Classics of a fantasy. A. Belyaev. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: A. Belyaev
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Научная фантастика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005008831
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part, far from main ocean roads, and

      now still it is possible to find a silent shelter, – the island which is not put on one

      card… But… I am a businessman, the businessman not inclined to panic and

      to hysterics. Silly, however, to close eyes to reality. We live

      on a volcano. Yes. We with devilish (Hinton shuddered) speed fly in

      abyss. I will not list the latest events, they are known to all.

      It is necessary to be ready to the worst. Yes. – Everyone it “yes” rattled as

      thunderclap. – I speak not about a silly pose a rack. The baron is right. It is necessary to fight

      and at the same time to prepare ways of retreat, so far we did not tie hands and

      there are capitals.

      To construct the huge motor ship. Such “Noah’s Ark” of three hundred

      meters and with the displacement of eighty five – hundred thousand tons. So

      mechanized that it was possible to manage the minimum quantity

      crew – from young people of exclusive classes. Any

      the proletarian, because all of them are obvious or our secret enemies. Yes. How many

      wars, revolutions will last? Four-five years? We will be able to take

      food on six, for eight years. Not to mention an opportunity

      replenishments of stocks fishing and hunting on lonely islands. And we

      let’s sit out. We will be able to keep thus the life if not the

      capitals. I offer, without postponing, to organize the company for

      constructions of “Noah’s Ark”. Needless to say that members of this

      the companies will be only chosen and all case will be processed in the most strict

      to secret. My project does not exclude yours, the sir, – turned Stormer to

      To Blotton, having filled on him the red face with goggle rachy

      eyes. – He agrees: to open our floating island our enemies nevertheless

      will be able. In a zvezdoplavaniye I, unfortunately, understand nothing. But if it

      it is feasible why don’t we prepare as a last resort and to

      to the last jump – from Earth to abysses of the sky? You will not refuse courtesy,

      the sir to acquaint me with your inventor?

      If he convinces me that a zvezdoplavaniye not a chimera, I am the first

      I will bring a share.

      – Ffva you fverit Nneuzheli in a zvezdoplavaniye and hkhgotova to fvlozhit фв it

      business to., to., capital? – Marshal Stormera when they asked

      came back from lady Hinton.

      – I trust! Yes! – Stormer bellowed. – Both of us are businessmen, the baron, and with you

      I can frankly speak, – it continued more quietly. – I trust in

      the zvezdoplavaniye is as firm, as in a placer on the Thames. Yes.

      Listen. If the Thames proceeded for thousands of kilometers from London, in

      to the exotic country, thousands would believe in a placer on the Thames.

      You remember mine “silver mines” in New Zealand or I wash “the Australian

      oil”? I acquired on them millions, and they existed only in imagination

      shareholders. Now you understand, as on the Thames can be gold

      scatterings which will enrich us?

      The car began to shake as if flew on the timbered bridge. Driver

      looked back.

      It Mr. Stormer laughed.

      – Situation really extremely serious, – was continued by it more quietly and

      more quietly. – What we endure, you know. In three countries already

      communists dominate. Every day brings news of new

      suicides. Whether long ago Smith, Milton., behind them Skarfas, now

      Сиддонс, Abbington… Real epidemic. The most terrible crises happened and

      earlier, but committed a suicide the few. Why? People trusted: behind crisis

      again there will come the prosperity era. There is no this belief now. Who was ruined —

      it was ruined forever. Unless I am not right?

      – Fff…

      – Such is situation and such is mood. Revolutions and ruin,

      inevitable as death, guard all of us. Inevitable death. Stormer

      made a pause to recover the breath.

      – The person despaired. Was overstrung. It was exhausted. The person already stretches

      hand to the revolver. And this minute to it our agent comes and speaks:

      “We can save you. We will provide you a silent shelter where will not reach

      your enemies and where you will be able in a circle of people close to you, surrounded

      habitual comfort to live your life. Yes, it will cost to you

      millions. But what these millions will cost tomorrow? Tomorrow you can

      to wake up the poor, and you will intercept the retreat all,

      to flight, rescue…”

      Whether will be much such which will refuse our offer? To

      to example, lady Hinton. Quite ripened fruit. Two-three more already close

      political crash, and from this rich person fall down in our hands

      pounds sterling without account. We will build “Noah’s Ark”. We will be

      to build a starprobe vehicle, tens of starprobe vehicles, without caring for that at all,

      they will depart or not. We will be at the head of business and to move huge

      means. Conspiracy simplifies the reporting. It is necessary at all not

      to have commercial intuition not to estimate all advantage of it

      enterprises. I hope, now you quite understood what means to open

      placer on the Thames?

      Marshal de Terlonzh for nervousness long puffed, sniffed and, at last

      squeezed out from itself:

      – E-e-e., ffva are absolutely right!

      So new was born in foggy London evening in darkness of a limousine

      the joint-stock company fastened with short strong handshake.

      Chapter 3


      Hans Finger was by the cabin window. His curling fair hair and face

      burned in the sun. He whistled a cheerful march, beating time and a leg and

      hand. Finger experienced delight of the first flight on the stratoplena.

      “Life – devilishly interesting movie when time and events fly as

      this стратоплан…” Hans all accelerated a march. If it was possible

      to start up the movie of life even