The Italians: Alessandro, Luca & Dizo: Alessandro's Prize / In a Storm of Scandal / Italian Groom, Princess Bride. Rebecca Winters. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Rebecca Winters
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474028196
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      ‘And I am not?’

      He held her gaze as she met his own, and wondered if she knew how well he could read her.


      A slight smile curved his mouth. ‘Indeed? Perhaps you’d care to elaborate?’

      She gave him a sweet smile. ‘No.’

      He watched as she leaned her head against the headrest, and sensed her slight sigh as he ignited the engine and eased the car onto the road.

      ‘Tough day?’

      ‘Giovanni hired me.’

      But he’d put her through her paces. Doubtless she was accustomed to long days in a restaurant of her own, but in a strange kitchen with unfamiliar staff, it would have been more taxing.

      ‘This is what you want?’

      ‘Yes.’ It provided a reason for her to stay awhile, and that was a good thing, Lily rationalized as the car purred through illuminated streets.

      Oncoming traffic briefly highlighted the hard planes of Alessandro’s facial features, and she became conscious of his hands on the wheel as he handled the road.

      There was a latent strength apparent that touched a nerve deep inside … something she attempted to dismiss, and failed.

      Once she gained her independence, she’d probably hardly see him at all.

      So why did that leave her feeling vaguely bereft?

      Tomorrow she’d enlist Sophia’s help and they’d arrange to check out apartments, and shop. She’d need sheets, towels. A car, she added silently. Public transport after the lunch shift would be OK, but late at night? Although there was always a cab.

      Lily became so caught up with a to do list it came as a surprise to realize the car had slid to a halt adjacent Alessandro’s apartment building.

      The lift transported them swiftly to the designated level, where she preceded him into the softly lit apartment before turning to face him.

      ‘Thank you.’

      She was pale, her eyes darkened with a fatigue she fought hard to control. He should extend a polite acknowledgement, and let her go upstairs to her suite.

      ‘So … thank me.’ His voice was a husky drawl, and he saw her eyes dilate.

      The air grew heavy. charged, almost dangerous, and he caught the increased pulse-beat at the base of her throat. He cupped her chin and traced his thumb pad along the fullness of her lower lip, applied light pressure to its centre, then he trailed a gentle path to settle on the fast-beating pulse.

      For a moment she lost all thought, aware on some level that this shouldn’t be happening, yet caught up with the unbidden need to lift her arms around his neck and press her body close in against his own.

      Shocked dismay brought a return of sanity as she stepped back in a silent bid to put some distance between them.

      He let her go, and she stood transfixed, caught in the thrall of sensual awareness.

      It irked that he knew. Worse, that he observed her struggle for composure. Words she wanted to fling at him remained locked in her throat for a few long seconds, then she tilted her head and met his narrowed gaze.

      ‘Don’t play with me, Alessandro.’

      Alessandro remained silent, his dark eyes steady as they locked with her own.

      ‘I’m not playing.’

      He saw her eyes widen with a degree of uncertainty, and pressed home the advantage as he lowered his head and took possession of her mouth.

      Gentle at first, teasing, exploring a little as he tempted her response. The need to deepen the kiss was overwhelming, and he ached to pull her in to the cradle of his hips, shape her to his body.

      He could, easily … but at what cost?

      For two decades he’d trusted his instinct, prior to which his life had been totally dependent on a deeply ingrained gut feeling that had saved him from grievous injury, or worse.

      Too much too soon, and he might lose.

      With considerable restraint he lightened his touch, lingered a little as he traced the generous curve of her mouth with his own, then he lifted his head and brushed a soft caress to her temple before releasing his hold.

      For a heart-wrenching moment she looked lost, almost adrift, then she turned away from him, crossed the room and ascended the stairs without so much as a backward glance.

      Sleep proved elusive, as Lily tossed and turned in bed in an attempt to dispel Alessandro’s forceful image, his touch, the sweet sorcery of his kiss. And the way he made her


      At odds with herself, him, and, admit it, torn between desire and the need to contain it.

      She wanted a calm, carefree lifestyle. Hadn’t she travelled to Italy to seek just that? No way did she want to be caught up in an emotional whirlpool.

      She needed to focus on the positives. A new life, new position, and within days she’d have an apartment and her own car.

      Mercifully it was the last thing she remembered as sleep claimed her.

      ANOTHER email from James resided in her inbox when Lily checked her laptop early the next morning.

      Not so pleasant was his message stating if he didn’t hear from her within forty-eight hours he intended to talk to her in person.

      Her fingers flew as she keyed in a ‘don’t waste your time’ response and hit ‘Reply'.

      Did he really think she’d overlook his temporary distraction and accept him back into her life?

      It only proved he didn’t know her at all, Lily consoled as she moved downstairs and felt a sense of relief on discovering Sophia was the sole occupant of the dining room.

      Pretending normality in Alessandro’s presence after his fateful claim last night would have considerably affected her composure.

      ‘Alessandro has already left, but not before he relayed you are to begin work in the restaurant next week. I am delighted for you.’ Sophia’s eyes sparkled with pleasure.

      Lily found it easy to smile as she poured coffee into her cup, added sugar, and savoured the aromatic liquid. ‘Thank you. I’m pleased it worked out OK.’

      ‘You will need to be settled by the weekend,’ Sophia offered with a degree of concern. ‘Today Carlo will take us to my friend’s agency and we will look at apartments, sì?’

      ‘Please,’ she accepted gratefully. ‘That would be great.’

      ‘Bene. Now tell me about yesterday while you eat, then we will leave.’

      Sophia and her friend, Julia, proved a knowledgeable pair as they selected suitable locations, rental availability and together they set out with an intent to view.

      There were a few provisos. Sophia insisted the apartment must be in a good locale, comfortably furnished with excellent security and parking facilities.

      Julia proved to be very thorough, her recommendations valid as she took them through no less than five apartments, any one of which Lily would have been happy to lease.

      ‘We shall have lunch,’ Sophia declared as they exited the fifth apartment. ‘Then we continue our viewing.’

      ‘Excellent idea,’ Julia agreed. ‘I think you will be pleased with a particular one I have in mind.’

      ‘Saving the best