A Light In The Heart Of Darkness. Amy Blankenship. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Amy Blankenship
Издательство: Tektime S.r.l.s.
Жанр произведения: Современная зарубежная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9788873041931
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were seducing her.


      Kyoko was lost to the sensations of Tasuki’s hands on her hips, caressing the bare skin at her waist as he took control of their dance. He actually looked sexy with his hair mussed up and dirty dancing with her. A giggle escaped her lips at the turn of her thoughts.

      As she felt him caress the exposed skin at the small of her back she noticed his eyes turned almost pure amethyst.

      Suki, deciding that she could use something cold and wet, smacked Kyoko on the butt. “C’mon you two! I require sustenance!” She laughed at her silly phrase as she dragged the couple back to the table they had occupied earlier in hopes of another drink.


      Kyou stood trying desperately to calm his raging blood. His usual iron clad control and cold demeanor had vanished completely upon witnessing the boy Tasuki dancing with Kyoko like he was her lover.

      In the recesses of his mind, he knew he needed to calm himself quickly, otherwise Hyakuhei would sense his presence if he hadn’t already. Taking a deep steadying breath, he mentally berated himself for his foolishness.

      For centuries he had been a cold, emotionless demon of the night. His resolve was like a mountain that never swayed and could not be forced into submission. His emotions were well kept within his cold, unbreakable exterior for a reason… so he could hide his aura from the true enemy.

      In one night, the presence of one young girl, beyond innocent and pure, had caused him to falter for the first time in his undead life.

      Oblivious to the enraged silver haired vampire, the trio made their way back to their previous seats. Kyoko’s innocent laughter floated to him, barely calming his rage. His tension eased some and he questioned why he had reacted so possessively to the young girl.

      His gaze narrowed, shooting daggers at the boy with her, promising a slow agonizing death if he so much as tiptoed out of line once more. She needed a guardian.

      Kyou couldn’t understand the immense hold she had over him but watching her had become addictive. Her beauty and innocence mesmerized him and he began to wonder if her skin was as soft as it appeared. Seeing another glass of the tainted liquid slide in front of her angered him.

      With every sip she took, the blaze of pure light that surrounded her seemed to waver and weaken. It was already a lot harder to detect. If she kept drinking the devil’s water that was placed before her, she would soon fall into the darkness.

      As if defying him, he watched as the girl took her straw out of the cup and pressed the cup to her lips, draining the last of the polluted liquid.

      Kyou did something he hadn’t done in centuries… he smiled, knowing now her secret would be safe from the evil that had just entered the nightclub. Maybe hiding the pure aura of such an unimaginably innocent, beautiful girl wasn’t such a bad thing after all.

      Kyou backed into the darkness just as his enemy stepped from it.


      Hyakuhei walked through the door giving no notice to the minions that followed in his shadow. They could seek out their own entertainment for the night. They would only hinder his plans for the evening should he allow them to join him. His crimson eyes scanned the display of heated flesh before him with interest.

      He had felt life here, hidden somewhere amongst the humans. It had beckoned to him as a lover would hunger for his touch, but now the caressing feeling had almost vanished, as if snuffed out.

      He had fed well the night before and did not feel the need to feed again so soon. No… tonight he had something else in mind.

      This city held the power of the legendary Guardian Heart Crystal, he was sure of it. All roads he had taken, seeking the hidden light, had led him here. Even now, he could feel the elusive light hidden under darkness as he leaned against the wall, watching the humans.

      Several of the unsuspecting mortals had already noticed him and he knew they would come to him, offering their souls mistakenly.

      The simple attraction of tall, dark and handsome had always made it easy for him to capture his prey. His long, dark hair flowed around him in waves as a backdrop for his unrivaled good looks. He could feel the lust emanating from the humans but tonight he paid it no attention.

      Tonight, he would seek out one that he could put under his control. Sometimes he would turn an unsuspecting soul merely to kill them the following night. He only granted the gift of eternal life when it suited him and that was less than once every century. But tonight, he would seek out someone who would assist in his quest to determine the one who held the Guardian Heart Crystal.

      Hyakuhei's eyes darkened with his thoughts. The last time he had come so close to the mysterious crystal of legend, the girl carrying the powerful crystal had detected his intent. Before he could stop her, she had killed herself… taking the crystal with her and beyond his reach once more.

      His mind drifted back with longing. It had been such a waste... for the young girl had been incomparable in beauty and untainted purity. His lean body held no movement as he leisurely searched the crowd with eyes of midnight.

      The crystal only resurfaced every one thousand years according to the ancient scrolls he had taken from the wizard Shinbe before taking his life. His lips hinted in a cruel smile as he remembered that particular kill… very delicious indeed.

      Counting the years from that time, the chosen maiden that now held the crystal close to her heart would be twenty one years old, possibly a bit younger. Hyakuhei had sensed it within the vicinity of the university and now here among the throng of college students at the nightclub.

      The fact that this city was built on the same ground where the crystal had vanished only verified that it would be the same place for its rebirth.

      If he could not find the one who held the Guardian Heart Crystal, then he would recruit one who was accepted among them and could aid in his search. A non-human, a creature of the night, above all, could detect the power he wanted and desired for himself.

      A malicious smile graced his perfect lips in anticipation of the thrill of the hunt. Having called to his most favored children to join him, this time he would have what he desired. He had been in the darkness for far too long and even the most pleasing things had begun to bore him.

      Hyakuhei wanted something new and a challenge was just the thing to wake him from his lifetime of sleep. He could vaguely feel a disturbance in the air and smiled knowingly. There would be no rush… for what was time… to a vampire.


      Tasuki watched in amazement as Kyoko downed the last of her Long Island iced tea. His now soft brown eyes glanced back to his own drink that was still full, a concerned look on his face. “Ah, Kyoko, if you are thirsty I could get some real tea from the bar, if you would like?” He grinned as he watched Kyoko blush when she realized what she had done.

      Suki cocked an eyebrow as she noted Kyoko’s empty glass and inwardly flinched knowing Kyoko was going to happily kill her tomorrow for the hangover. She gave a mental shrug convincing herself that tonight they were celebrating and Kyoko would forgive her… eventually.

      Looking at Tasuki with her best, “Please help me I’m in trouble” expression, Suki agreed. “I think that might be a good idea.” She winked at him with encouragement and underlying mischief.

      She had always liked Tasuki and often wished Kyoko would date him more often, instead of Toya, whom she liked, but he didn’t always treat Kyoko as nicely as he should. She was glad Kyoko could give as well as she got and didn’t let Toya step all over her.

      Then there was Kotaro, who would take Kyoko away and marry her if given the chance. He was nice and treated her like a goddess, but Suki wasn’t comfortable with the idea of losing her best friend either.

      Suki’s eyes lit up at the thought of pushing Tasuki and Kyoko together, especially