The Tolkien Quiz Book. Andrew Murray. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Andrew Murray
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Историческая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007492060
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      1 On which mountain, and in which tower, were the halls of Manwë and Varda?

      2 Why were the Eagles obliged to Gandalf?

      3 Who was hung by his right wrist from the face of Thangorodrim?

      4 How high was the secret door in the side of the Lonely Mountain?

      5 Who was cast over the Caragdûr in Gondolin, at Turgon’s command?

      6 Which members of the Fellowship fought to hold the walls of Helm’s Deep?

      7 Who gave the Carrock its name?

      8 Upon which hill was the house of Mîm, the Petty-dwarf?

      9 What colour did Caradhras appear to be to the Fellowship?

      10 Name three of the great Eagles of Arda.

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      Why did Melkor raise the Misty Mountains?

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      What part of Frodo became best acquainted with the Crack of Doom?

      1 By what other name was the Lord of Waters known?

      2 Who cast himself, and one of the Silmarils, into a chasm of fire?

      3 What was the first great stronghold of Melkor?

      4 Why did Beren prise only one Silmaril out of Morgoth’s crown in Angband?

      5 Who ‘lived on a slimy island of rock’ in the middle of a lake under the Misty Mountains?

      6 Who was pinned by an Orc-spear in the Mines of Moria?

      7 Who was the spouse of Ossë?

      8 In the High-elven tongue, what were the Balrogs known as?

      9 What gemstone did Bilbo pocket inside the Lonely Mountain?

      10 Who dropped a stone into a well in the Mines of Moria?

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      Where was the Nauglamir made?

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      Where was the Council of Elrond held?

      1 Who had a butler called Galion?

      2 What did Boromir advise the Fellowship to take with them to the Redhorn Gate?

      3 What month was it when Frodo set out from Bag End for Rivendell?

      4 Who or what were ‘Yrch’?

      5 Whose legs was Bilbo short enough to walk through?

      6 Who seemed to know as much about the inside of Bilbo’s larders as he did himself?

      7 What did Sam cast into the air at the Three-Farthing Stone?

      8 Whose purse could talk?

      9 In the Hobbit poem ‘Errantry’, what were Dumbledors?

      10 Who killed Saruman?

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      Who for twenty-eight years saw only what Morgoth wanted him to see?

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      Who used the sunrise to kill trolls?

      Match up the killers on the left with their victims on the right:

1 Beorn A. Finwë
2 Éowyn B. Glaurung
3 Melkor C. Smaug
4 Shagrat D. Bolg
5 Bard E. Azog
6 Túrin F. Aredhel
7 Fram G. Beren
8 Eöl H. Gorbag
9 Carcharoth I. The Nazgûl Lord

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