continued

      Vinkler. – That twelve mean some – eighteen kilometers in

      second of space flight in comparison at least with thirty kilometers

      flight of Earth? And star fogs! Some of them fly from huge


      – ? – Blotton asked.

      – About one thousand kilometers per second – usual average speed. But

      there are also exceptions. According to the latest data, a fog Big Dipper

      number twenty four flies with a speed of eleven thousand seven hundred

      kilometers per second, Lev number one – nearly twenty thousand kilometers.

      – Yes, such speed is pleasant to me. But do not laugh, kind Vinkler.

      I understand in such things a little, but our friend Leo Zander said to me that

      when we have radioactive energy down to a science, it will be possible

      to reach also velocity of light.

      – Alas, even with velocity of light you should fly to the next

      stars four years and four months. To other sun stars, which we

      we consider our “neighbors” in world space, – ten – fifteen

      years. Some tens of stars are from us on such close

      distance. To the others it should fly hundreds and thousands of years. You

      the immense desert within months, years, decades would surround.

      Any concept about time will disappear.

      – What star, next to the Sun? – Blotton asked.

      – Alpha Tsentavra. In total about forty trillion kilometers.

      – Four over a year – are not much. Having kept silent, lord Henry

      returned to terrestrial affairs:

      – And why, actually, for start this is chosen wild, desert


      – Just because it wild, desert, unsociable. Such is desire

      shareholders of your wild society “Noah’s Ark”. Conspiracy.

      – But there is a lot of desert places on the globe, to take at least Youzhny

      pole. There nobody would prevent us, even efficient reporters. Why

      exactly here? I would like to know, than the choice was defined.

      – On it there were the, and important, the bases, – seriously answered

      Vinkler. – Exactly there are optimum conditions for

      take-off. You probably know that to the rocket at take-off from Earth

      it is necessary to break through a double armor: atmospheres and terrestrial

      inclinations. The greatest inclination exists on poles, the smallest – on

      the equator as Earth is a little flattened to poles. Besides on

      poles the smallest, and on the equator the greatest centrifugal effect.

      Therefore an inclination armor on the equator minimum.

      – And what difference in weight?

      – On the equator the body weighs on the one two-hundredth share less, than on


      – Only? – disappointedly Blotton told.

      – Yes, only. Thanks to centrifugal effect and “inflation” of terrestrial

      sphere at the equator of a body weigh on half-percent less here, than at poles.

      As though really it is a little. But for the rocket important even it

      reduction of weight: it gives noticeable economy in a fuel reserve. So

      weight half-percent – not so small size in our enterprise.

      – Well, equator. He agrees. But why this place on the equator?

      – To answer also this question, we should talk already about

      other armor – atmospheric. Air which we approximately do not notice,

      represents almost absolute obstacle for quickly moving

      bodies. The quicker the movement, the is more resistance. At very big

      speeds resistance of air is almost also big, as well as resistance

      solid body, – the real steel armor. This not only figurative

      expression. Meteors – the stones which are on a silver platter – move from space

      speed; crashing into the atmosphere, meteors more small, being heated because of

      air resistance, evaporate, being besieged тончайшею by dust. Here with

      what obstacle it is necessary to deal in our flight. Zhyulvernovskiye

      the heroes who were taking off from the gun in a shell would have to in the first

      the moment of a shot to break in flat cake against a shell bottom. To avoid

      this sad fate, we will increase the speed of our rocket

      gradually. We have to choose such place on the globe where

      the atmospheric armor has the smallest thickness. Relative

      density of air depends on pressure, temperature, humidity, and all

      it, in turn, from height above sea level. Than higher over level

      the seas, an armor of the atmosphere are thinner than subjects, it is easier for that to punch, therefore

      it and that should be spent for it fuel less. At the height of six

      density of air is approximately already twice less than kilometers, than at the level

      seas. Now, I hope, it is clear to you that it is more favorable to the interplanetary ship

      to start