Practical Field Ecology. C. Philip Wheater. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: C. Philip Wheater
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Биология
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781119413240
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a collection of individuals, normally defined by a given area at a given time. For example, scientists refer to the decline in the world population of Atlantic cod in the last century or the annual harvest of Northeast Atlantic cod. These are both true populations. The size of a population is rarely measured directly but usually estimated from samples.

       A sample is a term that can be used ambiguously, but is a subset drawn from a population, which usually includes a quantity. For example, 100 individual fish taken from the Northeast Atlantic cod population and measured in order to get an estimate of body size. Another example would be taking 50 small areas from a meadow (each 1 square metre in size) in order to count the number of plantains within them.

       A parameter is a population metric that is estimated from a variable (e.g. the mean body size of Northeast Atlantic cod, or the mean number of plantains per square metre of a meadow) and can be used to summarise data. Importantly, statistical tests aim to estimate parameters from a population in order to test for differences, relationships, associations, etc.

       A variable is a measurement that may change from sampling unit to sampling unit (e.g. the body size of Northeast Atlantic cod taken from a sample, or the number of plantains in a square metre of a meadow) and can be used to summarise collected data (e.g. by taking the mean).

      Box 1.7 Aspects to be considered when determining the sample size

      A larger sample size is needed when there is:

       high variability – use a pilot study or consult similar investigations in the literature to get a feel for the likely variability;

       a small difference or relationship or association to be detected – it is worth recognising that very small differences may not be important ecologically (e.g. a native plant may have more insect species than an introduced one, but if this difference is by only one or two common insects, it is unlikely to be of conservation importance);

       a requirement to subdivide the data for analysis (e.g. separate analysis of males and females would require similar appropriate sample sizes of both males and females).

      Box 1.8 Species accumulation curves for two sites

      By plotting the cumulative number of species found against the number of quadrats examined, it can be seen that as the number of quadrats used increases, the number of species also increases. At the point at which the curve levels off towards the horizontal (the asymptote), we may assume that we have obtained the maximum number of species and can stop sampling. For site A (dashed line, diamonds), we may not yet have reached the total number of species, even after 30 quadrats, and should consider increasing the sampling effort. For site B (dotted line, squares), it appears that we have reached about the maximum number of species that we can expect to get. In fact, we probably reached this number at round about 16 or so quadrats. This difference between sites A and B might reflect not only a difference in the number of species found there, but also a difference in heterogeneity of the site, with site A being less homogeneous than site B. Note that had we looked at the data for site A after 12 quadrats (solid line, diamonds), we might have assumed that we had reached the maximum number of species as the curve levels off. This highlights the importance of collecting past the initial point of curve levelling to check that it truly does reflect the asymptote.

By plotting the cumulative number of species found against the number of quadrats examined, it can be seen that as the number of quadrats used increases, the number of species also increases.