Great Sporting Wisdom: Legendary Quotes from the World of Sport. John Scally. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: John Scally
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Юмор: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780008193263
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       Jack Kelly

      High Profile

      Our athletes are flying the flagship for British sport.

       Fatima Whitbread


      Watching the Russian female shot-putters is like watching an eighteen-stone ballet dancer.

       David Campbell

      Hidden Talents

      Somewhere inside that flabby body [Geoff Capes’] was an athlete trying to get out.

       Stuart Storey

      High Flyers

      If you want a track team to win the high jump, you find one person who can jump seven feet, not seven people who can each jump one foot.

       Frederick E. Terman


      The only time our girls looked good in Munich was in the discotheque, between 9 and 11 every night.

       US Olympic coach


      I know I’m no Kim Basinger – but she can’t throw the javelin.

       Fatima Whitbread

      Birth Control

      The [Olympic] Games need to take the Pill before the sporting explosion gets entirely out of hand.

       Peter Wilson

      3. Soundbytes

      Job Opportunities

      If you’re a sporting star, you’re a sporting star. If you don’t quite make it, you become a coach. If you can’t coach, you become a journalist. If you can’t spell, you introduce Grandstand on a Saturday afternoon.

       Desmond Lynam

      Darwin Revisited

      Tonight, a special Horizon programme, Survival of the Fartest … Fastest.

       Richard Baker from the BBC cassette Sporting Gaffes

      Sequence Of Events

      That performance would have won him the Olympic gold medal in the championship four years ago, which he won anyway.

       Desmond Lynam, talking about Sebastian Coe

      Get To The Bottom Of It

      Harvey Glance, the black American sprinter, with the white top and black bottom.

       Ron Pickering

      A Change Of Plan

      When the pace is slow, sometimes the athletes will make a move they hadn’t planned to make earlier in the race than they planned to do it.

       Brendan Foster


      Watch the time – it gives you a good indication of how fast they are running.

       Ron Pickering

      Carried Away

      Anything that matters so much to David Coleman, you realise, doesn’t matter so much at all.

       Clive James

      Des -ire

      Desmond Lynam is so laid back, he’s almost horizontal – which is exactly how his legions of fantasising housewifely fans imagine him to be.

       Frank Keating

      The Invisible Woman

      Zola Budd, so small, so waif-like, you literally cannot see her; but there she is.

       Alan Parry


      The world’s fastest woman is an expert cook.

       Daily Graphic headline after Fanny Blankers-Koen won Olympic gold in 1948

      Power To All Our Friends

      The man [Henry Rono] with asbestos lungs.

       Ron Pickering

       Baseball Bloomers

      Anyone who loses sleep worrying about the meaning of life will not seek answers among baseball practitioners. But to those who love the game, baseball is the meaning of life. For lovers of the absurd, outrageous and totally bizarre, this selection of sporting quotes could make the proverbial cat laugh. A pot pourri of double entendres, satirical quips and unintentional puns from the tongues of a sporting elite. Reading pleasure for the mischievous and warped.

      1. The All-American Game


      Calling it the World Series must impress the world as an example of America’s modesty.


      Run That By Me Again

      No wonder nobody comes here [a crowded New York restaurant] to eat – it’s too crowded.

       Yogi Berra, New York Yankees

      Lords and Masters

      Baseball must be a great game to survive the people who run it.

       Arthur Daley, sportswriter

      Parental Control

      I think Little League is all right: it keeps the parents off the street.

       Rocky Bridges, Minor League manager

      You Don’t Say

      [Orel] Hershiser is the only Major League player to have two consecutive pronouns in his surname.

       Roger Angell, sportswriter

      Descent of the Apes

      ‘Babe’ Ruth wasn’t born – the sonofabitch fell from a tree.

       Joe Duggan, New York Yankees


      The Ruth is mighty and shall prevail.

       Heywood Broun

      Crowd Puller

      Houston has its largest crowd of the night here this evening.

       Jerry Coleman, (in)famous commentator

      Billy the Kid

      A baseball fan has the digestive apparatus of a billy goat. He can – and does – devour any set of diamond statistics with insatiable appetite and then nuzzles hungrily for more.

       Arthur Daley


      The Mets [baseball team] has come along slow, but fast!

       Casey Stengel

      Beauty and the Beast

      1. It’s no fun being married to an electric light.

       Joe DiMaggio on his marriage to Marilyn Monroe

      2. I don’t know if it’s good for baseball, but it sure beats the hell out of rooming with Phil Rizzuto!

       Yogi Berra on the marriage

      3. Why marry a ball player when you can have the whole team?

       Mae West on the marriage

      4. It proves that no man can be a success in two national pastimes.

       Oscar Levant on the break-up of the marriage

      The Demon Drink

      Two of the pall-bearers at Babe Ruth’s funeral in August 1948 were teammates