British Wild Flowers: A photographic guide to every common species. Paul Sterry. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Paul Sterry
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Природа и животные
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780008144586
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      Common Water-crowfoot

      Common Water-crowfoot Ranunculus aquatilis FLOATING

      Annual or perennial found in both slow-flowing and still waters. FLOWERS 12–20mm across with 5 white petals (Apr–Aug). FRUITS In rounded heads. LEAVES Thread-like submerged leaves and floating ones that are entire but with toothed lobes. STATUS Widespread and common.

      Stream Water-crowfoot

      Stream Water-crowfoot Ranunculus pencillatus FLOATING

      Annual or perennial of fast-flowing chalk streams and rivers. FLOWERS 15–25mm across with 5 white petals (May–July). FRUITS In rounded heads. LEAVES Lobed, rounded floating leaves and long, thread-like submerged ones that collapse out of water. STATUS Locally common, but mainly in the south.

      Ivy-leaved Crowfoot

      Ivy-leaved Crowfoot Ranunculus hederaceus CREEPING

      Creeping annual or biennial, associated with bare muddy places close to water. FLOWERS 3–6mm across with 5 white petals, and sepals of similar length (May–Aug). FRUITS In rounded heads. LEAVES Vaguely ivy-like, being rounded or kidney-shaped with lobed margins. STATUS Widespread but local.

      Cleave, Andrew

      Pond Water-crowfoot

      Pond Water-crowfoot Ranunculus peltatus FLOATING

      Annual or perennial of ponds, lakes and other areas of still water. FLOWERS 15–30mm across with 5 white petals (May–Aug). FRUITS In rounded, long-stalked heads. LEAVES Lobed, rounded floating leaves and short, rigid, thread-like submerged ones. STATUS Widespread and common throughout.

      Brackish Water-crowfoot

      Brackish Water-crowfoot Ranunculus baudotii FLOATING

      Annual or perennial of brackish pools, ditches and channels near the coast. FLOWERS 12–18mm across with 5 white petals (Apr–Aug). FRUITS In rounded, long-stalked heads. LEAVES Deeply lobed floating leaves and thread-like submerged ones that do not collapse out of water. STATUS Local around the coast.

      Cleave, Andrew

      Round-leaved Crowfoot

      Round-leaved Crowfoot Ranunculus omiophyllus FLOATING

      Creeping annual or biennial. Favours damp, muddy places, often water seepages. FLOWERS 8–12mm across, with 5 white petals twice as long as sepals (May–Aug). FRUITS In rounded heads. LEAVES Lobed and rounded. STATUS Rather local and restricted mainly to S and W England and Wales, and S Ireland.

      Burbidge, Brinsley

      River Water-crowfoot

      River Water-crowfoot Ranunculus fluitans FLOATING

      Robust perennial. Forms extensive carpets in suitable fast-flowing streams and rivers. FLOWERS 20–30mm across with 5 white, overlapping petals (May–Aug). FRUITS In rounded heads. LEAVES Divided into narrow, thread-like segments; submerged leaves only. STATUS Widespread in England but scarce elsewhere.



      Columbine Aquilegia vulgaris HEIGHT to 1m

      Familiar garden perennial but also a native plant, favouring open woods on calcareous soils. FLOWERS Nodding, purple, 30–40mm long, the petals with hook-tipped spurs (May–July). FRUITS Dry, many seeded. LEAVES Grey-green and comprising 3-lobed leaflets. STATUS Widespread but extremely local as a native species.

      Wood Anemone

      Wood Anemone Anemone nemorosa HEIGHT to 30cm

      Perennial that sometimes forms large carpets on suitable woodland floors. FLOWERS Solitary, comprising 5–10 white or pinkish petal-like sepals (Mar–May). FRUITS Beaked, in rounded clusters. LEAVES On stems, long-stalked and divided into 3 lobes, each being further divided. STATUS Widespread and locally common.


      Pasqueflower Pulsatilla vulgaris HEIGHT to 25cm

      Silkily-hairy perennial of dry, calcareous grassland. FLOWERS Purple, bell-shaped with 6 petal-like sepals; upright at first, then nodding (Apr–May). FRUITS