A Light In The Heart Of Darkness. Amy Blankenship. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Amy Blankenship
Издательство: Tektime S.r.l.s.
Жанр произведения: Современная зарубежная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9788873041931
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eyes rounded as she stared at Suki. “Long Island iced tea? But we are...” Suki waved a dismissive hand to shush her.

      â€œCome on Kyoko. Live a little! Finals are over and besides… we’ve drank before,” Suki tried to lighten Kyoko up by grinning and rolling her eyes. Hoping to change the subject she added, “I have to admit Kyoko that in that outfit and your curves… you do not look underage.” She laughed out loud at the startled look on Kyoko’s face.

      Kyoko looked at Suki skeptically. “Twice, Suki. I have drunk twice, and I barely remember either time… and I don’t need to dress like this to prove I am of age.” Kyoko blushed at what she could remember from the last time her birthday had rolled around. Because of Suki, she didn’t remember much about her own birthday party.

      She remembered the giant bowl of fruit Suki had handed her with such an innocent smile. She had known Kyoko’s weakness for fruit and played on it. Kyoko had eaten almost the whole bowl not even realizing it had been soaked in alcohol.

      â€˜She’s going to get me in trouble again… I just know it!’ Kyoko silently whined to herself and mentally slumped in defeat. The others had only joked about that night, something about Kyoko forgetting how to walk… or talk!

      Suki smirked, shrugging her shoulders, “So this makes the third time.” She smiled happily at Tasuki as he brought the drinks back, eagerly grabbing one for herself.

      Kyoko bit her lips then mumbled something about ‘three strikes and you are out’ but turned and smiled at Tasuki anyway. There was such a thing as peer pressure after all and being the sucker that she was, she gave in.

      â€œThree Long Island iced teas as requested.” Tasuki sat down between the girls and took a sip of his drink. He felt the heat suddenly rise within the room because the drink was so strong. Glancing past Kyoko he looked at his cousin behind the bar. The mischievous grin on his cousin’s face let him know the drinks were stronger than normal.

      Tasuki shook his head and looked back at the girls. “To finals, may we pass them all with flying colors,” he offered as a toast. Then looking into Kyoko’s eyes added, “And may we never lose touch with one another, no matter what.”

      Kyoko blushed and smiled shyly as she took her drink from his outstretched hand. Hastily taking a sip, her eyes widened when she decided she actually liked the flavor. “If you can’t beat them, might as well join them,” she winked at Suki good-naturedly.

      She plunked a straw into the drink and within the next ten minutes of laughing and cutting up, the Long Island iced tea disappeared. Color bloomed in Kyoko’s cheeks as the effects of the alcohol slowly began to flow through her body.

      Tasuki, having drunk his just as fast as Kyoko, now felt more at ease and a little bolder as he asked the girls if they wanted to dance. His eyes darkened attractively as he took Kyoko’s hand and led her onto the dance floor with Suki holding Kyoko’s other hand.

      He just knew this night was going to be the best night of his college days and he would never forget a single moment of it.

      Not but a few feet away, Kyou watched the young man named Tasuki reach out and take the green-eyed girl’s hand and felt the need to rip the offending fingers from the young man daring to touch her. The man’s innocent feelings for the girl could be read clearly in his eyes and thoughts, but he still did not trust him.

      Kyou had seen it play out many times watching the nightlife. A young man giving the girl drinks and then taking advantage of her naivety. His eyes tinted crimson as he watched the boy lead the girls onto the dance floor. Kyou felt the need to take the auburn haired girl and hide her from any who would harm her or want to possess her.

      He wondered off handedly at his own possessiveness toward the girl. If she was the one who held the Guardian Heart Crystal, then what should he do? One thing Kyou knew for sure… before he would let Hyakuhei have her, he would first kill her with his own bare hands.

      If the legend was true and Hyakuhei got his hands on the power of the Guardian Heart Crystal, there would be no stopping him.


      Kamui sat invisible, on top of one of the huge speakers in front of the DJ as he watched the dance floor where Kyoko and Suki were dancing with a young man. He cocked an eyebrow when he noticed just who this guy was. A very secret smile tilted his lips seeing the amethyst hue that clung to the boy.

      His attention reverted back to the other man that was stalking the priestess. He had already tried to stop the attraction once when Kyoko was still in line but the oldest guardian was just as stubborn as always. The vibes Kyou was giving off were heavy and slightly tainted.

      â€œKyou, what are you thinking?” Kamui wondered aloud knowing he couldn’t be heard or seen. Watching Kyou watch Kyoko he recognized fate when he saw it. Fate had always drawn the guardians toward their priestess… no matter what world or lifetime.

      He secretly wished he could arrange it to where Toya and Kyou would see each other but he knew better than to try and use any of his powers on Kyou. He felt the cold chills run up his arm at the thought of pissing the dangerous golden guardian off.

      His gaze scanned the crowd again knowing Kyou wasn’t the one he should be worried about. There were others within the club who were not human, but he could feel the true darkness getting closer by the moment. He wondered if Kyou could feel it too.

      Kamui nodded to himself. The best thing he could do for now was help hide Kyoko’s powers from prying eyes. With that thought he jumped from the speakers but his feet never hit the floor of the dance club.

      Chapter 4

      As the trio entered the crowded dance floor, Suki and Kyoko immediately started moving their bodies to the rhythm of the music leaving Tasuki to watch in fascination. The heated bodies all around them made their skin flush as the alcohol flowed through their veins.

      Suki’s body moved closer to Kyoko’s as they wrapped their arms around each other’s necks and started to grind. Laughing at each other’s antics, they danced like lovers losing themselves to the beat of the music. They had taught each other to dance like this in grade school long ago.

      Caught up in the moment of just pure unadulterated fun, the girls had momentarily forgotten about their third companion.

      Tasuki gazed at the two friends dancing passionately together and felt heat warm his cheeks. ‘Wow!’ His body was reacting to the scene being played out before him. It felt as if the breath had been knocked from his lungs. Watching Kyoko’s body rub against Suki’s as their hands wandered across each other’s bodies was almost more than he could bear.

      Deciding that he wanted in on the fun, Tasuki forced his feet to move before he lost his nerve.

      Stopping right in front of Kyoko, he could see her eyes were closed as she moved against Suki. His gaze locked with Suki’s as she smirked and dipped behind Kyoko, slowly making her way back up, caressing her friend’s thighs. She hoped Tasuki would get up enough nerve to dance with Kyoko like this.

      â€œWhy don’t you join us? This is way too much fun!” She laughed as she grabbed Tasuki by the belt loop, yanking him flush against Kyoko.

      Kyoko’s eyes widened in shock as she felt a hard, definitely male body slam against her in a very intimate manner. A blush burned her cheeks when she realized Tasuki was holding her closely. “Heh,” she smiled shyly, deciding that she liked the way his body felt against hers. She knew that she could trust him not to over step his bounds. He was always the gentleman.

      Feeling a bit daring, Kyoko continued to dance with Suki moving behind her as she put one hand on Tasuki’s shoulder… silently encouraging him.

      Tasuki didn’t need any more than that one motion as he gripped Kyoko’s hips and began