Practical Field Ecology. C. Philip Wheater. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: C. Philip Wheater
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Биология
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781119413240
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we are in the realm of inferential statistics. These usually involve the testing of hypotheses. It is standard practice to set up a null hypothesis alongside the questions to be asked. The null hypothesis tests the chance of there being no significant difference between samples (or relationship between variables, or association between categories of variables). So if we wish to know whether there is a difference between two samples (e.g. comparing the number of birds found in deciduous woodlands with the number found in coniferous woodlands), then we actually test the null hypothesis that: there is no significant difference between the number of birds in deciduous and coniferous woodlands. Note that we are looking at ‘significant’ differences. These are differences that are unlikely to have resulted from random variation in the individual woodlands sampled. For this we need a method that tests the null hypothesis that there is no significant difference in the sample averages. In addition to difference tests between samples, there are also relationship tests between variables, and tests designed to examine associations between categories of variables. Table 1.3 summarises some commonly used, relatively simple, statistical approaches to these research questions.

      To illustrate some of the considerations in project design and data collection, we start with a research question that sounds relatively simple on the face of it: is there a relationship between the size of trees and the number of squirrels' dreys in the canopy of the trees? Ideally, we would want to measure the canopy height with some degree of accuracy. This would enable us to work out whether the relationship exists using a parametric statistical technique called Pearson's product moment correlation analysis (p. 308). However, it may be difficult even to see the tops of very tall trees and those obscured by other trees. Thus, we may estimate tree height, perhaps into several groupings. We can of course rank these data, but this means that we need an alternative approach for analysis that is suitable for ordinal data. This is Spearman's rank correlation coefficient analysis, which is not quite as powerful as the Pearson's method. The power of the test is its ability to detect a true relationship (or difference, or association) if one exists. If we knew that any such relationship was likely to be fairly weak, then the less powerful technique might not reveal it and we could be wasting our time in not measuring the trees relatively accurately to obtain measurement data and thus employ the more powerful test. Alternatively, if we are only interested in revealing strong relationships, then using ranked size classes to indicate tree height may be acceptable. The other complexities in this apparently simple question include ensuring that all other aspects are as constant as possible (e.g. species of tree, surrounding landscape, density of the squirrel colony, etc.).

Data set approximating to a normal distribution.

      Predictive analysis

      Multivariate analysis

      Examining patterns and structure in communities

      Ecological data sets can be very complex and difficult to visualise. For example, a data set might include many variables collected as measurements (including counts), as ranks (e.g. scores of abundance), or in a binary form (e.g. presence or absence data). Chapter 5 introduces a number of techniques for visualising complex data sets to enable the use of a range of different types of data. Variables with large numbers of observations of zero (as can occur when surveying relatively rare species), cases where data are heavily skewed, or situations where variables are measured on scales of greatly differing magnitude, may require data transformation before using these techniques (p. 285).

      As an example, we might collect information about woodlands on the basis of their size, age, distance to the nearest neighbouring woodland, etc. Since some of these variables will be related to each other, we might wish to find out the underlying pattern of interrelationships within the data and hence identify a number of unrelated factors that can be used instead of our large number of variables. This is a data reduction exercise, reducing the number of variables we have measured into a smaller number of unrelated factors that take into account the interrelationships between the