Classics of a fantasy. A. Belyaev. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: A. Belyaev
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Научная фантастика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005008831
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Age kind old England of times

      the Queen Victoria to whom the lady was a little similar and which

      tried to imitate.

      The old mansion in West End, against the Hyde park, lady Hinton

      turned into fortress – “my house – my fortress”, – in which wanted

      to sit out from time pressure. The twentieth century had to come to an end on

      threshold. Here everything, beginning from heavy furniture and finishing vital

      way and etiquette, was antiquated and pradedovsky times.

      Lady Hinton even did not open tightly the closed double glazing in the summer and

      forced to lower heavy curtains on windows not to see crowd

      the excited people passing in the Hyde park – the favourite place for

      meetings. But voices and songs, rumble, and sometimes and dry crash of shots

      got through thick walls. At its canneries – inheritance

      the second husband – workers striked, and it had to conduct unpleasant

      talk with the managing director. To its Fife-au-shreds a political talk was

      are expelled as a sign of bad form. And nevertheless it is frequent behind these ceremonious

      tea drinking political debates erupted.

      Time has come, time conducted the correct siege of the mansion which took cover for

      lattice, under old chestnuts and elms.

      Time rushed a street rumble, the concerning talk, terrible

      news. Neither old servants, nor thick walls, nor double glazing, nor curtains

      did not save from time impact.

      At lady Hinton the real mania of prosecution began. And

      time was a persecutor, the enemy, the murderer…

      – Read, Ellen.

      But it was not necessary to continue reading. Hours slowly, deafly, as if blows

      them reached from a far tower, punched five.

      In the doorway silently the old footman in a gray livery with braids appeared.

      Deaf aged voice respectfully reported:

      – Doctor Mr. Teker.

      Lady Hinton frowned. On Thursdays – put Fife-au-shred – house

      the doctor had to be at four hours forty five minutes to end

      evening visit before arrival of guests. Today the doctor was late for whole

      fifteen minutes.

      – Ask.

      Because of a door the close-cut head with turning gray seemed

      temples, then also all figure of the doctor – in black carefully promoted,

      tightly the clasped frock coat. A frock coat instead of traditional evening

      tuxedo! Lady Hinton forgave such violation of etiquette Tekera only

      because he was “the person of other circle”, besides the foreigner, fine

      doctor, “victim and refugee of time”. In the homeland he did not get on with “spirit

      modern times” which was given for there “true spirit ancient”.

      Teker’s face was confused and joyful and uneasy. About ostentatious

      confidence it passed space from a door to a tronopodobny chair,

      welcomed lady Hinton respectful bow and it is careful as fragile

      jewelry, took a thick hand of the patient to probe pulse.

      – Said to me that doctors differ in punctuality, and German in

      features! – viscously lady Hinton told.

      – . Sixty six., sixty seven… – the Ticker counted blows

      pulse, looking at a second hand of the pocket watch – Pulse normal.

      Forgive, the lady. House circumstances detained me. My wife.,

      it was resolved from a burden. Boy. – And Teker’s eyes flashed joy.

      – I congratulate, – lady Hinton silently told. – The doctor accepted? At

      your wife, so there were two doctors. And at me the attack was nearly played

      liver… Medical ethics, however, always for me were unclear.

      The ticker shifted from one foot to the other. Internally he was enraged, but

      constrained itself, having remembered the newborn: new duties of the father, new


      Having set the patient several questions, Teker wanted to leave. But at the lady

      Hinton already was on call women’s revenge.

      – I hope, the doctor, you will not refuse to remain to Fife-au-shred?

      My old friends will gather, – she told with a smile hospitable


      The ticker shortly sighed, bowed and took seat on a chair with such look,

      as if it was the hot brazier. There came silence.

      To interrupt a burdensome pause, the captive of artful hospitality

      started talking:

      – I read in the newspaper: somehow at the London economic school acted

      famous writer. He addressed listeners with such speech:

      “Many of the young people sitting here will be killed, others are suffocated

      gases, the third will die of hunger. World accident approaches.

      The civilization perishes, and there is no exit. It is necessary unless to construct an ark

      like Noyev…”

      Lady Hinton omitted embroidery on knees. She turned pale, eyes

      sparkled anger.

      – Spare nerves of your patient, Mr. Teker! The servant entered:

      – His Excellency baron Marshal de Terlonzh and his excellency

      commerce adviser Mr. Stormer.

      Displeasure was replaced on a face of lady Hinton by a habitual mask


      Marshal de Terlonzh, the French banker with shadowy past entered,

      the title of the baron which profited in the war and bought. To it was under fifty, but

      it looked a perfect wreck. Together with it appeared broad-shouldered,

      the strong old man with a red face of the butcher. The baron проковылял to a chair,

      kissed a hand of the hostess and, strongly stammering, told:

      – Allow, e-e-e., to present my kkompanion and Mr. friend

      St… St… St…

      – Stormer! – the fat man banged, stretching to the shuddered hostess

      the spread wide thick fingers.

      – His Eminence bishop! – the footman announced.

      The bishop Iov Weller, the stout, healthy man with thoroughbred entered

      ruddy face. His radiant eyes and juicy lips smiled.

      After the bishop professor of philosophy Shnirer seemed. It

      puzzly looked round around as if got at the wrong door, smiled as
