The Healing Remedies Sourcebook: Over 1,000 Natural Remedies to Prevent and Cure Common Ailments. C. Shealy Norman. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: C. Shealy Norman
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Здоровье
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007550937
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and brightens the eyes: Jing (ancestral qi) is held in the Kidneys, while the Liver meridian goes to the eyes.

       Moistens the Lungs.


       Contraindicated in full Heat disorders, especially exeternal (viruses), and in cases of Spleen Deficiency with loose stools.


       Mai Men Dong OPIOPOGON TUBER

      This herb tonifies the yin, and it therefore moistens and nourishes fluid. Any of the major organs may suffer from a Yin Deficiency, so Mai Men Dong is an important herb for their revitalization.

      HOW TO USE

       Mai Men Dong particularly strengthens the yin in the Upper part of the body, so it is good after febrile illness when the mouth is parched, and there is severe thirst or recurring fever. It is used for an irregular pulse and palpitations from the same causes of injury to the fluids or Blood. It is particularly for a dry cough, with or without mucus, and for Stomach Yin Deficiency, which includes stomach aches, “dry” vomiting, and a shiny tongue with little coating. It is also for diabetes, as well as being used to brighten vision and strengthen the lower back. Like Tu Su Zi, it is added to prescriptions to moisten, but only in Yin-Deficient patterns.

      PROPERTIES Sweet, Bitter, slightly Cold

      CHANNELS Lung, Stomach, Heart


       Moistens the Lungs and stops coughing.

       Tonifies the Stomach yin and generates fluid.


       Contraindicated in case of deficiency without Heat signs. Like all tonifying yin herbs, it aids Dampness and should therefore not be used for cold, phlegmy coughing or Deficient Spleen with loose stools or a thick, greasy tongue coating.


       Bai Shao WHITE PEONY ROOT

      Bai Shao is a cooling herb with a sinking action—which means it takes qi down strongly. It is useful when the Liver is not fulfilling its function of making the Blood and qi flow smoothly.

      HOW TO USE

       Bai Shao has many uses and is an important herb. It treats headaches and dizziness due to rising Liver yang, and flank, chest, and abdominal pain from constrained (stuck) Liver Qi, or disharmony between the Liver and Spleen, which normally have a close relationship in the upper abdomen. Generally, this herb “softens” the Liver, treating spasms in the abdomen, or cramps in the hands or feet. It is good for menstrual irregularity or pain, or uterine bleeding, and, as it preserves the yin fluids and treats vaginal discharge and leaking of sperm. It treats excessive sweating in an external illness, or night sweating in Yin Deficiency.

      PROPERTIES Bitter, Sour, Cool

      CHANNELS Liver, Spleen


       Pacifies the Liver yang and alleviates pain: use for patterns of Liver yang rising, constrained Liver Qi or disharmonies between the Liver and the Spleen.

       Nourishes the Blood and regulates the menses.

       Adjusts the Ying and Wei: this refers to the balance between the inner and outer qi levels, which control the opening and closing of the pores.

       Preserves the yin.


       Exercise caution with diarrhea due to Cold from deficiency, as it is a cold herb.


       Ren Shen GINSENG ROOT, "MAN ROOT"

      Ren Shen is an expensive herb as it takes six or seven years to cultivate. It is calming and has a proven effect on stress.

      HOW TO USE

       Ren Shen is invaluable because it tonifies both the qi (lack of energy) and the yin (lack of fluid). It is used after shock, with shallow respiration, shortness of breath, cold limbs, profuse sweating, and a weak pulse. It is good for Lung problems, such as labored breathing and wheezing, and Spleen Qi Deficient problems such as lethargy, lack of appetite, bloating, and diarrhea, or, more severely, prolapse of the stomach, uterus, or rectum. It calms the Heart when there are palpitations, and in cases of anxiety, insomnia, or forgetfulness. As it is so expensive, it is usually substituted by Dang Shen in prescriptions.

      PROPERTIES Sweet, slightly Bitter, slightly Warm

      CHANNELS Lung, Spleen


       Strong tonifier of Root Qi: helps to revive an unconscious person.

       Tonifies the Lungs and benefits the qi.

       Strengthens the Spleen and tonifies the Stomach.

       Ren Shen generates fluid and stops thirst: use for diabetes when the qi and Blood have been injured by high fever and sweating.

       Benefits the Heart Qi and calms the spirit.


       Contraindicated for Yin Deficiency with Heat signs (it is slightly warming), heat excess or no significant Qi Deficiency. Overdose can lead to headache, insomnia, and a rise in blood pressure.



      This herb is used for bleeding or hemorrhage. Generally this herb is not used alone, but with other herbs that treat the cause of the bleeding, such as Hot Blood, Yin Deficiency, Spleen Deficiency, or stasis of the Blood.

      HOW TO USE

       San Qi has long been used in battle—soldiers carried this black powder with them to stem wounds. It may be taken on its own or in a prescription. It is used for all kinds of internal and external bleeding, such as vomiting blood, nosebleed, blood in the urine or stool, uterine bleeding, or trauma-induced bleeding. It is good for chest and abdominal pain, as well as joint pain caused by congealed Blood. It can also be used after heart attacks to get rid of debris in the coronary artery, and is very useful after injuries, for swelling and pain due to falls, fractures, bruises, and sprains.

      PROPERTIES Sweet, slightly Bitter, Warm

      CHANNELS Liver, Stomach, Large Intestine


       Stops bleeding and transforms Blood stasis: because this herb can stop bleeding without causing Blood stasis, it is very widely used.

       Reduces swelling and alleviates pain: San Qi is a first choice for traumatic injuries.


       Contraindicated during pregnancy. Use with caution in patients with Blood or Yin Deficiency.



      This herb is one that clears