3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Photoactive centers inside the Band Gap. There are filled traps
(...Figure 3.2 Under the action of light the electrons are excited from the traps ...Figure 3.3 The charge distribution produces a space‐charge electric field modu...Figure 3.4 The electric field modulation may produce deformations in the cryst...Figure 3.5 If the photoconductive material is also electro‐optic, that is to s...Figure 3.6 Holographic setup: A laser beam is divided by the beamsplitter BS, ...Figure 3.7 Generation of an interference pattern of fringes.Figure 3.8Figure 3.8 Light excitation of electrons to the CB in the crystal.Figure 3.9Figure 3.9 Generation of an electric charge spatial modulation in th...Figure 3.10Figure 3.10 Generation of a space‐charge electric field modulation.Figure 3.11Figure 3.11 The electric field modulation produces a index‐of‐refra...Figure 3.12Figure 3.12 The recorded grating can be read using one of the recor...Figure 3.13Figure 3.13 The grating is erased during reading.Figure 3.14 Until all recording is erased.Figure 3.15 Space‐charge electric field grating being recorded by the ‐shifte...Figure 3.16 Space‐charge electric field without an externally applied field fo...Figure 3.17 Simulated recording (from 0 to 20 au) and erasure (from 20 to 50 a...Figure 3.18 Index‐of‐refraction modulation arising in the crystal volume. The ...Figure 3.19 Schematic description of running hologram generation in photorefra...Figure 3.20 Plot of for the assumed parameters: m, m, , rad/s, and Figure 3.21 Plot of from Eq. 3.85 for the same parameters referred to in Fig...Figure 3.22 Plotting of Q as a function of ( ‐axis) and ( ‐axis) for V/m...Figure 3.23 Plotting of Q as a function of K, from Eq. 3.91, for typical value...Figure 3.24 Plotting of (continuous curve), (long dashing curve) and (sh...Figure 3.25 One‐species/two‐valence/two‐charge carrier model contributing to c...Figure 3.26 Two‐species/two‐valence/two‐charge carrier model contributing to c...Figure 3.27 Hole‐electron competition on different photoactive centers under t...Figure 3.28 Short circuit schema using conductive silver glue to electrically ...4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Reading the recorded hologram with one of the recording beams.Figure 4.2 Recording a fixed volume index‐of‐refraction hologram that is phase...Figure 4.3 Bragg condition where
and are the incident beam and the diffrac...Figure 4.4 Amplitude coupling in two‐wave mixing: in this example, the weaker...Figure 4.5 Phase coupling in two‐wave mixing: the pattern of fringes and assoc...Figure 4.6 Numerical plotting of versus the normalized time , from Eq. 4.80...Figure 4.7 Numerical plotting of versus the normalized time