490. For a Tickling Cough or Rhume.
491. For Flegme when it sticks that it cannot come up.
493. To keep damosens all ye Year.
498. A Cordiall or Surffit Water of Poppies.
500. For a Sinew Strain in Man or Beast.
501. To make Juice of Liquorish as a special Cordiall.
502. To make a Powder for the Stone used by Pope Silvester ye 2d.
507. A Water for Wounds and Old Sores.
511. Direction to cure Ye King’s Evil & 1st for the drink.
512. A healing Salve for ye King’s Evil.
515. The Lady Biddolphs Green Oyle to be made in May.
516. To stop Bleeding if a Veine be cut asunder.
518. Dr. Willis his electuarie for a Dead Palsey.
519. His Whey for ye same Palsey.
522. Pills for Vapours of Spleen & Fits of ye Mother to Suppress and cure them.
525. To make the Convulsion Water.
528. The Countess of Bristolls Black Salve.
531. For the Farcy in a Horse.
532. To cure the Grease in a Horse.
Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.