Explosive PR. Full Practice Guide in Capture of the World with Invention of the News, Ideas, and Senses. Igor Szucs. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Igor Szucs
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Компьютеры: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785449012555
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we want to be slaves and here you are! In general, we have an hour to create with the acquainted lawyers.

      Idea 2. We make a book (“fake”) and make PR for the cover. The title is the following: “Who does not take his place”. There you give your expert opinion, who from tops of Russian economics and where has to work. So Gref has to work a stand up, Michael Prokhorov – a basketball trainer, Tinkov – in the circus or “House-2” etc. I think you will go on this theme in the comments.

      Idea number one in our hit-parade. We organize unsticking of the advertisements in the White House, State Duma, Administration of the President and “Gazprom”: the following man is in need… We publish the confirmation photos in social websites and a burst of indignation in the mass media: “What does it happen? What does the service of security do?”. And everyone can see a site of your office on the advertisement.

      11) Тоp-5 PR-ideas for PR of the shop of the beds in the territory of the other state

      Idea 5. We start flash mob “Break/burn/piss on your old bed”. Who can make it creative, he will get a prize and a discount. And then you announce a ban of the competition, when somebody begins to do it. And if nobody starts – do it yourselves! Rock-and-roll!

      Idea 4. We announce a competition of photos with the adults in a childish bed. We announce also a prohibition, when somebody imitates sex and lays out in “Instagram”. And if nobody invents self-PR in your action – it means that you will have sex once more. You have not sex to many! Is it true?

      Idea 3. The competition in beds’ jumping and pillows’ struggle between the adults. The judges are children.

      Idea 2. You give all the adults free vodka in order to celebrate a purchase. We organize indignation of the public with hashtag #therearechildren. Personally, I will join! I am for HLS.

      Idea 1. We put the presidents’ beds for sale. As if. This is the exact copy of Putin’s bed, for example. You give all your beds of the assortment the names of the leaders of the countries and sell them with mark-up and the second bed as a present.

      12) Тоp-5 PR-ideas for making squash in Russia popular

      Idea 5. We shoot and distribute home-porno with the balls. On the background there is a racket, an emblem of the club and federation.

      Idea 4. The unusual places for a game: we play squash next to the Kremlin wall, in a big Shopping Centre, in a status restaurant.

      Idea 3. A beautiful well-built girl has broken the rules of an amateur tournament – she has cried so loud and so passionate as in big tennis. Who does not know, in squash it is forbidden to cry, it is considered to be breach. And what do we need to do with the rules? To break!

      Idea 2. We make a rumor: a new husband of Buzova – a squash player. And if someone is a squash player, we have a question at once: who is it? And it attracts more people in sport. You do not believe but once attraction happened when in Moscow the President of the squash association was robbed for a big sum. Everybody started to get to know: “Well, squash? What is it? How do they earn there?” And they rushed to the courts.

      Idea 1. We distribute a rumor that the State Duma, the White House will be equipped with squash. We conduct a formed poll of the deputies, the stars, and the sportsmen on the theme: “What is your attitude towards …”. The formed poll is formed because the results will not be known, but say about the new influence. Here is a variation of this idea: the politicians and the civil servants are subscribed to play squash in the capacity of antidepressant.

      13) Тоp-5 PR-ideas for attracting attention to the intensity of the automation of the sales in business on the base of “Bitrix”

      Idea 5. The girls in T-shirts “Bitrix” and? For example, Amo-CRM fought in mud or just in the boxing ring. “Bitrix” won. At the end, the winner asked for intensive. If you do not want to fight in mud, you can conduct women box to the knock-out. Milder can be series of penalties in women football.

      Idea 4. An advertisement about the event is hung in the town hall and the State Duma. They took the Photo and distributed it locally, earmarked for a specific purpose, publics “VK”. Well, what was it? Why do the deputies and the civil servants need it? And I need it because…

      Idea 3. We announce that during the intensive a case will be investigated – the automation of sales in a bawdyhouse or a salon of the erotic massage. A mild variant is in strip-club.

      Idea 2. Gathering of signatures to change.org in the address of Putin – to automate sales in business. Who do not do it; you fix a death execution.

      Idea 1. We conduct lightly, like a production, a meeting of the sales-women in the dressing-guns: against automatization of sales. We take a photo with the posters.

      14) Тоp-5 PR-ideas for attracting attention to the smoothie for growing thin

      Idea 5. You present the thick VIP-men with the smoothie in the city or the regional administration. You show how the product is packed and sent DHL for the definite name. If VIPs are excited, we make a start of the theme “fight with business that has a sense of humor”. A wonderful rescue!

      Idea 4. A simple thing is to forget the smoothie I a taxi and look for it through “Facebook”.

      Idea 3. A box of smoothie “was forgotten” in a shopping center. You need to send for the guard, to check “a strange package”.

      Idea 2. We make a billboard “I enjoy with the smoothie”. The inhabitants of the city will be indignant, we lodge a complaint with ourselves in FAS and social websites. And we write to mass media from the eye-witnesses, of course.

      Idea 1. We organize a competition of the childish creation “A thick mother and a thick father”. The organizers are the producers of the smoothie. The task is “to give with the help of children parents’ sense of guilt that they are so unsporting.

      15) Тоp-7 PR-ideas for attracting attention to the aromatherapy and beauty salon

      Idea 5. A man with your aroma oils tried to get to Lenin in the mausoleum in order to revive him. He had a firm package. The hero of the action was arrested and after explanation was let go. Naturally, you have no links with it.

      Idea 4. The workers of maternity houses ordered you a wholesale set – we distribute a rumor. The mummies discuss what for? They guess the most fantastic. In order a childbirth passes better, without pain? In order a baby is healthier? (It is better, of course, in order a bordello ordered but you refused, it is obvious).

      Idea 3. We call the scents with the names of the stars in order they are indignant. You clear up them after lodging a suit to the court.

      Idea 2. You send the sets to the Presidents of Russia, USA, China. You put it next to the doors of the embassies.

      Idea 1. The owner of the aroma studio changed her surname on Aromatova and all the workers were got also the talking names: Ambroziev, Priyatnov, Duhov, Omolazhiev.

      And some bonus ideas.

      The first. The action: To ecologically clean New Zealand a well-grounded man, a Russian emigrant, in past an oilman and a native Moscower, ordered the scents of the aroma of “Norilsk nickel”, “Moscow Refinery”, congestion of ТТC and MRR in order to remember a scent which stimulated him earlier. “This ecology fucked up”.

      The second. We write a review for the social websites that after aromatherapy a leg grows, a husband comes back in his family, a baby is born (chastely). Try to distribute the text among the top bloggers and “YouTube makers”. You send the news with a request to appraise the cost. You wait for the moment they distribute it to the public and then put responsibility on the marketing specialist,