Acupressure: Simple Steps to Health: Discover your Body’s Powerpoints For Health and Relaxation. Jacqueline Young. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Jacqueline Young
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007498253
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though if these symptoms persist, you should always consult a medical practitioner.

      7. Small Intestine 3: The Head, Neck and Spine

      Location: Make a loose fist. The point is located in the middle of the longest crease on the outside edge of the little finger, just below the knuckle.

      Technique: Support the fist with the fingers of the opposite hand and press into the point lightly with the edge of the nail of the thumb or forefinger. For general toning, press for 30 seconds to 1 minute but, should you be suffering from acute neck, shoulder or spinal pain, continue for 2–3 minutes and repeat every half-hour until the pain starts to ease off. Repeat on the opposite hand.

      Benefits: This acupoint has a powerful connection with the back. It helps to strengthen the spine and neck and also clears the head. It can be used to prevent and ease headaches and to relieve tension or pain in the neck, shoulders and back.

      8. Urinary Bladder 11: Bones

      Location: At the back of the neck in line with the shoulders and level with the lower edge of the first thoracic vertebra. Located 2 finger widths on either side of the spine.

      Technique: Reach the hands over the back on either side of the neck and apply firm, relaxed pressure to the points with the index or middle fingers for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Both points can be stimulated simultaneously, using sustained pressure or small massage rotations. Breathe evenly and visualize healthy, strong bones throughout the body. If your arms become tired, lower them for a moment and then repeat. You should experience mild tingling under your fingertips and an enjoyable sensation of the relief of any tension in this area.

      Benefits: Regular acupressure to this point on both sides of the spine is said to promote strong, healthy bones throughout the body. It can also help prevent and relieve neck and shoulder pain and tension headaches.

      9. Urinary Bladder 40: Lower Body and Joint Mobility

      Location: In between the tendons at the back of the knee when the knee is slightly bent.

      Technique: Place the thumbs on the outside of each kneecap and the fingers behind the knees, while bending the knees slightly. Use the middle or index fingers of each hand to locate the hollow between the tendons at the back of each knee. Don’t press on the tendons themselves and avoid varicose veins, if you have any. Apply firm, even pressure for 30 seconds to 1 minute, breathing deeply and visualizing energy flowing freely throughout the lower body. Both points can be massaged simultaneously.

      If you are applying acupressure to this point on someone else, sit in front of them, place your fingers round the back of their knees with the thumbs at the sides for support, locate the point and apply pressure with the middle or index fingers. While doing so, ask the person to practise the breathing and visualization.

      Benefits: Helps to promote circulation and the flow of vital energy throughout the lower body. Can improve mobility of the back and legs and relieve aching, pain or stiffness in these areas.

      10. Urinary Bladder 60: Back, Legs and Feet and Urinary System

      Location: In the hollow behind the ankle bone on the outer side of the foot.

      Technique: Locate the point with the thumb, using the index finger for support on the other side of the ankle. Alternatively, the position of the thumb and index finger can be reversed and the index finger used to apply acupressure to the point. Apply acupressure for 30 seconds to 1 minute, using sustained pressure or small firm rotations angled slightly downwards towards the heel. Repeat on the opposite ankle. Breathe deeply and visualize a good flow of energy through the back, legs and feet and a healthy urinary system.

      Benefits: Strengthens the urinary system and improves mobility in the back, legs and feet. Can help prevent and relieve mild urinary infections, headaches, eye problems, back pain, ankle stiffness and pain in the feet.

      Note: If pregnant, see here.

      11. Kidney 1: Vitality and Blood Pressure

      Location: A third of the way down the sole of the foot, in the depression just below the ball of the foot.

      Technique: Turn the foot over or outwards, resting it in the fingers of the hand on the same side of the body. Use the thumbs to locate and apply pressure to the acupoint on the soles of alternate feet or both feet simultaneously for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Use sustained pressure or apply small massage rotations to the acupoint. In cases of blood pressure problems, apply only light pressure. Breathe deeply and visualize vital energy flowing throughout the body and healthy kidneys.

      Benefits: Promotes vitality and stimulates the flow of energy throughout the body. Relieves fatigue and acts as a natural stimulant. Helps to balance blood pressure, prevents and relieves dizziness and faintness and stimulates kidney function.

      12. Kidney 3: Urinary System, Adrenals and Gynaecological Organs

      Location: On the inside of the ankle in the hollow halfway between the ankle bone and the back of the ankle, level with the ankle bone.

      Technique: Place the fingers of the opposite hand behind the ankle for support and locate the point with the thumb. Apply pressure perpendicularly for about 30 seconds to 1 minute, using sustained pressure or small rotations angled slightly upwards towards the shin. Alternatively, place the middle or index fingers on Urinary Bladder 60 and the thumbs on Kidney 3 and massage both points on both ankles simultaneously. Breathe freely and visualize healthy and vital urinary and gynaecological organs.

      Benefits: Strengthens the kidneys, adrenals, urinary bladder and gynaecological organs and promotes good hormonal balance. Can prevent or relieve insomnia, asthma, sore throats, ear problems, toothache and low back pain.

      For women, can help regulate menses and prevent menstrual problems. For men, can strengthen sexual function and treat impotence and premature ejaculation.

      13. Pericardium 6: Circulation and Cardiac Function

      Location: Between the tendons on the inside of the arm, 3 finger widths above the wrist crease closest to the palm.

      Technique: After measuring up the arm, rest the wrist in the fingers of the other hand and use the thumb to locate the point. Apply gentle pressure angled slightly downwards towards the palm and middle finger for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Breathe evenly and deeply and visualize good heart function and circulation of blood and energy throughout the upper body. Repeat on the opposite arm.

      Benefits: Stimulates and regulates heart function and promotes good circulation of blood and energy throughout the arms and upper body. Can prevent or relieve mild chest or gastric pain, nausea and travel sickness, and pain or stiffness in the wrist and elbow.
