Your Chinese Horoscope for Each and Every Year. Neil Somerville. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Neil Somerville
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Ужасы и Мистика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780008191047
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while seemingly outgoing, Rats can be guarded. While they may not be averse to learning about the plans and secrets of others, they keep their own very much to themselves. And while they may offer advice, they rarely ask for it themselves. It would be to their advantage to share their true feelings (and concerns) more often.

      It has been said that the more people you know, the more opportunities come your way. And this is certainly true for Rats. Their active lifestyle brings them into contact with many people and they are able to garner good support. In addition, they are often helped by their versatility. Their interests are many and skills wide-ranging. They are also alert, keen and ambitious, and if they sense an opportunity, they will be quick to pursue it. Little gets past them. However, because they involve themselves in so much – Rats never like to miss out – they can be restless and can abandon activities if they think there are better rewards elsewhere. This lack of persistence can sometimes work against them and they may not always reap the full rewards of their efforts. At times, greater discipline and persistence would help.

      This also applies to money matters. Rats value money and like to protect and preserve their assets. However, having saved so hard, they may then succumb to lavish and indulgent spending sprees. They find bargains and sales irresistible! They are also very generous to their loved ones.

      Although many Rat homes are tidy, the cupboards and storage spaces are likely to be crammed with items accumulated over the years. Rats can be notorious hoarders and rarely throw anything away lest it should have some future use.

      With their versatile and personable nature, Rats can enjoy success in many lines of work. Being observant and interested in what is going on around them, they are often skilled communicators and make good writers, commentators and teachers. They also excel in professions calling for persuasive skills, including politics and the law. Banking, accountancy or one of the sciences may also appeal to their sharp, analytical mind. Ambitious, resourceful and capable, they have skills that can take them far.

      Another of their abilities is problem-solving and if a way out of a tricky situation is needed, they will be sure to have an idea. Rats are masters of self-preservation.

      They like to be busy and when not working will be usefully occupied pursuing their own interests and/or enjoying the company of others, usually both. Keen socializers, they like to party and go to shows and other forms of entertainment as well as take an interest in events happening locally.

      Rats are also romantic and very much enjoy the thrill, passion and excitement of love. Tender, caring and attentive, they have much to offer and will very much treasure the love and affection of a partner. Family life is very important to them and they often have a large family. If they are parents, their diverse interests and fertile imagination will inspire and encourage many a young mind, and they often have a great love of their own parents and a desire to emulate them.

      For female Rats, their family and home are their first priority. Caring, well organized and interested in others, they keep tabs on all that is going on and will often have a lot revolving around them. They are also incredibly versatile and use their talents in many different ways. They present themselves well and choose stylish and fashionable clothes. At work, they are ambitious, but will always try to ensure their commitments do not impact adversely on those who are important to them. Again, family and home are their priority.

      With energy, enthusiasm, wit and charm, Rats are irrepressible. They just like to get on and do things, and will fill their days in many ways. Admittedly, they can be restless and impulsive and sometimes spread their energies too widely, but they are, above all, resourceful and energetic. And, being so companionable, they are also good to be with.

      Top Tips for Rats

       You may like to make the most of your situation and be very adept at spotting opportunities, but don’t always be looking over your shoulder and wondering if there are better prospects elsewhere. With persistence and staying power, you will often be able to achieve far more rewarding results.

       You have a creative and inventive mind and a strong intuitive nature. But sometimes you may underestimate what you are capable of and not promote your ideas and special talents as fully as you should. In some instances this may be down to a fear of failure. Take note and believe in yourself!

       Despite being so outgoing, you can be a private and guarded individual. Although you will gladly dispense advice, you will rarely ask for it, or even share what is on your mind. If you were to open up more, you would be able to benefit from the assistance and support others can give. In some cases, extra help could make an appreciable difference.

       Time management! You tend to spread your energies widely and sometimes prioritizing and greater focus would make you more effective. Also, a longer-term strategy would help you to direct your energies in specific ways and often result in you achieving substantially more.

      Relations with Others

      With another Rat

      Two Rats understand each other, have similar values and get on well together.

      In work, their drive and enterprise can reward them well, although both need to focus and resist spreading their energies too widely.

      In love, Rat couples are loving and devoted and enjoy many shared interests. Home life is especially important. A good match.

      With an Ox

      Although these two signs are very different in personality, they complement each other well and relations between them are mutually beneficial.

      In work, the Rat has great respect for the conscientious and methodical Ox. The signs can quickly establish trust and, by drawing on each other’s strengths, enjoy an excellent working relationship.

      In love, each gains from the other, with the Rat valuing the Ox’s strength of character and dependability. With both striving for a settled and stable home life, they can make an often excellent match.

      With a Tiger

      Lively, sociable and enterprising, Rats and Tigers like and respect each other and enjoy good relations.

      In work, when these two join forces and have a common aim, their combined energy and inventiveness make them a formidable team.

      In love, there can be passion and much attraction between these two, with the Rat valuing the Tiger’s confident and ebullient manner. Although both can be candid and different attitudes to money will need addressing (with the Tiger sometimes spending more than the Rat may like!), with goodwill and understanding, this can be a rewarding match.

      With a Rabbit

      Although both signs are sociable and enjoy conversation, their general chemistry does not always make for easy relations.

      In work, the Rat may recognize the Rabbit’s acumen and attention to detail, but to be successful these two need to build trust and rapport, which they may not find easy.

      In love, both may be passionate and sensual, but the Rat’s liking for a busy lifestyle and sometimes forthright manner will not sit comfortably with the Rabbit. Although both are home-loving, adjustments will be called for if the relationship is to endure.

      With a Dragon

      The Rat finds the Dragon stimulating company and these two signs like and respect each other.

      In work, the Rat values the Dragon’s enterprising and enthusiastic manner, and as both are hard-working signs, they could enjoy considerable success.

      In love, their shared interests, outlooks and devotion to each other make for an excellent match. The Rat will particularly value the Dragon’s confident and determined ways, and together they can find much happiness.

      With a Snake

      The Rat and Snake may not always understand each other, especially as both can, when the mood takes them, be guarded and secretive, but nevertheless there will be warmth and goodwill between them.

      In work, both are ambitious and their different strengths will often be complementary. The Rat will