The Tolkien Quiz Book. Andrew Murray. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Andrew Murray
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Историческая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007492060
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among those who disappeared into the darkness of Moria?

      5 How many Valar were there?

      6 Who had seven toes upon each foot?

      7 What number was Denethor II in the line of the Stewards of Gondor?

      8 Who sang about fifteen birds in five firtrees?

      9 How many gates blocked the mighty ravine of Orfalch Echor?

      10 Where did Elendil and his sons keep the seven palantíri?

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      What does Nirnaeth Arnoediad mean?

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       5 Image Missing THE SHIRE

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      What kind of people were the main inhabitants of the Shire?

      1 What river marked the eastern boundary of the Shire?

      2 What stone marked the centre of the Shire?

      3 What had been the only battle fought within the borders of the Shire before the War of the Ring?

      4 What was the chief township of the Shire?

      5 Into how many Farthings was the Shire divided?

      6 Name four inns in the Shire.

      7 What township lay on the other side of Bag End from Hobbiton?

      8 What happened when the river Brandywine froze over in the Fell Winter?

      9 To which family had the office of Thain fallen?

      10 What officials acted as the police of the Shire?

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      What was the last battle fought in the Shire?

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       6 Image Missing THERE …

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      Where was ‘There’?

      1 What did Bilbo twice ask Gandalf for?

      2 Who played on a golden harp at the Unexpected Party?

      3 Who always acted as look-out for Thorin’s Company?

      4 Where did Bilbo discover Sting?

      5 What did Elrond discover about the Company’s map?

      6 What did Bilbo lose as he escaped from the Misty Mountains?

      7 How did Dori help Bilbo to escape from the Wargs?

      8 Why had the Wargs come to the same glade as Thorin’s Company?

      9 What was most remarkable about Beorn?

      10 How did Bilbo and the dwarves escape from the Elvenking’s palace?

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      Who did Bilbo ask, ‘Well, are you alive or are you dead’?

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       7 Image Missing … AND BACK AGAIN

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      What town stood on stilts on the Long Lake?

      1 How did the people of Lake-town react to the arrival of Thorin?

      2 What river flowed out of the Lonely Mountain and into the Long Lake?

      3 What time of the year was it when the Company reached the Lonely Mountain?

      4 What happened when the great thrush knocked on the stone?

      5 What did Bilbo first steal from the dragon-hoard?

      6 How was Bard able to kill Smaug, and who gave him the necessary advice?

      7 What kind of creature was Roäc, and who was his father?

      8 What was the name of the Goblin chief at the Battle of Five Armies?

      9 Who became King under the Mountain after Thorin’s death?

      10 Which two friends came to visit Bilbo at Bag End?

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      Whose lullaby, said Bilbo, ‘would waken a drunken goblin’?

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       8 Image Missing WHO SAID … ? – I Image Missing

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