Acupressure: Simple Steps to Health: Discover your Body’s Powerpoints For Health and Relaxation. Jacqueline Young. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Jacqueline Young
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007498253
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stretch your body and take a couple of deep breaths.

       Make sure you are relaxed and comfortable and free your mind of any mental worries.

       Don’t perform the workout directly after eating or when very hungry or exhausted. Take a light snack or some rest first.

       Rub the palms together and do a few gentle finger and hand stretches and wrist exercises to loosen up before starting.

       Loosen any tight clothing, get in a comfortable position and rub the hands together to warm them.

      Work through the points in the order shown below. Remember to apply pressure to points on both sides of the body except for the Conception and Governor Vessel points on the front and back midline of the body. Begin by applying the acupressure to each point on the left side of the body first and then on the right. The next time you practise, apply the acupressure to each point on the right side of the body first and then on the left. Alternating the side that you start with in this way will help to maintain balance in the body. Check regularly during your practice that you are still relaxed, comfortable and breathing deeply.

      Remember to always locate the point correctly first and then apply pressure.

      The Workout

      1. Lung 7: The Respiratory System

      Location: On the inside of the wrist, 2 finger widths from the wrist crease closest to the palm on the same side as the thumb in the depression behind the bone.

      Technique: Using the thumb of the opposite hand, touch the point and then gently begin to apply pressure below the skin, angled slightly down towards the wrist and thumb. Apply sustained pressure or small, massage rotations to the acupoint. Use the fingers of the same hand under the wrist as support. Continue to apply pressure for 30 seconds to I minute while breathing rhythmically and visualizing the lungs as healthy and strong. Repeat on the opposite wrist.

      Benefits: Strengthens the respiratory system. Helps to prevent and alleviate colds, coughs, congestion and breathing difficulties.

      2. Large Intestine 4: The Head, Face and Skin

      Location: In the centre of the triangle made between the small bones of the index finger and thumb. Can also be located at the end of the crease made by the index finger and thumb when they are pressed together.

      Technique: Locate the point and then press in gently with the thumb of the opposite hand, placing the fingers underneath the acupoint, against the palm of the hand, for support. Press deeply and perpendicularly into the point, applying sustained pressure or small massage rotations to the acupoint for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Breathe deeply and visualize the whole of the upper body being filled with vitality. Repeat on the opposite hand.

      Benefits: This point benefits the whole upper body. In particular it helps tone the skin and improve the complexion. It aids large intestine function, facilitating elimination and thereby helping to improve the skin quality and texture. It can be useful in relieving constipation and can also improve mobility and relieve pain in the arms, shoulders and neck.

      Note: If pregnant, see here.

      3. Large Intestine 11: The Arms, Skin and Digestion

      Location: When the elbow is bent the point is located in the depression at the end of the skin crease towards the outside of the elbow.

      Technique: Support the elbow in the fingers and palm of the opposite hand. Press in deeply with the thumb for 30 seconds to 1 minute, applying sustained pressure or small massage rotations to the acupoint with relaxed, even breathing. Visualize healthy, clear skin and good function of the large intestine. Repeat on the opposite elbow.

      Benefits: Used in conjunction with Large Intestine 4, this point also tones the skin, improves the complexion, ensures strong, healthy function of the large intestine and aids elbow and arm mobility. In addition, it is effective in preventing or relieving constipation.

      4. Stomach 36: The Digestive System

      Location: Four finger widths below the lower edge of the kneecap in the hollow between the 2 bones of the leg.

      Technique: Using the thumb, locate the point and apply sustained pressure or small massage rotations to the acupoint, angled slightly downwards towards the feet. Place the fingers behind the knee for support.

      Alternatively, reverse the position of the hand and press with the index or middle fingers. Apply pressure for 30 seconds to 1 minute and visualize the digestive organs as healthy and strong. A tingling sensation may be felt down into the toes. Repeat on the other leg or, if you wish, acupressure can be applied to both legs simultaneously.

      Benefits: Strengthens and improves digestion. Can prevent and relieve constipation, diarrhoea and indigestion. Helps build stamina.

      5. Spleen 6: The Digestive System and Gynaecological Organs

      Location: Four finger widths above the tip of the ankle bone in the middle of the inside of the leg.

      Technique: Measure 4 finger widths up from the ankle bone with one hand and then use the thumb of the other hand to locate the acupoint. Apply pressure perpendicularly or use small massage rotations to the acupoint for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Repeat on other leg.

      Benefits: This very powerful acupoint is the meeting point of the Spleen, Liver and Kidney meridians. Acupressure to this point helps digestion and can relieve abdominal bloating and loose stools. It tones and strengthens the gynaecological organs and helps to keep them in position, i.e. regular acupressure is said to prevent uterine prolapse and hernia.

      For women this acupoint is useful in regulating menstruation, and acupressure in the week prior to each menses can help prevent period pains and premenstrual tension. However, this point is contraindicated during pregnancy as it can induce labour (see here). For men this point is said to increase virility and can prevent seminal emission and relieve pain in the genital organs.

      Acupressure of this point can also be used to improve mobility and relieve pain in the lower extremities.

      6. Heart 7. Circulation and Heart Function

      Location: With your palm upwards, this point is located on the outside edge of the first crease closest to the palm of the wrist, in the hollow level with the little finger.

      Technique: Support the wrist with the fingers of the opposite hand and locate the point with the thumb. Apply pressure with the thumb in the direction of the little finger for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Use sustained pressure or small, massage rotations. Repeat on the opposite wrist.

      Benefits: Improves circulation, strengthens heart function and calms the mind and is very effective in relieving anxiety and insomnia. Can be used to ease mild chest pain and palpitations,