British Wild Flowers: A photographic guide to every common species. Paul Sterry. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Paul Sterry
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Природа и животные
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780008144586
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      Knotted Pearlwort

      Knotted Pearlwort Sagina nodosa HEIGHT to 12cm

      Wiry perennial; stems look ‘knotted’ due to clustered arrangement of leaves. Found on damp, sandy soils; often coastal. FLOWERS White, 10mm across, with 5 petals that are twice as long as sepals; 5 styles (cf. Spring Sandwort, p.34) (July–Sep). FRUITS Capsules. LEAVES Short, clustered. STATUS Widespread but local.

      Four-leaved Allseed

      Procumbent Pearlwort

      Procumbent Pearlwort Sagina procumbens PROSTRATE

      Creeping perennial of damp, bare ground. Forms mats comprising a central rosette with radiating shoots that root at intervals, giving rise to erect flowering stems. FLOWERS Green, petal-less and borne on side shoots (May–Sep). FRUITS Capsules. LEAVES Narrow, bristle-tipped but not hairy. STATUS Widespread and common. Four-leaved Allseed Polycarpon tetraphyllum is a much-branched annual with leaves in 2s and 4s. Flowers are tiny and whitish. Common only on Isles of Scilly; rare near coast in SW England.

      Corn Spurrey

      Corn Spurrey Spergula arvensis HEIGHT to 30cm

      Straggling, stickily hairy annual. A weed of arable land with sandy soils. FLOWERS 4–7mm across, with 5 whitish petals (May–Aug). FRUITS Capsules; longer than sepals and drooping at first. LEAVES Narrow, in whorls along the stems. STATUS Widespread but less common than formerly, through herbicide use.

      Rock Sea-spurrey


      Rock Sea-spurrey Spergularia rupicola HEIGHT to 20cm

      Stickily hairy perennial, often with purplish stems. Found on cliffs and rocky places near the sea. Sometimes forms clumps with woody bases. FLOWERS Pink, 8–10mm across, with 5 petals (petals and sepals equal) (June–Sep). FRUITS Capsules. LEAVES Narrow, flattened and fleshy, in whorls. STATUS Locally common in the west.

       See also Strapwort, Fringed Rupturewort, Coral-necklace, Smooth Rupturewort and Alpine Pearlwort

      Greater Sea-spurrey

      Greater Sea-spurrey Spergularia media HEIGHT to 10cm

      Robust, fleshy perennial associated with the drier, upper reaches of saltmarshes. FLOWERS Pinkish white, 7–12mm across, the 5 petals longer than the sepals (June–Sep). FRUITS Capsules. LEAVES Fleshy, bristle-tipped, semicircular in cross-section. STATUS Widespread and common around coasts.

      Lesser Sea-spurrey

      Lesser Sea-spurrey Spergularia marina PROSTRATE

      Straggling, often stickily hairy annual. Found on the drier, grassy upper margins of saltmarshes. FLOWERS Deep pink, 6–8mm across; 5 petals shorter than the sepals (May–Aug). FRUITS Capsules. LEAVES Narrow, fleshy, pointed; in opposite pairs on trailing stems. STATUS Widespread and locally common around the coast.

      Sand Spurrey

      Sand Spurrey Spergularia rubra PROSTRATE

      Straggling, stickily hairy annual or biennial. Found on dry, sandy ground. FLOWERS Pink, 3–5mm across; 5 petals shorter than sepals (May–Sep). FRUITS Capsules. LEAVES Grey-green, narrow, bristle-tipped; in whorls with silvery, lanceolate stipules. STATUS Widespread and locally common.

      Bladder Campion

      Bladder Campion Silene vulgaris HEIGHT to 80cm

      Upright perennial of dry grassland on well-drained soil; often on chalk. FLOWERS White, drooping, 16–18mm across (June–Aug); petals deeply divided; calyx swollen to form a purple-veined bladder. FRUITS Capsules. LEAVES Grey-green, oval; in opposite pairs. STATUS Widespread but common only in the south.

      Sea Campion

      Sea Campion Silene uniflora HEIGHT to 20cm

      Cushion-forming perennial that is confined to coastal habitats, notably cliffs and shingle beaches. FLOWERS White, 20–25mm across, with overlapping petals; on upright stems (June–Aug). FRUITS Capsules. LEAVES Grey-green, waxy, fleshy. STATUS Widespread and locally common around the coast.

      White Campion

      White Campion Silene latifolia HEIGHT