Your Chinese Horoscope for Each and Every Year. Neil Somerville. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Neil Somerville
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Ужасы и Мистика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780008191047
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pressures will increase and some Rats will be daunted by the demands being placed on them. At such times, it will be a case of knuckling down, focusing on what needs to be done and learning about the different aspects of any new role. The Ox, who governs the year, can be a hard taskmaster, but by rising to the challenge, many Rats will prove themselves in a new capacity.

      For Rats who are keen to move from where they are or are seeking work, the Ox year can open up interesting possibilities. By considering different ways in which they can use their strengths and keeping alert for openings, many Rats can secure a position they can build upon in the future. Effort and application will be needed, but what many Rats take on now will broaden their skills and be to their future benefit.

      The income of many Rats will increase this year, but all Rats will need to be disciplined in their spending. While money may flow into their accounts, it may all too easily flow out again. Financial paperwork and legal documents also need to be checked and filed away carefully. Lapses could prove problematic. Rats, take note.

      In view of their busy and often demanding lifestyle, it is also important that Rats give some thought to their well-being this year, including their diet and level of exercise, and allow themselves some time for rest and recreation. If not, some could experience fatigue or lack their usual sparkle. In the Ox year some ‘me time’ can make a real difference.

      They should also preserve some time for their own interests. Projects they have been working on and ideas they have been developing can enjoy some success this year, and particular skills and talents will be encouraged. The Ox year favours focus, application and using strengths to advantage. A further (and often unforeseen) advantage of pursuing their interests will be the social element some of them have. Many Rats will extend their social network this year.

      They will also value the support of those around them. There could be notable family achievements to mark and many Rats will be proud of the accomplishments of someone close to them. During the year they will find themselves encouraging others and dispensing advice as well as ensuring their household runs well. Their skills and attentiveness will be greatly appreciated and their domestic life busy and a source of considerable pleasure. A carefully planned holiday could also be greatly enjoyed.

      In addition, Rats will value the mix of social occasions the Ox year brings as well as the chance to catch up with friends. Some of these could be especially helpful when Rats are facing pressures or decisions. Rats do a lot for others and, in this busy year, should allow others to reciprocate. They are set to widen their social circle this year and, with their charm and personable nature, will impress many. For the unattached, romantic prospects are good and someone met this year may quickly become very special.

      Overall, the Ox year will be busy and demanding, but also constructive and rewarding. Throughout, it is important that Rats attend to their own well-being and give themselves the chance to appreciate the rewards they work so hard for as well as enjoy the company of those who are special to them.

      Tips for the Year

      Make the most of your skills and opportunities. With purpose and effort, you can accomplish a great deal. Also, keep your lifestyle in balance and value those around you. Their support can help in many ways.

      Rat Fortunes in the Year of the Tiger

      Rats like security and to feel in control of their situation and they could feel ill at ease with the pace and changes of the Tiger year. This can be a demanding time and to do well Rats need to stay alert and be nimble-footed. However, they are, above all, resourceful and will often be able to turn situations to their advantage and emerge from the year with a lot to their credit.

      At work, change will be in the air and, whether through restructuring, the introduction of new systems or the arrival of new personnel and/or management, will have an impact on the role of many Rats. They will not welcome either the uncertainty or the pressure. However, difficult though parts of the year may be, with new duties and roles to be filled, there will often be the chance for Rats to take advantage of the new developments. Despite their misgivings, this is no year to be intransigent.

      Similarly, Rats who decide to look for positions elsewhere or are seeking work should not be too restrictive in what they are prepared to consider. By being open to possibility and taking advice, they could be alerted to something that is different but perfectly suited to them. This is a year to be receptive to change and to adapt accordingly. However, with developments happening quickly, speed will be of the essence, and Rats should not delay or prevaricate if they are to benefit. However, while the Tiger year can be an exacting one, Rats are resourceful and, as they have proved many times, able to prevail in all sorts of conditions, and they will do so again this year.

      They will, however, need to exercise care in money matters. If taking on a new commitment or making a large purchase, they should check the terms and implications. And should they have misgivings over a financial matter, caution is advised. Haste, risk or a misjudgement could be to their disadvantage. Spending, too, needs to be watched. Rats, take note and be disciplined.

      Travel can, though, feature on the agenda, and when possible, Rats should make provision for a holiday as well as take up any invitations to go away. A change of scene and the chance to explore new areas can do them a lot of good.

      Although they will often have many commitments, it is also important they allow time for their own interests and recreational pursuits. New ideas and activities often come to the fore in Tiger years, so if something appeals to them, they should find out more. By embracing the spirit of the time, they can broaden their interests and extend their knowledge.

      They should also make sure their social life does not suffer. Tiger years offer some lively and sometimes surprising times. Lonely and unattached Rats can make some important friends, although with romance it could be best to proceed steadily rather than rush into a commitment. That way, the relationship can develop in a meaningful and significant way.

      While the Tiger year will bring some special times, some Rats could, however, be called upon to help a loved one or close friend in a difficult situation. While this may be worrying, their support and ability to empathize can make an important difference. Rats have wonderful people skills and should not underestimate the good they can do.

      Domestically, a lot is set to happen and there will need to be good cooperation and communication between everyone in the Rat household. Here the Rat’s attentiveness and inclusive nature can be of considerable value. Sharing activities and concerns will help, as will spreading out practical projects over the year rather than rushing them or concentrating them all in a short space of time. Tiger years require a certain flexibility.

      In general, the Tiger year will be active and challenging, and Rats may be uncomfortable with some of the fast-moving developments. But there are chances to be grasped, lessons to be learned, opportunities to be developed and travel and shared activities to be enjoyed. Determined and ever-resourceful, Rats have the ability to turn a lot to their advantage.

      Tips for the Year

      Engage, adapt and make the most of unfolding situations. Be careful in money matters, but if you can, take advantage of travel opportunities and seize any chances to extend your skills and your personal interests.

      Rat Fortunes in the Year of the Rabbit

      This can be a reasonable year for Rats, but there is a ‘but’. Rats like to involve themselves in many activities and in the Rabbit year they could feel constrained. This year is conducted at a steadier pace and along structured lines, and Rats will have to adapt accordingly. This is not a time to rock the boat or forge ahead regardless.

      However, while the Rabbit year’s slower pace may not suit the Rat’s style, there is still much to be gained from it. In particular, it can be an excellent time for Rats to evaluate their lifestyle and undertake some personal development. Particularly for those who lead busy and pressured existences, this will be a good year to strive for a better lifestyle balance. Rats should not feel they have to be on the go all the time. Occasionally they deserve a respite. And the Rabbit year encourages this.

      Rabbit years also favour learning and personal growth, and Rats should consider ways in which