History of Western Maryland. J. Thomas Scharf. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: J. Thomas Scharf
Издательство: Bookwire
Серия: History of Western Maryland
Жанр произведения: Документальная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9783849658663
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Brethren's camp-meeting at Cornelius Staley's began.

      September 30th. — Some forty Fox and Sac Indians, with Keokuk, Black Hawk, and other chiefs, passed through town to Washington.

      October 24th. — President Van Buren at Roberts' tavern.

      1838. — February 12th. Ball at Roberts' tavern; managers, Michael Byrnes, Ezra Bentz, George Hoskins, John Rigney, Alfred F. Brengle, Charles Shriver, Samuel Duer, Henry Houck, Joseph Stallings, Calvin Page, Dennis Ferry, Peter H. Brown, Charles Hammond, David C. Steiner, W. G. Cole, Ambrose Ingram, Christian Smith, of George, William Kolb.

      1839. — January 1st. At the County Temperance Convention, Dr. Lloyd Dorsey was chosen president, and Dr. William M. Kemp secretary.

      June 26th.— New bridge built over the creek in Brew House Alley.

      August 26th. — "Junior" Fire Company got its new engine . it was tried, and threw water over the steeple of German Reformed church.

      18th. — President-elect, Gen. Harrison, arrived February 5th, and stayed all night at Dorsey's City Hotel. On a rostrum before the hotel he addressed a vast crowd, and caught the cold that caused his death April 4th following.

      A military convention composed of delegates representing thirty-one uniform volunteer companies of Maryland was held in Frederick on the 20th of October, 1841. Maj.-Gen. George H. Steuart was president.

      August 1st. — New Methodist Episcopal church corner-stone laid, with an address by Rev. John Rice.

      1842. — May 2nd. First public procession of Adams Lodge, No. 35, I. O. O. F.

      1847. — June. First use of ether in Frederick by Dr. Samuel Tyler on a colored man.

      May 25th. — The German Reformed Church celebrated its centennial anniversary, with an address by its pastor, Rev. Dr. Daniel Zacharias.

      1848. — May 30th. Military Court of Enquiry into conduct of Maj.-Gen. Gideon J. Pillow, composed of Col. Nathan Towson, president, and Gen. Caleb Gushing and Col. William G, Belknap. There were present Gens. John A. Quitman, Win field Scott, James Shields, D. E. Twiggs, Franklin Pierce, Col. W. S. Harney, and other distinguished officers.

      1849. — April 23rd. Jacob Faubel appointed postmaster, vice John Rigney,, in office since Jan. 1, 1839.

      1850. — Vote for mayor, February 25th: James Bartgis 367, John Bender 243, William Lowe 90, George Salmon 88.

      June 24th. — Frederick Schley brought from China a Chinese boy, " Mock Alloo," to be educated, but he returned to Canton, China, March, 1852.

      1851. — February 2nd. Asbury African church consecrated.

      April 20th.— The" Junior" Hall finished.

      1853, — February 28th. Vote for mayor: James Bartgis 358, David J. Markey 194, John Bender 184, Jacob Hart 78.

      April 11th. — John Jacob Smith appointed postmaster.

      1854. — March 31st. Water at the artesian well in the mountain came out at the surface.

      May 30th. — The first corpse buried in Mount Olivet Cemetery was that of Mrs. Ann Crawford.

      September 29th. Basil E. Borsey and F. M. Grunis purchased the City Hotel of N. B. Harding for twenty-one thousand dollars.

      1855. — May 24th. Bethel church, colored, was commenced in East Third Street, William S. Bennett the builder.

      1856. February 25th, Vote for city officers: Mayor, Lewis Brunner 467. Ormond F. Butler 463; Aldermen, Ezra Houck 489, Henry Butler 483, George Smith 469, J. Alfred Bitter 469, William S. Bennett 463, Thomas H. O'Neil 460, D. H. Haller 458, James Whitehill 425.

      May 18th. — Twelve eases of smallpox.

      1859.— February 28th. Vote for mayor: William G. Cole 652, Henry Houck 518.

      May 25th. — The old Catholic steeple built in 1805 taken down.

      1860. — Frederick's population: white males, 2980; white females, 3337; free colored males, 558; free colored females, 696; colored slaves, both sexes, 443. Total, 8054.

      Fires, — 1763. Capt. Evan Sheby's house, together with his furniture and a large store of provisions, was burned accidentally early in December.

      May 3, 1786. — Almshouse in Bentz Town burned.

      June 26, 1797. — -The right wing of the Barracks entirely destroyed.

      May 31, 1801. — Stables of Capt. James Neall's tavern burned.

      Feb. 1, 1825. — Log house of Joseph Payne, on Sixth Street, burned.

      June 1, 1826. — Fire broke out in stable of Francis Kleimert, on Second Street, and consumed all his and Joshua Dill's property, Lewis Wetzheimer's house, kitchen, and stable, the late George Kessler's two houses, the dwelling occupied by Mrs. Reynolds, making altogether six dwellings, with other buildings attached. Mr. Dill lost six hundred dollars in currency, and Mr. Kleimert between three and four thousand dollars in specie.

      June 5, 1826. — John Schindler's mill in Middletown burned.

      July 30, 1829.— William Motter's barn, near Middletown, struck by lightning and burned, together with all his crop of grain, etc.

      April 1, 1830.-— Talbott's tavern (City Hotel) damaged by fire.

      Nov. 23, 1836. — George Broadrup's paper-mill burned.

      Feb. 28, 1838. — Moses Warman's large barn, one mile from town, burned.

      Sept. 24, 1839. — Fire in factory of George M. Conradt, head of Patrick Street.

      March 22, 1841. — Fire in stable back of lecture-room of Reformed church, and by severe work a conflagration prevented.

      Jan. 25, 1853.— Fitzhugh & Snyder's iron-foundry burned; twenty hands thrown out of employment.

      June 21, 1354. — John Bartholow's tannery burned.

      Aug. 14, 1855. — Delaplane's mill, near Buckeystown, burned; rebuilt, and again burned for third time June 28, 1858, the first fire having been Aug. 7, 1824.

      Dec. 7, 1857. — Michael Reefer's mill and distillery burned. May 8, 1861.— Court-house burned.

      Sept. 13, 1362.— The jail burned.

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