History of Western Maryland. J. Thomas Scharf. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: J. Thomas Scharf
Издательство: Bookwire
Серия: History of Western Maryland
Жанр произведения: Документальная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9783849658663
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to act as W. M., David Boyd, S. W., Thomas C. Brashear as J. W., to open Columbia Lodge, No. 58, was produced and read. These officers were then installed by D. G. Master Kimmell, and the lodge opened in regular form.

      G. M. Eichelberger, W. M.; David Boyd, S. W.; Thos. C. Brashear, J. W.; A. Barney, Sec. pro tem.; Caspar Quynn, S. D.; M. E. Bartgis, J. D.; Solomon Albaugh, Tyler.

      The brethren present were A. Kimmell, A. Fearhake, Geo. Salmon, Geo. Zollinger, John Kefauver, Wm. D. Jenks, M. Bedtman, Rezin Stevens, John Sifford. A. Barney was chosen secretary and installed.

      Dec. 18, 1843, the lodge met, and went into an election for officers to serve the next six months. Caspar Quynn was elected W. M., Thomas W. Morgan, S. W., and William D. Jenks, J. W. George Salmon was appointed S. D., and H. Fearhake, J. D.

      Several of the meetings just mentioned were held in David Boyd's house on Market Street, on the south corner of Market Space. This building is now owned and occupied by A. C. McCardell. About this time the lodge moved to the hall which had been prepared for its use in the old Methodist Episcopal church on Church Street.

      On July 6, 1857, the lodge rented a room in the McGill Building, on the southeast corner of Market and Patrick Streets, for five years, at seventy-five dollars per annum, for its use.

      On June 19, 1865, the lodge held its first meeting in the hall in the old Episcopal church on Public Street.

      Sept. 22, 1865. The lodge proceeded to the Methodist Episcopal church on East Church Street to lay the cornerstone of the new church, which was done with the usual Masonic ceremonies. D. G. Master John A. Lynch officiating.

      May 31, 1871. The lodge assisted the Grand Lodge in laying the corner-stone of the " Deaf and Dumb Institute" in Frederick City. Grand Master John H. B. Latrobe officiating.

      June 6, 1871. The lodge laid the corner-stone of "Trinity Chapel of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South." A. Fearhake, Jr., officiating.

      Nov. 6, 1871. The lodge sent to the sufferers by the great fire in Chicago the sum of eight hundred and forty-six dollars, contributed by the members.

      Anthony Kimmell was Grand Senior Warden of the Grand Lodge in 1832, '33, '34, '35; Deputy Grand Master in 1842, '43, '44, '57; Most Worshipful Grand Master, 1859. John A. Lynch was Deputy Grand Master in 1864. C. N. S. Levy is now Grand King of the Grand Chapter.

      From June, 1815, to 1830, eight Ancient Masons united with the lodge, one hundred and twelve were made Masons, and sixteen rejected. From 1843 to 1880, sixty-five Ancient Masons joined the lodge; one hundred and ninety-eight were initiated, passed and raised.

      Columbia Lodge has had thirty-three W. M., forty-five S. W., fifty-three J. W., and, from 1843 to 1880, eleven secretaries and fifteen treasurers. From 1843 to 1880 there have been four hundred and forty-six applications for membership and initiation; of this number, one hundred and forty-nine were rejected. From 1843 to 1863, one hundred and sixty-nine applications, thirteen rejected; 1860 to 1880, two hundred and seventy-seven applications, one hundred and thirty-six rejected. In 1865 there were twenty-six rejections.

      Lynch Lodge, No. 163, A. F. and A. M. — June 5, 1873, Grand Master Latrobe granted a dispensation to Benjamin H. Schley, W. M., Steiner Schley, S. W., and Peter S. Bantz, J. W., to make Masons and form a new lodge. Nov. 18, 1873, the Grand Lodge issued a regular charter to Lynch Lodge, No. 163, named in honor of Judge John A. Lynch. The first officers were:

      W. M., Benjamin H. Schley; S. W., Steiner Schley; J. W., Philip Stern; Sec, Charles F. Kreh; Treas., Julius Neuwahl; S. D., Harry C. Reefer; J. D., George A. Abbott; Tyler, F. T. Rhodes.

      At a special communication of this lodge, Past Deputy Grand Master John A. Lynch, under authority from Grand Master Latrobe, constituted the lodge and installed the aforesaid officers. It holds its meetings in the hall of Columbia Lodge, and numbers thirty active and zealous Masons.

      The officers for 1881 are:

      W. M., Isaac Lowenstein; S. W., Isaiah N. Ley: J. W., Jacob J. Sahm; Sec, George E. Myer; Treas., Julius Neuwahl.

      Jacques de Molay Commandery, No. 4. — This commandery commenced under a dispensation dated Nov. 23, 1867. The officers in the dispensation were George A. Hanson, E. C.; Peter S. Bantz, Gen.; and J. Alfred Ritter, Capt.-Gen.

      Sept. 18, 1868, the Grand Commandery granted a regular charter to Jacques de Molay Commandery, No. 4, and its first officers were the same as in the dispensation.

      The officers for 1881 are:

      E. C, John A. Lynch; Gen., Charles C. Smith; Capt.-Gen., M. E. Getzendanner; P., Adolphus Fearhake, Jr.; Sec, F. A. Markey; S. W., W. V. Albaugh; J. W., C. V. S. Levy; S. B., George W. Cramer; Std. B., C. F. A. Fox; W., William N. Young; Sent., F. F. Rhodes.

      Enoch Royal Arch Chapter, No. 23. — Enoch Chapter, No. 10, was chartered Nov. 15, 1820, and was last represented in the Grand Chapter in 1827 by Daniel Kolb, Adolphus Fearhake, Sr., and Francis Thomas.

      Enoch Chapter, No. 23, commenced under a dispensation dated in May, 1866. The officers named in the dispensation were George A. Hanson, High Priest, Allen G. Quynn, King, and William N. Young, Scribe. Nov. 13, 1866, the Grand Chapter granted it a regular charter, and the first officers under it were the same as in the dispensation. The officers for 1881 are:

      H. P., Philip Stern; K., William N. Young; S., W. V. Albaugh; R., F. A. Markey; Treas., H. Goldenberg; C. H., J. W. Griffin; P. S., A. Fearhake, Jr.; R. A. C, C. S. V. Levy; M. 3rd V., L Lowenstein; M. 2nd V., C. C. Smith; M. 1st V., John A. Lynch.

      Mountain City Lodge, No. 29, Knights of Pythias. — This lodge was instituted Feb. 12, 1869. The grand officers' names affixed to the charter are:

      G. W. Stoddard, G. C; E. R. Davis, V. G. C.; C. F. Abbott, V. G. P.; H. P. Barnes, G. B.; F. Turner, G. K. R. A S.; J. B. Hurst, G. G.; A. S. Walton, G. O. S.; John Muth, G. O. S. The charter members were L. Vanfosson, J. M. Ebberts, W. A. Simmons, G. N. Hauer, H. P. Steiner, E. A. Kramer, J. C. Hardt, J. W. Brubaker, J. A. Steiner, J. M. Miller, F. W. Slugh, T. M. Holbruner, H. M. Keefer.

      Starwart Conclave, S. P. K., No. 3. — This conclave, formerly called Stoddard, was organized May 17, 1869. The grand officers who signed the charter were:

      James Bond, G. C.; John J. Ward, G. Sec. The charter members were William A. Simmons, David M. Smith, James N. Walter, John Simmons, P. L. Hiteshew, C. W. Tabler.

      Alpha Temple of Honor, No. 2. — Officers elected in May, 1881, for the ensuing term:

      W. C. T., I. P. Suman; W. V. T.. J. J. Bielfeld; W. R., G. W. Tyson; W. A. R., W. H. Keller; W. F. R., I. F. Steiner; W. Tr., A. R. Yeakle; W. U., W. V. Miller; W. D. U., B. E. Veitch; W. G., W. F. Kuhn; W. S., T. P. Rice; W. Chaplain, F. B. Sappington; W. R. H. S., Charles Patten, Jr.; W. L. H. S., J. S. Quinn; P. W. C. T., D. S. Rice.

      Chippewa Tribe, No. 19, I. O. O. R.— On the twenty-sixth Sun of the Buck Moon, in Grand Sun 5610, the Grand Council of the Improved Order of Red Men of Maryland issued its dispensation to form Chippewa Tribe, No. 19, to the following pale-faces:

      Samuel Snyder, J. W. Suman, John D. Zieler, L. M. Wolf. William T. Duvall, William H. Hiteshew, George R. Kephart, W. Moling, George W. Dertsbauch, O. Nurz, P. R. Shaffner, J. V. Hollebaugh, M. Albaugh, George Albaugh, Jacob Lillich.

      The aforesaid dispensation was signed by

      William H. Ford, G. S.; Thomas Sprigg, G. S. S.; William H. Cox, G. J.S.; John T. Alexander, G. P.; John L. Booker, G. C. of R.; B. W. Ferguson, G. K. of W.

      Its first officers, elected on the Third Sun of the Flower Moon (May, 1850), were:

      S., Samuel Snyder; S. S., Israel W. Suman; J. S., John D. Zeiler; C. of R., William H. Hiteshew; K. of W., Lewis W. Wolf; P., William T. Duvall.

      In 1851, after one year's organization,