The Prosperity & Wealth Bible. Kahlil Gibran. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Kahlil Gibran
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Социология
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9782378078102
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— built upon half sand and half stone. Be Thorough — stamping daily upon your very Brain, as a Motto, this thought —

      Whatever you Do — Do it Well — to the Finish.


      Use! This is one of the most inspiring little words in all the languages of words. Think of what this great America was before men began to use it! A marvelous area, true, but so unhelpful to mankind. But as soon as Thinking Men came and began to Work its Dirt — a Miracle flashed into the face of a sleepy Old World. For —

      Use is Growth.

      Hang your arm to your side and let it remain there over a long period and it will wither away. Non-use always means Decay, Starvation — Death.

      Use is Growth.

      You have a Brain — may be as wonderful and as great as any that ever worked. But unless you set to work the little Cells that ache for something to Do, your whole existence will become but an ordinary affair.

      Use is Growth.

      Do you realize that Distinction which comes to people is simply a matter of Brain Cell Opportunity worked to a Finish — merely taking advantage of every single Chance for advancement — no matter how small the Chance?

      Use is Growth.

      Your Minutes Used, your Chances Used, your Legs, Arms, Muscles — every Power of Your Body and Brain USED, means a sweeping toward your Purpose that nothing can stop. Those who use what they have and what they get, are the men and women whose names spot History. Do you want to be Somebody? Well, then, remember this —

      Use is Growth.


      Environment is Self-Atmosphere. Also, it’s the invisible Power of Circumstance that always stays around within call. Which is to say, that Environment is the Servant of every man.

      You can BE Somebody right where you are.

      Environment is a personal affair. So, if your present Environment hinders you, walk away from it. Hunt out a new Environment. Men and Women who form the habit of getting things done, make their own Environment, hour by hour — day by day.

      You can DO Something right where you are.

      Bunyan, in Jail, writing the immortal “Pilgrim’s Progress’’; Milton, blind and domestically all out of kink, penning “Paradise Lost’’; John Brown, walking up to the Gallows, smiling, a Prophet of Freedom; Helen Kellar, blind, deaf, dumb, yet the embodiment of Sunshine and Light; these are Masters of Environment!

      You can BE Somebody right where you are.

      People worthwhile to this world, make their own Environment so attractive that it draws human beings their way. You, who Employ, surround yourself with Cheerful Workers. You, who are Employed, keep your mind saturated with Cheerful Thoughts. Your Environment is what you choose it to be. Add to your Worth Stature.

      You can DO Something right where you are.


      If you realized just what Worry is you would stop using it in your business. For Worry is the name given by the Devil to his choicest brand of smelling salts and the more you get into the habit of using them the more you come to know what Hell is really like. Here’s an antidote for Worry —

      Smile, Smile, Smile — Smile!

      For where Smiles are, Worry is not. Worry is just plain poison. It is the most treacherous of poisons for it not only eats into the finest powers of your mind and life but it spreads and radiates like a contagious disease. Worry can do no harm in the atmosphere of cheer, great faith, hope — Work.

      Work, Work, Work — Work.

      How useless Worry is — how foolish! Realize but this and you will very soon banish it and forever abhor it. Can you think of a single instance where Worry rendered you a service? Well, then, get rid of it.

      Smile, Smile, Smile — Smile!

      Worry never did and never will bring anything to pass. It never earned a cent and it never helped a human being. But if you keep busy, if you are continually seeking to render some service, you will never have time nor inclination to Worry.

      Work, Work, Work — Work.


      Who are they that are the chief Hinderers and Obstructors of the Race — Thieves? No. Anarchists? No. Idlers? No. Grafters? No. Who then? Just these — the Men and Women with a Grouch.

      Be too Busy for a Grouch.

      Par the Fellow with the Grouch is the Fellow with a glass of Prison in his hand who will pour it down your throat if you let him. But you will escape him if you will only —

      Be too Busy for a Grouch.

      A Grouch never helped anything or anybody. And he never failed to do Harm. The Big Man with a Grouch becomes at once a Little Man.

      Be too Busy for a Grouch.

      Suppose the Grouch does irritate you, suppose he does try to get you off your Guard, suppose he does try to make you “Look Cheap,” suppose he does attempt to “Get your Goat.” Look him in the eye. Then knock him into smithereens with a 60 h. p. 20th Century model Smile — and Pass On to your Work and your Business.

      Be too Busy for a Grouch.


      We are all a bunch of Job holders, no matter the name by which we are known in our work. To work is to be dignified, whether we use a shovel or a pen. There is but one worker in all the drama of work who dishonors the whole profession. He’s The-Man-Afraid-Of-His-Job. Get this into your Head —

      YOU are “The Man Higher Up!”

      If you will but be this, from this minute you will grow and gather Power. For The-Man-Afraid-Of-His-Job is the man who fears somebody else above him, behind him, alongside of him. He has no Independence for he is all Dependence.

      YOU are “The Man Higher Up!”

      Results take care of themselves. First be YOURSELF. You may lose your Job. But what of it? You will have then gained a bigger one — Master of Yourself. Cromwell once said that “A man never rises so high as when he does his best not knowing whither he goes.” And Emerson says: “Why should we import rags and relics into the new hours?’’ Keep busy.

      YOU are “The Man Higher Up!”

      Believe it and proceed. Honor your Job — be it ever so humble — and it will Honor you. Be Positive. Dissolve partnership with The-Man-Afraid-Of-His-J ob. Go at your work with the belief that you alone know best your own work and you’ll find that it won’t take long for others about you to realize for a fact that —

      You ARE “The Man Higher Up!”


      If you would step into some great seat of Power and Plenty, some day, just get into the Habit of Patting people on the back — with a real Pat of Encouragement.

      Give away your own Success.

      There is nothing in all the world so stimulating as to feel the thrill of Hope coloring the cheek of some fellow to whom you have just given the Grip of Grit.

      Give away your own Success.

      Even a Race Horse goes better after a pat on the Nose. The Boot Black gives you a better Polish if you remember to Smile while he Shines. Half the wrecks of life are strewn along the Gutter of Failure for no other reason