A Light In The Heart Of Darkness. Amy Blankenship. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Amy Blankenship
Издательство: Tektime S.r.l.s.
Жанр произведения: Современная зарубежная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9788873041931
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In the legend it is said a girl with untainted blood and the heart of a child, would possess the jewel within her body. She would be a priestess of the highest ranking and power, the protector and keeper of the Guardian Heart Crystal.

      His dark gaze returned to the night sky where a blood red moon loomed high above. “I have lost you once dear priestess but make no mistake, I will find you again.” His eyes narrowed as he promised the night. “I will possess both you and the crystal this time…”


      Suki had taken Kyoko shopping last weekend for this very reason, only she didn’t tell her friend what it had been for. Suki had also bought herself an outfit. Pulling it out of her closet, she wiggled into it with excitement. It was an all-black and very tight body dress. She had fallen in love with it the moment she laid eyes on it.

      â€˜Good thing Shinbe’s not around’, Suki thought to herself with a knowing smirk as she eyed the dress in the mirror. It was very short but didn’t show too much… just enough to tease and let the imagination roam. Pulling her dark hair back in a matching black scrunchie, Suki applied some makeup and grabbed her keys, heading next door to Kyoko’s apartment.

      Kyoko came out of her bedroom hoping she would have time to snack on something before going out but before she even made it to the kitchen someone was pounding on the door.

      â€œGod, I hope that’s not Toya,” she mouthed and wondered if she should even answer it. She still had 20 minutes before it was time to meet Suki so Kyoko chose to ignore the banging on the door for the moment in fear of who was on the other side.

      It’s amazing how fear makes you feel five years old. Kyoko’s eyebrow twitched as she held her breath.

      The banging became a little louder but this time followed by a voice. “All right Kyoko, I know you are in there. Don’t make me break this door down!” This was said with a snicker.

      Kyoko rolled her eyes thinking Suki sounded like the law. She opened the door to her grinning best friend who immediately grabbed her arm to pull her out of the apartment. “Come on, let’s go. I’ve got a bad feeling if we don’t leave now, Shinbe will show up or something.” Kyoko barely had time to lock the door before Suki pulled her outside.


      Kyou drew the heavy black curtains back from the window now that dusk had come. His long silvery white mane fanned out around him as he opened the window, allowing the coming night wind to caress his angelic face. Dressed in black, he gave the appearance of a fallen angel.

      Money had brought him the freedom to set his own hours and power ensured that he would not be disturbed. Buying the entire top floor of the most expensive hotel in town gave him the solitude he needed and the view he wanted. Looking across the street he could see a line had already begun to form at Club Midnight, the most popular club in town. It was the perfect feeding ground for the creatures of the night.

      The crowded line was full of tainted young college girls and the young punks that followed them. Kyou’s haunted eyes glistened with contempt as he began to scan the line wondering which one of them would draw the attention of the one he hunted. Who would be Hyakuhei’s next victim?

      Kyou could feel Hyakuhei within the city and wondered if Hyakuhei could feel death stalking him. This time things were different. Kyou had found him too easily, as if Hyakuhei had left a trail for him to follow. The deaths and disappearances of local college students was a blatant calling card for Kyou, pointing to only one person.

      He did not like the thought of Hyakuhei leading him here. “I am no longer under your control’”, Kyou growled as blood dripped between his clenched fingers and his eyes tinted pink. “You do not have any power over me… not anymore!” Calming his rising rage, Kyou again drew the emotionless mask over his features, cloaking his aura. It was time for the predator to become the prey.

      If he could sense Hyakuhei’s life force, Kyou would need caution to keep his maker from sensing him as well.


      Kyoko was surprised at how big the nightclub really was. Her lips parted when Suki pulled into the massive parking lot. Suki had wanted to get here a little early to avoid the line but from what Kyoko could tell, a line had already begun so they hurried out of the car. Kyoko could see familiar faces from the college they attended and smiled as she noticed her longtime friend Tasuki was one of them.

      Tasuki spotted Kyoko and Suki from his spot in the crowd. He had let his friends talk him into coming and having nothing better to do now that finals were over, he had agreed willingly. He was handsome and well built, with shoulder length brown hair and chocolate brown eyes that melted all the girls’ hearts.

      He was also one of the most popular guys on campus but Tasuki was mostly known for the high scores he received in all of his classes and he was nicer than most of the guys on campus. Of course, being one of richest people at the academy, though he didn’t act like it, upped his status as well.

      Weaving his way around the hoard of people, Tasuki approached Kyoko with a genuine smile. He had known her since middle school and had always had a secret crush on her. They had dated off and on but nothing serious… more like best friends really, and it had been a while since they had done that.

      He would ask her out more often but that Toya guy or the school security head was always hanging around her lately. He could have sworn he had heard a growl the last time he had approached her while she was with one of them.

      With that in mind, he nervously scanned the area hoping that she was alone. Not that he was scared of them… no… never…

      Suki could see Tasuki’s nervousness and laughed out loud. “It’s alright, Tasuki. We came here by ourselves.”

      She smirked at Kyoko’s confused look then grabbed Tasuki by the elbow pulling him into line with them. She and everyone else who knew him were aware of the fact that he had a thing for Kyoko… well everyone except Kyoko that is.

      Kyoko blushed when Tasuki turned to face her. She hadn’t realized how much taller he had become. “Hi Tasuki, it’s been a while. I hear you are doing great with your scores again this year.” Her face lit up happily realizing it had been way too long since they had hung out. She had always felt so safe around him… just like best friends. She had missed him.

      A soft smile graced Tasuki’s lips, liking the fact that she had kept up with him, even if it was from a distance. Maybe he still stood a chance with her. He really wanted the chance to show her how much he still cared about her and wanted to be with her, that he wasn’t ‘out of her league’ like she had always seemed to believe.

      For some reason she seemed to think that he would go out of his way just to see her only because they had been friends since junior high. He intended to fix that misconception. “Yeah, Kyoko, if you ever need any help, I would be glad to come over and tutor you, anytime.” He secretly wanted to bang his head against the brick wall knowing he was once again sounding like a best friend instead of boyfriend material.

      Suki just shook her head seeing the silent misery in Tasuki’s eyes as he smiled at Kyoko. ‘Poor guy’ she thought to herself as a mischievous grin spread across her lips. He just needed a little push in the right direction.


      Kyou's eyes narrowed as the crowd of naive children grew. 'So many for Hyakuhei to choose from,’ he mused. It was always the same. The taking of life and getting away with it… just as the monster had gotten away with it in the past. His clawed fingers gripped the windowsill in frustration wondering if he could stop the slaughter.

      He would have to get closer and blend in with the crowd. Smirking at the thought of his silvery hair and strangely colored golden eyes ever blending in, Kyou returned his attention to the gathering mass.

      Scanning the parking lot once more, his sight halted