435. To preserve Grapes Barberryes or Goosberrys.
436. To preserve Quinces white.
437. To keep Quinces raw all the year.
438. To candy Barberries Grapes and Goosberries.
440. To Dry any Fruit after they are Preserved.
441. To Dry any Fruit without Sugar.
442. To candie the Clear Rock Candie.
443. To sucket Candie Oringes Lemons Pome-Citerons & Lettice Stalks.
444. To candye Flowers the Spanish Fashion.
445. To make Lozenges of any of these Flowers.
446. To make a March Payne Ice it Garnishe it & Gild it.
448. To make Wallnuts Artificial.
449. To make Muskedyne Cumfits.
455. To boyle Sugar to a Manus Christi.
456. To boyle Sugar to a Candy Hight.
458. To make a Perfume to burn in a Chamber.
459. A Perfume to perfume Starch.
461. To make a Mothes Powder to lay amongst your Linnen or Wollen Clothes.
462. A Water to make the Breath Sweet.
463. A Powder to make the Teeth White and Sweet.
464. An excellent Water to clear Hands and Face.
472. To destroy Moths & preserve Cloths untouch’d.
473. To destroy Moths in Chairs & Stools & to refresh ye Colour.
475. To scoure & refresh ye Colour of Gold & Silver Lace or Fringe.
476. To scoure or refresh ye Colours of Pictures y t are Stain’d or Soil’d.
477. To dress & order Thin & Old Bedtikes to make y m keep in their Feathers.
478. To perfume Bedtikes for Down or other Bedtikes w n y e Feathers smell Strong and Mustie.
480. To keep Oringes fresh all y e Year.
481. To make Quince Marmalade.
484. An excellent Water for ye Head & for Sleep called ye Emperour Charleses Water.