7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Pre‐operative MRI of the prostate demonstrating a small cystic le...Figure 7.2 Algorithm for the evaluation and management of iatrogenic uretera...Figure 7.3 (a) Nephrostogram showing complete obstruction of the left ureter...Figure 7.4 Uretero‐ureterostomy. Spatulated, tension‐free, mucosa‐to‐mucosa ...Figure 7.5 Uretero‐ureterostomy. When the repair is performed intra‐abdomina...Figure 7.6 Uretero‐calicostomy. The fully mobilized distal spatulated ureter...Figure 7.7 Modified psoas hitch procedure. The fully mobilized bladder dome ...
8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1. CT and fluoroscopic imaging of bladder rupture including: (a) co...
9 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Initial management in a stable patient with suspected lower urina...Figure 9.2 Retrograde urethrography: (a) Patient positioning. (b) Cone‐tip s...Figure 9.3 Thirty degree cranial tilt of x‐ray beam.Figure 9.4 Partial and complete urethral injury: appearance on retrograde ur...Figure 9.5 Anatomy of the male urethra.Figure 9.6 Schematic anatomy of male and female urinary sphincter complex.Figure 9.7 Anatomical relationships of the posterior urethra.Figure 9.8 Bony pelvis anatomy.Figure 9.9 Initial options for management of urethral trauma.Figure 9.10 Initial management of urethral trauma.
10 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 (a) RUG immediately after catheter removal in patient after fail...Figure 10.2 A flow chart of emergent urethral stricture management.Figure 10.3 A flow chart of elective urethral stricture management.Figure 10.4 Surgical steps in urethroplasty according to stricture location....Figure 10.5 RUG showing pan‐anterior urethral stricture secondary to lichen ...
11 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 Axial image from contrast enhanced pelvic CT scan demonstrating ...Figure 11.2 Axial (a) and saggital (b) image from contrast enhanced pelvic C...Figure 11.3 Endoscopic images of transurethral drainage of the prostatic abs...
12 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 The spreading infectious process may arise from local skin, urin...Figure 12.2 Photograph of patient with violet/black color scrotal skin indic...Figure 12.3 CT demonstrating gas in scrotum and posterior tracking into peri...Figure 12.4 CT demonstrating gas in the scrotal wall consistent with subcuta...Figure 12.5 Appearance of genitalia after surgical debridement for Fournier’...Figure 12.6 Vacuum assisted closure device applied to large scrotal wound. F...
13 Chapter 13Figure 13.1 Penile fracture: (a) Ecchymosis and eggplant deformity. (b) Ultr...Figure 13.2 Penile amputation reattachment with urethra anastomosis complete...Figure 13.3 Penile amputation reattachment tunica albuginea anastomosis comp...
14 Chapter 14Figure 14.1 Penile ultrasonography of patients with priapism. (a) Color dupl...Figure 14.2 Algorithm for the management of priapism.Figure 14.3 Conceptual basis for distal shunts for ischemic priapism. Note t...Figure 14.4 Percutaneous cavernosal spongiosal shunts. Top: Winter shunt wit...Figure 14.5 Al‐Ghorab distal shunt in which a transverse incision in the gla...Figure 14.6 Proximal shunt (Quackel’s). Note the shunts are bilateral in thi...
15 Chapter 15Figure 15.1 Ultrasonography demonstrating irregular hypoechoic regions with ...Figure 15.2 Ultrasonography demonstrating a 1‐cm intratesticular hematoma....Figure 15.3 Axial CT scan demonstrating dislocated right testis lying within...Figure 15.4 Extensive debridement following skin and soft tissue injury incl...Figure 15.5 Severe IED‐related perineal trauma resulting in complete loss of...Figure 15.6 Bilateral testicular injury with extensive hematoma and loss of ...
16 Chapter 16Figure 16.1 Bell clapper deformity with a horizontal testis lie.Figure 16.2 Color Doppler ultrasound of a patient with testicular torsion of...Figure 16.3 Ultrasound of a patient with prolonged torsion, showing heteroge...Figure 16.4 A torsed spermatic cord found on early surgical intervention....Figure 16.5 A cyanotic testis with hemorrhagic change to the epididymis foun...
17 Chapter 17Figure 17.1 Ultrasonographic findings of acute epididymitis showing increase...
18 Chapter 18Figure 18.1 Prenatal maternal ultrasound of a fetus with PUV. (a) Bladder pr...Figure 18.2 Neonate with PUV and ascites that extends into the scrotum.Figure 18.3 (a) Double J stent in place in a patient with PUV with the proxi...Figure 18.4 Classic findings of voiding cystourethrogram. Arrow highlights t...Figure 18.5 (a) Cold knife valve ablation. (b) Verum montanum and utricle or...Figure 18.6 Blocksom vesicostomy on a neonate with posterior urethral valves...Figure 18.7 Radiologic image of a retrograde pyelogram on a patient with Y‐S...Figure 18.8 (a) Epispadias demonstrating dorsal urethral plate, (b) bladder ...Figure 18.9 Left‐side Neonatal testicular torsion. Patient is explored and c...Figure 18.10 Paraurethral cyst secondary to Skene’s glands obstruction.Figure 18.11 Prolapsed ureterocele causing urinary retention on a 12‐hour ne...Figure 18.12 Prolapsed ureterocele with some mucosal congestion and urinary ...Figure 18.13 Prolapsed urethral mucosa. Beefy‐red friable to touch.Figure 18.14 Urethral polyp. Pedunculated lesion that extends beyond the int...Figure 18.15 Imperforated hymen. Bulging whitish mass with and intact urethr...
19 Chapter 19Figure 19.1 COVID‐19 case rates in Washington State, March–October 2020. Ins...Figure 19.2 Diagram of physical layout and criteria for specialty consultati...Figure 19.3 Clinical activity including outpatient and surgical cases as mea...Figure 19.4 Outpatient visit volumes by type within UW Medicine Department o...
6 Preface
11 Index
12 Wiley End User License Agreement
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