Acupressure: Simple Steps to Health: Discover your Body’s Powerpoints For Health and Relaxation. Jacqueline Young. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Jacqueline Young
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007498253
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also very cost-effective as it requires no special equipment, creams or other materials, just a pair of hands and a developing sense of touch in order to locate the point accurately and determine the effect of acupressure on it.

      Acupoints are located all over the body, close to the surface of the skin, and are linked together in a complex network of meridian channels. Each acupoint has specific effects on individual organs or body systems. Stimulating, or gently massaging, the points triggers a response within the meridians that leads to direct physiological changes in the body and can affect mental and emotional states too.

      This book describes the acupressure technique, how it works and how it can be used to promote health as well as to prevent or relieve a wide range of common ailments. It gives clear descriptions of the location of each acupressure point, the techniques for applying acupressure and the functions of the points. It shows how to promote health in all the major body systems and organs and also links this with simple self-health techniques, including breathing, diet, nutrition, exercise, life-style, mental attitude and visualization, in order to provide an integrated approach to health in body, mind and spirit. The book is designed to appeal to all those interested in promoting and maintaining their own health and helping others do the same.

      Acupressure for Health

      Acupressure’s real use is as a health-care, self-care technique for promoting health balance and preventing disease and disorders. It can also be used as an effective tool for easing and curing common, minor ailments or as an adjunct to therapy for more serious conditions.

      In line with this tradition, the focus of this book is therefore on health rather than on disease. It starts with a complete Acupressure Workout for promoting vitality and good health in the whole body. This routine can be performed daily and used to maintain good health and prevent disease. There are then sections focusing on each part and system of the body, showing how acupressure can be used to optimize body functions and well-being. Contained within each of these sections are general health-care tips1 and also acupressure prescriptions for preventing and relieving common disorders.

      Acupressure, used wisely, can give you real power at your fingertips: the power to promote your own health, to detect imbalances at an early stage through self-awareness and the ability to restore balance. However, acupressure is not a substitute for medical treatment in the case of serious illness, so if your symptoms persist or you are unsure what is causing them, you should always seek medical advice.

      If you are in poor health, or have a chronic health problem, acupressure can be used in conjunction with whatever treatment you are currently receiving to assist the body in gradually restoring its natural healing mechanisms and good health.


      Many years ago, before I had even heard of acupuncture or trained as an acupuncturist myself, I suffered from very bad low back pain. I used to rub my lower back to ease the pain and eventually began to notice that some particular spots were more tender than others. Pressing on these points felt comfortable and seemed to bring some relief. Gradually, I also noticed that at certain times, for example during menstruation or colds, other particular parts or points on the body also became more sensitive than usual.

      To my great surprise, over a decade later when I began to study acupuncture, I found that many of these sensitive points corresponded exactly to the locations of specific acupoints. As I had already experienced their effectiveness for myself, I began to experiment further with acupressure. I also shared the technique with others and was able to witness their surprise and satisfaction at their health improvement. Later started to use acupressure in my clinical practice and found that not only was it excellent as a therapy in its own right, especially for those who were apprehensive about acupuncture needles or very sensitive, weak or frail, but it was also very effective when practised by patients themselves in between treatments. It enabled them to play an active part in their treatment and also often led to a reduction in the number of treatments required. Many continued to use acupressure to maintain and further improve their health after treatment had finished.

      In my many years of clinical work I have given large numbers of clients acupressure points to use between treatments and to promote their general health and vitality. Their encouraging feedback and the good results they obtained, with very little effort or training, led me to establish classes and workshops in acupressure for both lay people and health professionals. These classes have now been offered in many different countries, and also with groups of children, the disabled and the elderly. Seeing the enjoyment and positive effect that participants gained from this powerful form of self-care led to the writing of this book.

      The Acupoints

      An acupoint is a point of increased sensitivity and powerful effect located along an acupuncture meridian. There are over 360 acupoints located on the meridians all over the body and new acupoints are constantly being discovered. Individual acupoints have a direct and specific effect on individual organs or body systems and some are more powerful, or potent, than others; it is these major points that are most commonly used during acupressure. This acupressure book includes around 100 of the acupoints that are considered most effective for promoting health and preventing or relieving common ailments. It also describes many combinations of points that are known to aid health balance. Some acupoints are local to the body part or organ which they regulate, while others are located on a different part of the body and affect the specific body part or organ from a distance.

      The acupoints are numbered and named according to the meridian on which they are located and its corresponding internal organ. Most are bilateral, occurring on both sides of the body, so acupressure must be applied to both points of the pair. Other points, located on the midline of the body or spine, are single points.


      The exact location of each acupoint is described in terms of the part of the body, where it is located and its position relative to the bones, muscles or tendons. Most acupoints are located in small depressions, or hollows, on the body in between bones, muscles or tendons. Each location description is accompanied by a drawing or photograph.

      After following the descriptions closely and paying careful attention to the illustrations, spend a little time feeling around the area with your most sensitive finger to locate the point accurately. There is almost always a slight sensitivity or ‘charge’ to be felt at the site of an acupoint and, in the case of imbalance, the point itself is often tender. The points are generally located with the tip of the index or middle finger or the thumb. With regular practice, sensitivity develops and confidence increases. As you become more practised it will become easier and easier to locate acupoints correctly on both yourself and others.


      Each acupoint has a correct technique for locating the point and for applying pressure. Usually the same fingertip or thumb used to locate the point is used to apply pressure. Sometimes the nail edge is used and it should be clean and smooth. Pressure is applied gently at first and gradually increased to the point where mild sensation, but not pain, is felt. In healthy people, or those with strong constitutions, quite firm, direct pressure may be required before sensation is felt. For sensitive individuals, infants, the elderly or those who are weak or frail, only very light stimulation is required.

      Acupressure is either applied in a sustained way or intermittently by locating the point, applying pressure, releasing, relaxing and repeating the sequence several times. Additional stimulation can also be given by applying gentle, small massage rotations to the point. Never force the pressure or strain the muscles, as this will lead to aching and tension in the hands, wrists and shoulders. Always ensure that your body is in a comfortable position and relaxed, then locate the point with the fingertip, nail edge or thumb and slowly and gently apply pressure accompanied with relaxed breathing. Release the point gently when you have finished, breathe out and relax the body.
