The Tolkien Quiz Book. Andrew Murray. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Andrew Murray
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Историческая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007492060
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the region of Nevrast?

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       12 Image Missing FILMING THE LORD OF THE RINGS – I

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      ‘He’s an addict in need of a fix, and that fix is the Ring.’ Actor Andy Serkis talking about which character?

      1. As well as being a special effects company, what does Weta mean?

      (a) It stands for Wellington Effects and Technical Art

      (b) It’s a type of cricket

      (c) It’s a type of flightless parrot

      2. Which established Tolkien artists did director Peter Jackson recruit to help conceive the films’ visual style?

      3. Who is the only cast member to have met Tolkien?

      4. Who did Jackson want to look ‘Like an innocent child – only ten feet tall’?

      5. Which actor has helped Indiana Jones and Frodo Baggins?

      6. Which studio pulled out of the project in alarm at the rising costs?

      7. And which studio rescued it?

      8. Which was the first scene to be filmed?

      (a) The battle on Weathertop

      (b) The hobbits’ first encounter with the Black Rider

      (c) Gandalf’s arrival at Hobbiton

      9. What can you make from corn syrup, umber and fuller’s earth?

      10. And why would you want to?

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      Which cast member lived in a cupboard with a hot water tank until ready to perform?

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       13 Image Missing FLORA AND FAUNA

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      What were the trolls cooking when Bilbo and Company found them?

      1 Who slew the great boar of Everholt but died in the process?

      2 What was the name of Oromë’s steed?

      3 By what other name was the plant athelas known, and what was its chief virtue?

      4 Name the five ponies that were stolen from the stables of ‘The Prancing Pony’.

      5 What great hound was permitted to speak only three times?

      6 Sam’s first child was named after what flower of Lothlórien?

      7 How did King Théoden die?

      8 Which Vala was known as the Giver of Fruits?

      9 ‘An eye in a green face.’ What?

      10 In what likeness was the ship of Celebom and Galadriel fashioned?

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      What was the Sindarin name for the black crows of Fangorn and Dunland?

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       14 Image Missing THE ELVES

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      How many Rings of Power had the Elves?

      1 When the Elves awoke, what were the first things they beheld?

      2 Which Vala did they revere above all others?

      3 Name the three hosts of the Eldar which came to Aman.

      4 Who married Melian the Maia?

      5 Which Noldo created the Silmarils?

      6 Why was the Doom of the Noldor wrought?

      7 What was the last Kingdom of the Noldor to fall to Morgoth’s legions?

      8 Who were the Peredhil, what did the name mean, and what was unusual about their fate?

      9 In the Second and Third Ages of the Sun, where did Cirdan the Shipwright live?

      10 What effect did the unmaking of the One Ring have on the remaining Elven realms of Middle-earth?

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      Whose horse did Frodo ride across the Ford of Bruinen?

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       15 Image Missing FRODO BAGGINS

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      How did Frodo usually carry the One Ring?

      1 What was the name of Frodo’s father?

      2 What false name did Frodo adopt when he set out for Rivendell?

      3 How