Well-Being Therapy. G.A. Fava. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: G.A. Fava
Издательство: Ingram
Жанр произведения: Зарубежная психология
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9783318058222
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to subgroups characterized by specific clinical histories. They found that the β-blocker was helpful for the ‘average’ patient who survived an acute myocardial infarction, whereas it was harmful in a subgroup characterized by specific cotherapy histories.

      In clinical pharmacology, adverse events may be due to the fact that the physician did not prescribe the drug appropriately (e.g., at a dosage that is excessive or inadequate); however, in this case treatment was correct. In psychotherapy, negative effects may arise because of psychotherapy that is not properly conducted [4]. However, in the case of Tom, I knew the psychologist who used CBT and held him in high regard for his competence and skills, particularly in obsessive-compulsive disorder. I thus felt that every reasonable approach had been attempted. What could I do that was different? I thought on the substantial distinction that Tom made: drugs did not help him, while psychotherapy made him worse.

      Second Session

      I did, however, write down in his diary a few things (I always write in the diaries of my patients: instructions for taking medications, behavioral assignments, things we discussed in the session that I feel important). I asked him to go back to the university every other day and to select one exam to be taken. He complained, ‘It makes no sense. I am no longer able to study.’ I replied that gradually we would have come back to it, and I shared with him the story of when I broke my leg while skiing at the age of 11. It was a bad fracture and the orthopedic surgeon applied a cast. I had to keep it for three and a half months, without ever standing up. Finally the day came when my cast had to be taken off, and I thought my agony would be over. My parents did not tell me anything; I thought that my bone had been fixed and I could get up and run. When the surgeon removed the cast, I discovered it was not true at all: my leg had no muscle, I could not bend the knee and when I tried to stand up I realized I was not able to. I started crying, saying that my life was ruined and that I could no longer walk. I do not know whether the clinical choice of the surgeon had been the best also in those days, but his response was:

Situation Feeling of well-being Intensity (0-100)
Late afternoon.I am at home studying.Laura will be coming soon. I am happy to see her. 40

      Do not cry, Giovanni. It is the way it should be. Now you should start doing some exercise [he just gave me a couple of hints; there was no physical therapy in the place where I lived]. But remember: some days you will feel that you are making progress, that you can bend your knee a little more than the previous days. Other days, you will feel that it is getting worse, that you bend your knee less. Do not worry. Keep on doing what I told you. You will run again.

      Third Session

Situation Feeling of well-being Interrupting thoughts
Morning. I am at home studying. I was able to study well for one entire hour. Now something will happen to spoil your morning → obsession.