The Italians: Alessandro, Luca & Dizo: Alessandro's Prize / In a Storm of Scandal / Italian Groom, Princess Bride. Rebecca Winters. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Rebecca Winters
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474028196
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timeless design she’d fallen in love with at first sight,

      and, as Sophia had assured, perfect to wear to the fundraising gala scheduled for this evening.

      In five minutes the in-house phone would ring heralding Sophia and Carlo’s arrival, and Lily used the time to run a last-minute check of her hair and make-up. She was good to go.

      Right on cue, the phone pealed, she caught up her purse and took the lift down to the lobby. The doors slid apart to reveal Alessandro standing a few feet distant looking, she saw at a glance, far too ruggedly attractive for any woman’s peace of mind.

      Especially her own.

      Attired in a black evening suit that had to be tailored specifically to mould his breadth of shoulder and hard-muscled frame, white linen and black bow tie, he resembled a photographic male model.

      Yet no photograph could reveal the element of arresting power he exuded, or the primitive sensuality that was his alone.

      Dangerous … a hungry lover capable of driving a woman beyond reason.

       Dear Lord in heaven … where had that come from?

      Smile, Lily bade as she sought to control her wayward imagination. Step forward … speak!

      ‘Hi,’ she managed with measured politeness. ‘I expected to see Sophia and Carlo.’

      Did she glimpse a faint gleam of humour in his dark eyes before it was quickly masked?

      ‘Carlo is delivering Sophia directly to the venue.’

      ‘And sent you in his stead. It’s very kind of you.’

      One eyebrow lifted a little. ‘So polite, Lily?’

      ‘I was aiming for gracious.’

      His husky laugh sent the blood coursing through her veins, and she deliberately widened her eyes.

      ‘I guess I failed.’

      ‘Miserably,’ Alessandro agreed as he indicated his car parked immediately adjacent the entrance. ‘Shall we


      It was, Lily accorded with a masked degree of awe, an incredible gathering of guests as she entered the large historic venue at Alessandro’s side.

      Beautifully restored splendour lent a timeless aura to a modern event. Genuine artworks graced the expansive foyer, while the huge ballroom bore exquisite sconces, suspended chandeliers gave the illusion of light, enhanced by cleverly concealed electric bulbs to provide added illumination.

      There had been several occasions when she’d attended charity fund-raiser events with her parents, but nothing on the scale of this evening’s affair.

      Refined elegance seemed a perfect description, and it didn’t take much imagination to reflect on a former era of fashionable balls with members of the Italian and foreign royalty in attendance.

      ‘This place is really something,’ Lily said quietly, and incurred Alessandro’s musing look.

      ‘It appeals to you?’

      ‘How could it not?’

      ‘Alessandro. Caro.’

      It wasn’t the two words so much, but the cadence in the feminine voice which uttered them. Seductive didn’t quite cover it, Lily decided as she turned slightly to see if the voice matched the woman.

      Oh, my. In spades … and then some.

      For even to the most jaundiced eye, the woman who moved to Alessandro’s side was a vision of perfection from her raven black wavy hair to the tips of her shoes. Beautiful facial features cleverly accented with skilfully applied cosmetics, gleaming dark, almost black, eyes, and a figure to die for clothed in what had to be a designer original. The right touch with jewellery, expensive but not ostentatious.

      Definitely the wow factor.

      ‘Giarda.’ Alessandro’s greeting held warm affection and Lily offered a polite smile, only to freeze as he curved an arm around her waist. ‘I’d like you to meet Liliana.’

      Not Lily, Sophia’s niece, just … Liliana, And why did her birth name sound so sexy as it fell from his lips?

      ‘Giarda is married to one of my business colleagues,’ he explained, and Giarda offered a light laugh.

      ‘Alessandro and my husband vied with each other for me.’ Her eyes twinkled with mischief. ‘Massimo won.’

      ‘How … nice.’ What else could she say?

      ‘For me, yes. Not so for Alessandro.’

      ‘I’m sure he recovered,’ Lily managed with a touch of humour, and Giarda inclined her head.

      ‘Of course,’ Giarda acknowledged with a warm smile. ‘We remain the best of friends.’ She turned towards Alessandro. ‘It pleases me to see you attached to such a charming young woman. You must bring Lily to dinner. I will be in touch to determine a mutually suitable evening.’

      ‘Thank you.’

      Lily waited until Giarda was out of earshot before facing him. ‘I am not your young woman.’

      ‘You left out charming.’

      ‘Then there’s the touchy-feely thing.’ Her eyes flashed. ‘I refuse to act as arm candy.’

      He regarded her with interest. ‘You imagine I would use you as such?’

      ‘Oh, please.’

      ‘So unsure of your appeal, Lily?’ Alessandro queried gently.

      The air between them became electrifying, and for a few seemingly long seconds everything faded from her vision as she became caught up with a host of conflicting emotions.

      Her relationship with James had been comfortable, pleasant, she admitted. Or so she’d imagined.

      Yet Alessandro aroused a primitive passion deep within that made her yearn for the impossible.

      There was a part of her that wanted to discard any reservations and simply enjoy what he offered for however long it might last.

      Except that would be akin to treading a certain path to emotional self-destruction. Not something anyone in their right mind would willingly seek.

      Alessandro took in the fast-thudding pulse at the base of her throat, and resisted the temptation to trace the hollow with a gentle finger. Yet here, now, was neither the time or place.

      ‘Alessandro. Lily.’

      Whatever he might have said didn’t find voice as they turned in unison to greet Sophia.

      ‘I am a little late,’ Sophia explained as she brushed Lily’s cheek with her own. ‘Carlo was caught up in traffic.’ She stood back a little and regarded Lily with affectionate approval. ‘Cara, you look stunning.’

      ‘Beautiful,’ Alessandro added as he took Lily’s hand and brought it to his lips.

      Her eyes dilated as they met his dark gleaming gaze only to attempt to make light of his gesture by offering a winsome smile.

      ‘I believe every available ticket has sold,’ Sophia revealed as she accepted a flute of champagne from one of the many waiters circling the room. ‘Guests tend to be generous when the funds being raised benefit terminally ill children.’

      A request for guests to be seated as dinner was about to be served ensured a general move towards numbered tables, and Lily bore Alessandro’s light touch at the edge of her waist as he escorted them to their table.

      Shared by fellow guests, among whom were Giarda and her husband Massimo—an attractive man whose dark features held a similar degree of ruthless power on a par with Alessandro’s.
