Your Chinese Horoscope for Each and Every Year. Neil Somerville. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Neil Somerville
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Ужасы и Мистика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780008191047
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their interests as well as try out any new recreational pursuits that appeal to them, including any that have a keep-fit element. Rats who enjoy creative activities could see their ideas developing in particularly encouraging ways.

      At work, rather than looking too far ahead, Rats should focus on their current duties and make the most of where they are. By working closely with their colleagues, networking and using their experience to advantage, they can considerably enhance their reputation. They can also benefit from training opportunities. Those seeking work will find that highlighting their willingness to learn may prove significant. Work-wise, Rats can impress this year, but do need to demonstrate their strengths. Progress may not be swift or necessarily substantial, but the Rabbit year does reward commitment and will prepare Rats for future opportunities.

      In money matters, this is a year for care. At times, spending levels could creep up and outgoings be greater than anticipated. During the year Rats should keep track of their outgoings as well as carefully check the terms of any new agreements and commitments they enter into. Financially, it is a time to remain vigilant and thorough.

      On a personal level, however, the Rabbit year can bring some memorable times. In many Rat homes there could be celebrations in store as the family increases in numbers, whether through birth or marriage. As always, Rats will be keen to support those dear to them and be proud of their achievements. Many Rats will make a deliberate effort to spend more time with those close to them this year. And their home life will benefit from this improved lifestyle balance.

      Rats will also appreciate the social opportunities of the year and, with their personable nature, will add to their network of friends and contacts. As has been found, the more people you know, the more you benefit, and this is very true for Rats. This year some of the people they meet can not only offer friendship but also be of help with both current and future activities. However, while good times can be had, Rats do need to be attentive to the needs of others and, if in a potentially difficult or fraught situation, watch their words. An ill-timed comment or criticism could prove awkward. At times, despite their forthright tendencies (Rats do like to say what they think), they will find that greater tact will not go amiss.

      Overall, Rats need to keep alert, join with others and consider their actions and responses carefully. This is no year for rushing or being too independent-minded, but one for making the most of current opportunities and building on experience. On a personal level, all Rats will benefit from a more balanced lifestyle and there could be some memorable (and celebratory) occasions to enjoy as well.

      Tips for the Year

      Be patient. Rather than try to rush ahead, enjoy the present. Spend time on your interests, develop your skills and value those around you. It is a year to appreciate what you have and strive for a better lifestyle balance.

      Rat Fortunes in the Year of the Dragon

      Dragon years have energy and a certain vibrancy, which appeals to Rats. And they are set to do well this year and be helped along the way by a certain amount of good fortune. Indeed, once they decide on a course of action, serendipity will often kick in and assist them. For any Rats who are nursing disappointment or feel they have been languishing of late (the previous Rabbit year will not have been the easiest), this is a time to draw a line under what has gone before and concentrate on the present. Important corners can be turned and, for some, the Dragon year can mark the start of an exciting new phase.

      Rats attach much importance to their relations with others and can benefit from the support and encouragement of many this year. When considering plans or taking decisions, they can often be assisted in significant ways by talking to those they trust. Knowing they have this backing can be an encouraging factor and give impetus to certain endeavours. However, while Rats can profit from support and goodwill, they do need to ensure others don’t take advantage of their willing nature or place excessive demands on them. This is a risk this year. If they do feel too much is being asked of them, they should stand their ground and resist being imposed upon.

      They will, though, appreciate the many social opportunities of the year. Dragon years can be lively and offer a lot to do. Any Rats who are lonely or have had recent adversity will find that new friends and activities can help brighten their prospects. Romantic prospects are excellent and Cupid’s arrow will be aimed in the direction of many Rats who start the year unattached.

      Home life can be busy and eventful, especially as many Rats will enthusiastically start on improvement projects as well as assist loved ones in ambitious undertakings. However, with so much happening, they will need to liaise well with others. Making assumptions or rushing activities could lead to some awkward moments. Rats, take note and allow time for your projects rather than moving along at a heady pace.

      The Dragon year can also bring some good travel opportunities, and holidays and breaks, including some arranged at short notice and/or with a spontaneous element, can be among the year’s highlights.

      Work prospects are also encouraging and Rats will often be well placed to benefit from openings and promotion opportunities. Their experience and reputation will stand them in excellent stead and their prospects can be helped by the backing they receive from senior colleagues and other influential contacts. This is a year when their abilities can come into their own.

      In this favourable year, Rats desiring change or seeking a position should actively explore possibilities. This is a time when initiative, enterprise and determination will make a difference – all qualities that are very much part of the Rat make-up. Such are the aspects that those who take on new responsibilities early in the Dragon year could find these giving rise to other opportunities later on in the year.

      Progress made at work will also help financially. However, while many Rats will welcome an increase in earnings, rather than spend too freely (or over-indulge!), they should set funds aside for specific plans and purchases. This is a year for good financial management.

      In general, Dragon years have great potential for Rats and if they seize their opportunities, they can make some well-deserved progress. And, pleasingly, some of the Dragon’s luck can rub off on them too.

      Tips for the Year

      This is a year to act with determination and make the most of your strengths. Also, enjoy your good relations with those around you and value their support. With resolve and self-belief, you can make this a highly successful year.

      Rat Fortunes in the Year of the Snake

      A year for patience and care. Rats need to appreciate that Snakes do not like haste and prefer to proceed in measured ways. In the Snake year, they need to temper their zealous natures and let situations develop in their own time. Although this may be frustrating, they can still learn a lot from the year and their prospects will gradually improve as it wears on. Indeed, some of their efforts in the first part of the Snake year can come to fruition in the later months.

      At work, rather than regarding this as a time for substantial progress, Rats should concentrate on establishing themselves in their current area of work. By learning more about their industry and familiarizing themselves with ongoing developments, as well as seizing any chances to network and add to their skills, they can help both their present situation and their future prospects. Indeed, what they can do ‘behind the scenes’ this year, be it gaining extra knowledge, showing initiative or building contacts, can be to their subsequent advantage.

      Many Rats will remain with their present employer this year and for those who feel their prospects could be improved by a move elsewhere or who are seeking work, developments can be slow. These can be frustrating times. However, Rats are above all tenacious, and with persistence and self-belief, many will succeed in securing a positon which is a considerable change (and opportunity) for them. Snake years encourage Rats to broaden their capabilities and an important legacy of the year can be the knowledge and skills they now acquire.

      They will need to be thorough in financial matters, however, and be wary of risk and haste. To hurry decisions or make rushed purchases could lead to regret. Also, they should exercise careful control over the purse-strings. It could be easy to overspend this year. Financial paperwork and forms also need to be attended to carefully and the terms of any agreement checked. This