Intimate Betrayal. Donna Hill. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Donna Hill
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781472018670
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she opened the door for Reese to enter.

      Maxwell wasn’t rude by nature, but this whole interview business had put him in a foul mood. He hadn’t put on his jacket and didn’t even bother to look up from his drafting table when the door opened.

      “Have a seat, I’ll be with you in a minute,” he said with all the civility he could summon.

      Reese’s eyes swept across the room to locate the southern preacher’s voice that seemed to emanate from the depths of a gospel standard.

      Maxwell’s heightened senses, ever alert, caught the subtle, yet potent whiff of her African Musk body oil before she’d stepped completely across the threshold. Every muscle in his body tensed, as if sensing imminent danger.

      He came from around the dividing wall and their worlds collided. Reese Delaware was not a man by any means. The reality slammed against his invisible wall, causing tiny fissures in the structure.

      Reese stepped farther into the room, noting the infinitesimal look of surprise that widened the irises of his unusual eyes. This was no nerd. She used her warm, slow smile as a beacon, allowing it to cut a path directly to his outstretched hand.

      “Reese Delaware,” she announced in a tone that seemed to stroke the tightened muscles of his body.

      Husky, throaty, smoky, sultry. Her voice was all that and more. No. This definitely would not work.

      “Ms. Delaware,” he responded, his body virtually vibrating from the pressure of her slender hand in his. She was the first to pull away.

      “I’m sorry you came all this way for nothing.” He paused to gauge her reaction, and much to his chagrin he saw nothing.

      She shot him a steady look from behind luminous amber eyes that seemed to whisper, “come to me.”

      He cleared his throat, his own hot stare meeting hers. “I’m sure that everything there is to know about my company can be gleaned from our annual reports.”

      Reese placed her briefcase at her feet, looked up at him from beneath heavy black lashes, then took a seat opposite his desk. With a deliberance that bordered on an “X” rating, she crossed her long legs. Her short, canary yellow skirt barely hit her mid-thigh. Max tore his gaze away.

      “Let’s get right to the point,” she began, her low voice threading its way through his bloodstream. “You don’t want me here. You know it and I know it. I don’t have a problem with that, because I have a job to do, one which I take just as seriously as I’m sure you take yours. I intend to get my job done,’ she added, emphasizing each word with an almost musical cadence. “So—” she exhaled a long breath “—we can do this the easy way or we can do it the ugly way.” She flashed him a brilliant “Colgate” smile.

      Damnit, he liked her. When was the last time that anyone, least of all a woman, told him just where to get off? However, these shaky emotions could be his undoing—and that couldn’t happen. Think with the head on top of your neck, buddy, he warned himself.

      “And not to belabor the subject,” she continued, “but I’m not the least bit interested in your company, Mr. Knight.” She paused for effect. “I’m interested in you.”

      Maxwell gave her a long, hard look. “Humph,” he chuckled. “You seem pretty sure of yourself, Ms. Delaware.”

      “Call me Reese, since we’ll be working so closely together. And yes, I am very sure of myself. I have to be in this business—Max.” She saw the nerve jump beneath his right eye and mentally ticked off a point for herself. She couldn’t afford to let her guard down for a minute. If he got the slightest inclination that he could railroad her, or intimidate her, this whole trip would be for nothing, just as he’d said. She had no intention of returning the ten-thousand-dollar advance. The money had been a lifesaver. Had it not been for the windfall, she’d probably be looking for someplace else to live. At least her apartment was secure for the time being. If only the other holes in her life could be filled as easily.

      Maxwell turned away from her, took a seat behind his desk and proceeded to review the stack of documents in front of him. He didn’t bother to look up when he next spoke. “I hope, Reese, that you’re as talented at making yourself invisible as you claim you are at your job.” He signed a document, put it to the side and continued, “I don’t want to be hovered over, interrupted when I’m designing, or followed to the men’s room.”

      She bit down on the inside of her lip to keep from laughing.

      Suddenly he looked up, and she was assaulted once again by the allure of his eyes. She swallowed, cocked a brow and met his gaze head on.

      “I was informed,” he continued in that voice that could make a good girl do wicked things, “by the Board that you’d be with me for the next two months.”

      “I have that long to complete my story and hand it in,” she corrected. “I’m sure I’ll finish before then so that we can get out of each other’s way as soon as possible.”

      The tiny corner of his mouth lifted, indicating the bare beginnings of a smile. “I hope you have your passport in order. After leaving the Los Angeles offices, I’ll be heading to Tokyo.”

      “I’m aware of that. I was given your itinerary. Actually, I’m looking forward to the next six weeks.” She smiled that slow, burning smile again and he felt his insides begin to smolder.

      Maxwell stood and shoved his hands into his pants pockets, partly in dismissal, but mostly because he didn’t know how his body would react if he touched her again.

      Her eyes challenged his. She straightened her shoulders. “What time do you come in?”

      Even a simple question sounded suggestive coming out of that mouth of hers, Maxwell thought, annoyed.

      “I’m in the office by eight.”

      “Then I guess that’s when we’ll see each other again.” She bent to retrieve her briefcase. “It was a pleasure to finally meet you Max. I’m sure we’ll get along just fine.”

      “Take the elevator directly to your right,” Maxwell instructed, ignoring the pseudo-friendly overture. “Security on board will see you out.”

      Without another word, she turned and strolled out of the office, her hips swaying to a slow, erotic beat that only she could hear.

      Alone now in his office, Maxwell could hear the rapid beating of his heart, feel the throb that pulsed between his muscular thighs, smell the scent of her that had settled over him like morning dew. This isn’t going to work, he realized, and the sooner that was understood the better. Maxwell strode across the room, slung his hand into his pants pockets and stood in front of the window. He’d find out how much her advance was and write a check to whomever. The quicker Reese Delaware was out of his way and his life, the better for everyone.

      For several seconds, unobserved, Reese stood on the opposite side of Maxwell’s door, concentrating on breathing and getting her legs to stop trembling. Briefly she shut her eyes, and took a deep, calming breath.

      That was more than just animal magnetism in there, Reese realized as she pushed the button for the elevator. Whatever thing that connected them and virtually lit up the room with electricity was something so powerful, it frightened her with its force.

      Sure, she’d been turned on by men before and relished the thrill of watching them when she played “the game.” This was no game—and whatever it was, she couldn’t let it interfere with what she’d come to do. She would not. Getting at the truth was what drove her. It was what woke her up in the morning. If she couldn’t find it or have it in her own life—she’d be damned if she wouldn’t uncover it in everyone else’s.

      The elevator slowly descended. Reese exited and strolled out into the sprawling complex of the Plaza. For now, she would put thoughts of Maxwell Knight aside. She’d deal with him tomorrow. What she needed was a good night’s sleep so that she’d be sharp enough to duel with him toe to toe.