The Healing Remedies Sourcebook: Over 1,000 Natural Remedies to Prevent and Cure Common Ailments. C. Shealy Norman. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: C. Shealy Norman
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007550937
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       Tonifies the Liver and Kidneys, nourishes the Blood and Jing-essence: used for treating Yin and Blood Deficiency.

       Firms the Jing and stops leakage: this refers to male sexual problems.

       Relieves Fire toxicity: use He Shou Wu raw for carbuncles and sores.

       Moistens the Intestines and unblocks the bowels.

       Expels Wind from the skin by nourishing the Blood: use for rashes that appear suddenly.


       Contraindicated with diarrhea.



      Ye Jiao Teng nourishes the Heart and calms the Spirit, which is said to reside in the Heart. It is therefore useful in tackling disturbed emotions.

      HOW TO USE

       Ye Jiao Teng is good for Yin or Blood Deficiency patterns with insomnia, irritability, or emotional and nervous patients who cannot eat. It is especially useful for dream-disturbed sleep, and helps one feel comfortable in oneself. It also nourishes the Blood in the four limbs when the circulation is blocked or weak due to Blood Deficiency, and is used for such symptoms as generalized as weakness, soreness, and aching or numb limbs. As it nourishes the Blood in the channels (meridians), it is also used externally as a wash for itching and skin rashes.

      PROPERTIES Sweet, slightly Bitter, Neutral

      CHANNELS Heart, Liver


       Nourishes the Heart and Blood, and calms the Spirit.

       Activates Blood circulation and unblocks the channels.

       Alleviates itching: use as an external wash.


       Contraindicated for Spleen Deficiency, Phlegm, or diarrhea.



      Fu Ling is a widely used herb that transforms Dampness, a “pathogenic influence” which creates stagnation in the Middle Burner, with various digestive or fluid-retaining effects.

      HOW TO USE

       Fu Ling both strengthens the Spleen and gets rid of Dampness. It is good for difficulty with urination, diarrhea, or edema (water retention), all symptoms of Dampness in the system. It helps with loss of appetite or bloating. Other symptoms of Phlegm include headaches or dizziness, and as it calms the Spirit it is good for palpitations, insomnia, or forgetfulness. It is a main ingredient in the qi-strengthening prescription Si Jun Zi Wan (“Four Gentlemen”) and is also essential in the main yin-tonifying prescription, where it stops a person becoming too moist from the yin (fluid) tonifying herbs.

      PROPERTIES Sweet, Bland, Neutral

      CHANNELS Heart, Spleen, Lung


       Promotes urination and leeches out Dampness by causing urination.

       Strengthens the Spleen and harmonizes the Middle area: helps prevent Dampness building up.

       Strengthens the Spleen and transforms Phlegm (congested fluids which can cause Heart palpitations and other symptoms).

       Quietens the Heart and calms the Spirit.


       Xing Ren APRICOT KERNEL

      This herb is primarily used to treat coughing and wheezing. As it treats the manifestation (presenting symptoms) of the problem, it needs to be combined with other herbs that treat the root cause.

      HOW TO USE

       Xing Ren may be used for many kinds of coughing, whether from Heat or Cold, Exterior or Interior, depending on the combination with other herbs. Because the herb is moist in nature, it is useful for externally caught dry cough. It can be combined with Huo Ma Ren or Dang Gui for constipation due to Deficient Qi and dry Intestines.

      PROPERTIES Bitter, slightly Warm, slightly Toxic

      CHANNELS Lung, Large Intestine


       Stops coughing and calms wheezing: Xing Ren is used widely for many kinds of cough.

       Moistens Intestines and unblocks the bowels: a secondary benefit due to the high oil content of Xing Ren.


       Use with caution for children and in cases of diarrhea.


       Tao Ren PEACH KERNEL

      This herb invigorates (or “regulates”) the Blood, treating problems associated with Blood stasis. In TCM, these disorders include pain and internal masses or growths.

      HOW TO USE

       Tao Ren is a very strong herb. It breaks through Blood and is an important herb for hard abdominal masses and tumors, and for epigastric lumps such as enlarged Liver or Spleen, if there is Stagnant Blood present. It also treats congealed Blood amenorrhea and abdominal pain, or pain from injuries. It is good for psychosis caused by congealed Blood (according to TCM) or post-partum psychosis, and treats Lung and Intestinal abscesses. Like many seeds, it is useful for constipation caused by dry Intestines.

      PROPERTIES Bitter, Sweet, Neutral

      CHANNELS Heart, Liver, Lung, Large Intestine


       Breaks up Blood stasis: it is a stronger herb than Hong Hua.

       Moistens the Intestines and moves stools.


       Contraindicated during pregnancy.


       Sheng di Huang CHINESE FOXGLOVE ROOT

      Sheng di Huang is one of a group of herbs that clear Heat: this includes febrile conditions and any illnesses with Heat signs. It can be used to treat diabetes by addressing the Heat cause.

      HOW TO USE

       Sheng di Huang is a very moistening as well as cooling herb. Therefore it is used in febrile illnesses where the Heat over a period has dried up the fluids in the body, causing thirst, irritability, and a scarlet tongue. It is also used, often with Bai Shao, when Heat in the Blood level causes hemorrhage from the vessels, leading to bloody urine, nosebleeds, and vomiting of blood. Untreated diabetes causes excessive thirst and urine—Sheng di Huang treats the Heat cause and helps the body replace the fluids.

      PROPERTIES Sweet, Bitter, Cold

      CHANNELS Heart, Liver, Kidney